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Everything posted by Lartherel

  1. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Hi again, yeah i know it start's to getting boring But i need this stuff, please as ever 5x10k diamonds for 5x32kgc Thank you all again Lartherel
  2. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Hi, after some days without my lovely diamonds i'm back As ever 5 x 10k diamonds for 5x32kgc please Thank you all Lartherel
  3. Hi all, radu and me discussed about this http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=47854 a long time and so we came to the conclusion, that we make a poll I think we all know, that there is rule 17 (against blocking resources: http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14582 ). We all know, too, that bagjumping isn’t illegal (and this thread isn’t about how bad or good bj is), but when you interpret rule 17 a little, a bag is a resource, too. In this thread I ask you, the community, to discuss a rule exception, that says, that when there is an enemy (like a bagjumper) and a good reason (that has to be proved), it is allowed to block a resource, to make it more difficult for the enemy. Condition is, that no uninvolved persons will be constrained with this block (what also has to be proved). And please use the first link to flame and start here a objective discuss/poll about our all community rules. Greetings Lartherel
  4. Discuss/poll about resource blocking

    Hi all, yeah, at the end a post of the topic-creator. It was only an idea and I wanted to know what the community thinks about a change of rule 17. I wanted to know what you think about making it possible that ‘we can strike back to bagjumpers’. And I see, the majority is against a change of the rule or against the idea behind. Neither it was my intention to say that what we did was correct, nor it was my intention to say we must change something. The question here was not about what happened with ‘our’ bag or the project, the thinking behind was only an idea how we maybe could get to an option to handle this all without waste mod’s or at the end devs time. Ok, so we have to handle/live with this what is writen now and I have to say thank you to all who posted here her/his opinion. Thank you again. Lartherel
  5. Discuss/poll about resource blocking

    I guess you do not understand anything? Not the xx fe are the point, the point is, how can i react against this, we all know, a guild make projects and make bags, we all are not really angry about the losts, we all thinking only about a change to make it fair for all, i can bj you, your bad that you leave the bag, i can't do anything against you?? Maybe it's so better and clear for all what we mean?!?!?! As i said in the sub-description, before you post think a minute?!?! You're welcome, and if you want start this thread with flaming feel free, i know you're a mod, but maqybe we discuss this in a pm?
  6. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Ok, here we start again, as ever 5x10k diamonds, as ever 5x32kgc Lartherel
  7. Serp stone and bones auction

  8. Serp stone and bones auction

    75kgc for the serpent stones Lartherel
  9. Serp stone and bones auction

    Oooops, so 73kgc for the Serpent Stones Lartherel
  10. Serp stone and bones auction

    And i start for the Serp-Stones 72kgc Lartherel
  11. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Hi all, ok, i'm back and i order some stuff now: 5 x 10k diamonds (5x32kgc) AND 2 x 10k silver ores (2 x 20kgc) Thank you all for harvest me the stuff and many stones for you Ingame name the same Lartherel Happy mining
  12. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    OOPPPSSS didnt see your claim! Sorry Froggy Ok, so we make 3x10k batches, pleas harve those 10k diamonds for me too QBEE Thank you very much \o/ Yeah i'm back Lartherel
  13. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Hi, after a pause i restart with my diamond orders I order 2x10k diamonds for 2x32kgc Thank you very much Lartherel
  14. EL research, if you want to participate, post here

    count me in Lartherel ingame Lartherel forum Male Larth
  15. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    I have to say thank you to GenX-Team You all have done a great job for me. Lartherel
  16. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Hi, maybe it's between those all flowers it's possible that the one or other harvester find the time to harvest some for me too 5 x 10k Diamonds for 5 x 32Kgc Thank you very much Lartherel
  17. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Hi again, another order, as ever 5x10k diamonds 5x32kgc please And no, i'm not addicted Thank you in advance Lartherel
  18. Selling 20k air essences

    Hi all, as the title say: I sell 20k air essences for 8gc each. PM me ingane or leave a message here. Lartherel
  19. Selling 20k air essences

    Sold ingame Lartherel
  20. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Hi again, yeah, i'm addiced ... please again 5x10k diamonds for 5x32kgc ingame name the same Thank you Lartherel
  21. The erKA Harvesting Store.

    Hi again, if it's possible i will order now some more: 5x10k diamonds for 5x32kgc each batch Thank you Lartherel
  22. When was playername last online?

    remove too please Lartherel
  23. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Hi again, i order 5x10k diamonds 5x32kgc ingame name the same Thank you Lartherel
  24. When was playername last online?

    Please remove Lartherel too Thank you Lartherel
  25. The erKA Harvesting Store.

    Hi again, the first batch was fast, tyvm, good job!! I will order 2x20k diamonds for 2x32kgc Thank you all Lartherel