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Everything posted by hussam

  1. BURN is a bagjumping guild

    Natsume makes a valid point. Also instead of wasting hours looking for someone to bagjump, you can use that time to do some A/D or harvest some silver and get 300k alchemy experience making HE or something.
  2. Connection Issue

    Same here. exactly 40 minutes ago, I lost my connection.
  3. Important notice for young people

    My only advice to kids is: Don't get addicted to toadies
  4. Current CVS errors

    I get that same problem. it was working in cvs date 20090423 and broke on 20090424
  5. Why have people become so unfriendly in EL ?

    EL is my first online game ever so I can't compare the EL community to other online game communities. I'm not a role player and I rarely ever open channels other than guild channel. I think it depends on the person. There are definitely more troublemakers now and people who like to throw around dumb remarks but there are still a lot of good and respectable people and players with integrity.
  6. BURN is a bagjumping guild

    Umm.. not all of us are children. Some of us have our own children and/are old enough to be your parents. And yes it does matter. EL is a big community and when a player keeps trying to provoke problems, eventually no one will trust him/her anymore even if they attempt to change. A guildie once told me that our behavior in simulated EL community shows our real life personalities. There's a chance that dan13l behaves the same in real life. Think about that please and tell dan13l that his EL time should probably be used to raise his stats instead of pathetically wasting it bag jumping people.
  7. Auctioning Artificer cape

    I'm auctioning an artificer cape. Starting price is 150k. Auction duration is 72 hours starting..................now! Edit:. Item not for sale anymore
  8. New special day, will you use it?

    It is actually a very good idea but not for me, sorry. I alch for gcs, not just for experience so I need my final product.
  9. Forum validation requests

    Can you please validate Ziva_Cirala's forum account? forum username is Ziva_Cirala. she registered but never got validated. Thank so so much in advance
  10. How about instead of 20 very intelligent people, top 5 active people in each skill that the change affects? For example. a level 100 crafter will know better if change X will hurt crafters more than a level 73 crafter or someone intelligent but doesn't do crafting. This way you protect all skills. Regarding putting moderators on your list of 20 people, moderators don't get to play as much as regular players because they are busy solving problems and hence their opinions won't be so accurate. Also, moderators will always give a single opinion because as people in positions of authority, they won't show to regular users that they may have opposite opinions on issues. So more than one or two moderators will be redundant.
  11. Depletable Resources Poll

    'I don't care' means I have no opinion. If you have no opinion, don't vote to begin with.
  12. Depletable Resources Poll

    It's also not a yes. Your point? My point is you can't count "I don't care" as an opinion. it shouldn't have been an option to begin with.
  13. Depletable Resources Poll

    It's also not a yes.
  14. Depletable Resources Poll

    Radu, how long do you plan on running the poll?
  15. pvp afk

    Make a pole or replace everyone's armor and weapons with fur cloaks, wooden staffs and fur hats
  16. Depletable Resources Poll

    I have two comments: 1. If the voting is over, please close the thread. 2. PLEASE stop comparing EL economy to US economy or to Bush or Obama's politics on economics. This keeps happening in every single thread where the economy is discussed. No offense to anyone but EL's user base is from all over the globe. It's an international game. A lot of us are from Europe, Australia, Asia, etc.. and we don't/can't really see the relation to US economics or even care about it. This is an online game (it's just a game ffs) and it's not supposed to be a representation of an economic situation in some particular country. And to be honest, everyone here is inducing inflation from greedy players who use mini events or game changes to raise item prices to Radu who started the game changes which were according to him introduced to fight gc harvesters.
  17. buddy list

    my buddy list was full. then one of the people on my buddy list deleted his char. but I didn't get an free slot on my buddy list back. it still says it's full. Anyway that I can get that free slot back?
  18. buddy list

    I tried that. it didn't work. Edit:.. nevermind, I did a #clear_buddy
  19. Gatherer Medallion

    In that case, maybe their breakage rate should be reduced. What was the reduction two server updates ago lmao? 0.001%? I'm not complaining. Selling harvester medallions this month bought me a black dragon suite.
  20. pvp afk

    A mass OA #reset and storage wipe would be too funny then
  21. Gatherer Medallion

    Harvester meds were (past tense) running about 6K up until the most recent change in break rate and other changes (mini-events, etc). They jumped to the 7.5K-8K range and I think have settled down closer to 7.5K (on average, you can find them higher and lower). Considering that harvester medallions can break in less than 30 minutes, 7.5k is a way too high price. The real fair price of harvester medallions is ~4.3-4.7k gcs and anything higher than that is a gamble on the buyer's part. There's always a chance it will break in 5 minutes. The decrease in breakage chance of harvester medallions we very negligible. In real life, market prices are not only affected by the ingredients but also the value of the item. Why do you think titanium long swords only sell for 800 to 1200gcs and not 8kgcs? Gatherer medallions on the other hand are very useful in invasions.
  22. mini harvesting events lol

    I think they intentionally don't stop the harvesting effect with mini events to trick afk harvesters. I'm discussing something else. I want the harvesting effect to stop when I move away from the range of the harvestable.
  23. Gatherer Medallion

    Going to be implemented. Entropy already took donations for this feature.
  24. I need clan !

    Nathan is a nice guy. He's always giving newbies a chance and teaching them responsibility.
  25. Gatherer Medallion

    Will it be manuable or sold from NPC? If manuable, what levels/nexus will be needed?