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Everything posted by Sonic

  1. Gold membership

    Spot on.
  2. Mare Bulungiu

    What did it drop?
  3. No Break Day

    Yea I saw that earlier ... I also lol'd
  4. Quote of the week submissions

    Is this like a - "I am your father!!1~" moment?
  5. Wedding Invitation

    Nice screenies.
  6. PK Storage NPC

    I've never heard of a fighting NPC before, I wonder if it is even possible. It would probably make the map even less used than it is now.
  7. Increase everything 10 fold

    We are used to changes.
  8. Considering the spam in some events and contests - Yes, sounds great.
  9. Events

    Must say I agree with this, atm those who play between 6pm-1am GMT are (to put it bluntly) getting screwed over. I know the people who run invasions have RL's to attend to, but how long does it take to spam a few creatures in C2 portals room etc for an invasion ? Atm the only "invasion" fun I can get is to do an Instance (and they are getting very samey) Valid points. Adding to their logic - Peak Player Time (as cona briefly mentioned) sees little considering the amount of events outside that time slot (re: radu hidding dragons/portals invasions etc). Suggesting the 'average' person is being left out (not even having the opportunity to take part in ) of these community events. Maybe this sounds like moaning? For me its mere observation. As to player events - I'm sure it has much to do with channel restrictions and not being able to sit on channel 7 all the time. If more people were there I'm sure there would be more lively. Damn 3 channel restrictions.
  10. No Rosto Days.. Ftw :)

    You PK'ed it?
  11. ***SALE***

    Make a post with [quantity] [item] [price] , or send me a PM ingame, for anything you are interested in. My ingame name - Spark
  12. Small Sale

    26k for both (more than any bot pays) - PM me on forums if interested
  13. Classified Ads

  14. ***SALE***

    25k? Offers below NPC price are insulting and automatically rejected
  15. ***SALE***

    Sorry they are all gone (i've updated list now) @Shea - *waits for you to come back from afk* ^^ @Ilobypie - No player is in the game with the name of Ilobypie
  16. ***SALE***

    No player is in the game with the name of machevort :< *waiting*
  17. ***SALE***

    sorry to slow - its been reserved for someone
  18. Small Storage Sale

    PM me ingame. Spark
  19. Looking for GC?

    I need some harvesting done: (this is a nice way of knowing you have a guaranteed buyer for your harvests) 5k Blue Quartz - 10kgc 5k Rose Quartz - 10kgc Mercury - 8gc ea (quantity can be discussed ingame) If you'd like to do one (or all) of these but haven't completed the order, just tell me so I can reserve it for you, so 2 or more people don't work on the same thing. Also, if you have an instinct removal stone or two lying around in storage - I'd be interested in purchasing it. ~ PM me ingame/on forum/send smoke signals/use gossip - i don't care how you contact me, just do it! (Frost) ~
  20. Valentine's Day Contest

    Logged on just at the right time, thank you for the event.
  21. Isnt this a bit overpowered?

    Considering how long fights last these days, and you can go straight back to KF when you die (and accumulate a large def lvl with this item from coming back and back) may I suggest that when a person dies, they lose all buffs from pots/special weps? Nothing unreasonable I'd say. Simple and effective.
  22. Screenshot Thread

    Lenny's fur becomes harder to get.
  23. Screenshot Thread

    Wow, wonderful album!