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Everything posted by revi

  1. Skills and Market enhancements at game

    How about batch mixing, i.e. fe since it uses only 1 food, you put in a quanity of 55 roses, 55 red snaps and 55 sulfur. You hit the button mix batch. Mixes all at once, crit fail, means you lose all 55 ingredients. Mixing he, would be only a quanity of 6 at once. Restrictions would be you cannot mix more items than the food needed to mix them. Cool downs still apply, Joule days, would double, 110 fe, 12 he ingredients. Costs stay the same, but mixing is faster. Failure rate could be slightly increased to keep balance in the game. Also you could only give exp for 1 item, to prevent someone from leveling to 179 alc in a weeks time. Something like this has been proposed: http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=57513
  2. Skills and Market enhancements at game

    Hydro bar is one of the items where the market price is getting close to the NPC price, so I'd say not much risk of that (except perhaps for those that took 'antisocial'). But: might the way NPC prices were set originally be aimed at discouraging trading with NPCs, to favour the players' market whenever possible? With prices set as Vino proposes, there's no more reason to mix lower items or buy them from other players (mules help here). Already, health and spirit essences are better bought from NPC, and iron and steel bars are getting there fast as well (as are a number of high level items).
  3. EL fails to close on window exit or alt+x

    Try 'man sudo' in a terminal (works for most linux commands)to see what the '-i' is about. and the red colour is a warning that you are working as root/administrator (which means you can do a lot of damage, like removing ALL data, including system) (basically, 'sudo -i' gets you a shell or terminal with user 'root'. Be aware that the home directory for that shell will also be root's...)
  4. Water reflection

    Have you checked the 'water shader quality' in the 'video' tab? Iirc, it has to be set to '2' to get proper reflections.
  5. Silence! I kill your MAC!111

    Any sources for those warnings, Devnul?
  6. Legionnaire Orcs and their Mana

    AFAIK, mana burn also removes hit points (as many HP as mana, when I get hit by a bear )

    That's not a problem: just don't accept the invite and add bot (and owner?) to your ignore list... (and iirc, with 'privacy on' you can't get buddy invites)
  8. Latest Android client (14/10/2013)

    That can also happen on the 'normal' client in certain situations. It means that somehow the client didn't ask the server for the storage content for that category.
  9. Mule level update

    As I understood it, the extra slots were to store your equiped gear while in mule form, not to allow you to equip anything while muling. Reasoning: for in(st|v)ance you equip you fighting kit, and fill up with your inventory with other stuff you need. (healing and teleport essies, SRs, rosto, various other pots, some extra armor and weapons, like bow and arrows, etc.) Add 2 slots for the muling (glyph+food). That can easily add up to more than 28 slots. Now what do you do with your equipped gear when changing to mule? Can't keep on wearing it, and at the moment no slots to store it. (Note that it the few extra slots wouldn't help a lot for non-stackable pots and such). Muling arrows to arena is different in that the only kit you need there is arena ticket, bow and arrows (plus perhaps night visor, gc, food); not enough to fill up inventory.
  10. bmoc55 : A scamming alt

    If you give very partial information, don't be surprised if the responses aren't what you think they should be... Biker_boy was rather long on accusations and very short on proof. And if you know you have a "very warped sense of humour", don't be surprised to be taken amiss (I don't see why I should waste my time figuring out when you are only joking or when you are serious)
  11. bmoc55 : A scamming alt

    the log as posted could be taken as ambiguous: The above as phrased seems to show that bmoc55 would only have to pay 70k in total. That would be even more likely if Biker_boy made an offer to help out a guildie Though the next bit seems to indicate that Biker_boy did indeed expect to get 70k back for the 50k loan and (way) later 40k for the cutty (which is NPC price...) Which I wouldn't consider "helping a guildie". Apart from that, Biker_boy couldn't be bothered to post any proof whatsoever for his story, either concerning the "scamming" by bmoc55 or that bmoc55 is the same player as kilo55 And I've seen nothing indicating that bmoc55 refuses to pay back the loan, the chat fragment posted (by dawench) only deals with the initial loan + sale of cutty
  12. 2 Questions about the coming client

    I feel a contradiction here: - first you state that the old maps cannot be automatically converted, - and next you state that the old maps are automatically converted on loading... You can't have both be true at the same time... Note that I can understand you want the maps hand converted to get the best results, but it sounds like the conversion approaches a redesigning/redrawing of all the maps.
  13. bmoc55 : A scamming alt

    Look at Biker_boy's guild tag, and it'll be easier to understand...
  14. Ip ban for no reason no account involved.

    As an example: Shortly after a known troublemaker got banned (with IP bans), I started hitting IP bans. Only reason for that was that I used the same Internet Service Provider (ISP) as the banned player did. And that ISP happens to be one of the mayor providers in France. And I get another IP address every 24h or so (most ISP's don't give out fixed IP addresses)... I contacted Aislinn and got my character white-listed with no fuss (but note that every case is treated individually). So the fact that your girlfriend hit a banned IP is not her fault at all, nor is it EL's fault. (There's even a chance that restarting her modem/router would be enough to get an IP address that's not banned)
  15. Very stupid idea -1 Let me tell you why. What will you do with tons of scales? How will you reduce instance time (yes, time reduction is necessary, believe me. I have no time to explain why)? Why would there be "tons of scales"? There's a fair amount of all scales on bots, true, but red dragon is in the majority, and lowest price is 500-1000 over ice dragon... As for time reduction being necessary, I'll believe that when I see a good explanation ("Believe me, even though I can't be bothered to explain" does not work for me):
  16. Or change the instance system to NOT accept dragon scales (of any kind). Afaik, reducing instance cooldown is the main use of the RD scales... Any change to the dragons or their surroundings would either affect the wrong group or just lead to a further increase in scales price. As long as there is a reason to farm them, they will be farmed.
  17. Buy Slots

    I got the impression that the main problem was clothing taking up too many slots (and that can go very fast). For that, another option, perhaps easier to implement, could be a wardrobe, i.e. a store specifically for clothing items. I know there are some items that appear in two classes, like leather armors, so that should be handled. But that could be done by accepting that those items can be stored in both classical storage and wardrobe (e.g. you have 10 leather armors, you can have those either all in wardrobe, all in classical store, or 3 in wardrobe and 7 in classical store). Wrt people developing all skills: I consider myself an all-rounder, but that doesn't mean I'm active in all skills to the same level. I can still manage to do alc, pot, manu, craft and eng without being too cramped for slots. And if I get too short on slots, I'll have to see what I could transform or sell to make room (happened once so far, and it wasn't too difficult to clean out some stuff, like rarely used furs or flowers). Personally, I don't see any strong need for more slots for that reason. (that's why the wardrobe suggestion)
  18. As the messages tell you, those are linker errors. It even tells you in which function it found problems. That means your code compiled correctly -> your code is correct and referenced headers are present and found. But, one of the compiled files (libraries) needed is not specified when calling the linker. (I say not specified, as you don't get a 'file not found error', but an 'undefined reference to XX') Given that the names of the missing functions start with a '_', and the caller is mingw_CRTStartup, you might either be missing an essential library (essential for MinGW, that is), or there's an error in your installation or configuration, or you are using a feature for which you need to install extra parts. Hard to say more without more information (and I'm not using Dev++ or MinGW myself either, which doesn't help) (NOTE: the system used in DevC++ is getting a bit old, it seems to be based on GCC 3.4, and current version is 4.8. That also means that you cannot use the latest C++ features, so perhaps switch to another IDE. I personally like Netbeans+ the latest MinGW. Or you could try and grab a newer version of MinGW)
  19. DuBro no alt restriction

    OK, this is bans forum, so we are all off-topic here (except perhaps Dubro), but: A 'no alts' restriction is afaik only applied to players that got caught NOT obeying the official RULES. Seems to be the case here, in any case. @mods: I'd suggest deleting this whole thread, except perhaps the first post...
  20. Encyclopedia Update

    Just for the record: is this a private project, or do you work with the 'official' encyclopedia group?
  21. #command syntax

    Indeed. Personally, I think the balance would be towards not wanting such a 'multi-IG' system. To get back to the original suggestion: I think having a help option for each '#'-command would be ideal, as it gives a simple to use in-game explanation of how to use a command (and perhaps what it does). The encyclopedia would be the normal place for this information, but we all know that that is rather outdated. That's not a slur on the maintainers of the encyclopedia, they have a lot of work and also need to get the information (and programmers are notoriously bad at writing documentation, and I include myself in that...) Having the help for the '#'-commands in the source (as part of the program) might make it easier to keep it up to date.
  22. #command syntax

    That has been discussed before, esp. with regards to #IG: http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=57895&hl=message I think the main objection was that that would be too easy to spam lots of guilds. And I think there's a fear in general that any kind of loop could be abused too easily.
  23. #command syntax

    But then we don't need the Bash shell: grep and tail are not built-in commands of Bash. Grep or some more limited functionality like it would be nice to have, though. (And if it's decided to include a version of Bash, could we use it to send game commands to the server? )
  24. #command syntax

    Tricky for those playing under MS-Windows (yes, there are a few who do that...). And parsing of one parameter is in place already (for #know command).
  25. #command syntax

    a -h/--help option would be nice for those few commands that (can) take parameters. For the others, it might help avoid problems (the old #enemy-combatant?) (yes, I'm still an optimist ) and would still be nice to have. on the other hand, I see listing all on-line players or bots as less useful or even useless: there's a good page for that through the EL site, with extra options, and not all bots are trade bots. As for the time spent reading books: too many factors influence that for the value to be even remotely realistic: food level (no progress if below 0), rationality, fast reading rooms (what did I forget?)