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Everything posted by giannis

  1. Greek

    Prepei na exo 6-7 xronia na kano log in sto game.... Perasa na po ena gia ean paizei kaneis akoma.
  2. Trouble logging IN

    Hello there, I am making a bot In basic (or at least i am trying), and thus far I’ve managed to connect. I am receiving a ping request from the server (or so I think) immediately after my connection. I try to log in and then….. BOOM…. I immediately disconnect. Does anyone of you super programmers, knows why I disconnect? I am using winsock. And in my attempt to log in I send to the server the message Msg$ length_of_Msg = LEN(MyName$)+ LEN(Mypassword$) +1 +1 + 1 Msg$= CHR$(140) + CHR$(length_of_Msg) + MyName$ + “ “ + Mypassword$ + CHR$ (0) I believe CHR$(0) is the NULL character correct? DO I disconnect because I don’t reply to the server’s ping request? ( I’ve been completely ignoring it and going straight for the log-in. Or I disconect because I'am sending nonsense to the server? [EDIT]: TYPOS
  3. Trouble logging IN

    thanks Labrat It didn't work, but i appriciate the effort.....
  4. Ok i got this from another game (UO) that uses it (so it is not my idea) but i think a modified verison of it can be applied to el too ( the modifications are my idea ). What i am proposing is that insted of after having killed an animal one should not click on its death bag, to remove the bones, hides, and meat of the animal, rather we should have an "animal skinning skill". (if you don't know what skinnig is clicketh here) Basicly it would work something like this: You kill (lets say a beaver) you click on the beaver and you see nothing in its death bag (maybe no death bag till you skin it... that should remove some clutter from the maps). However since you want to get something out from the beaver like its meat and fur you have to skin it . So, you open your inventory click on a dagger/blad/sword with the "use with button" and then click on the dead carcass. After doing so the beavers death bag appears and you click on it. You open the dead beaver's death bag and it will have some bones, some meat and some fur. Basicly the higher the skinning skill the more materials you can get from a dead animal. So at level 0 you can possibly skin a rabit after one or two failed attempts and get 1 meet 1 bone and 1 fur at levl 10 maybe you can get out from a rabbit 2 meats 2 furs 2 bones etc. The higher the skining lvl the faster you can skin an animal and the less chances you have of ruining the carcass and not getting any resources out from it. Maybe some animals cannot be skinned unless you have met a required lvl. Well that's all guys... coments? suggestion? questions? post... P.S. I know that polls have nothing to do with weather an idea is implemented bt since i know how much ppl love voting on polls i inluded one hehe...
  5. What do EL players drink?

    Beer/coffee when I am hanging out with my friends. The captain with coke, or johny with coke if i want to get a buzz when I am out.
  6. Paganism

    Smeg, the cops who arrested me confiscated my camera.....
  7. Paganism

    OMG, it works..... it really works.
  8. Buying Ice/thermal Sword.

    well I am buying ice/thermal swords. Pm me in here or pm Ioannis in game. I guess i can buy fire swords but i would prefer ice or thermal.
  9. Sleep paralysis

    Have you woke in the middle of the night, just to find your self unable to move your body? When this happens do you sense a freaking "presence" applying Pressure/scratching your body (especially,chest, abdominal,genital areas). Do you think that the "presence" is an __________ (alien/demon/the neighbors dog) <--pick what ever you like. Are those events accompanied by and impeding sense of doom or fear? Do you describe those events to other ppl only to tell you that it was a dream when you smeging know you were wide-awake and alert but just could not move. Are there times when you wake up unable to move and unable to breathe thinking you are going to suffocate? Well this has been happening to me on and off for 4 years and it has been driving me crazy. But as i talked about it to my friends and relatives, a significant portion of them had simmilar events to report. Anyhow, as It turns out this is a "fairly" common "dissorder" and as much as 25% of the general population is suffering from one form of it or an other. Its scientific name is awareness during sleep paralysis (yeah i know not every original). and although the causes are not yet fully understood scientists are speculating that sometimes when we wake up our brain "forghets to "tell" the body to stop being paralyzed ( The brain induces a paralysis of the body so that we won't reenact our dreams while sleeping) and that causes the phenomenon. (Although a somewhat imperfect explaination, it sure is better than thinking you are having a bunch of little green men performing weird experiments on you while you sleep .) Ok this is for those that had a simmilar incident in their lives, if you are not one of them then there is no way on earth you can relate to anything i just said. However if you are one of the 25% "chosen ones" that suffer during their sleep then you can find more info about it here. And it would be nice if you could help the current research on the subject by completing the questioner. P.S. An interesting fact/piece of trivia: A mara or mare was a kind of wraith in Scandinavian mythology. The mara was supposed to seat herself at the chest of a sleeping person and thus causing nightmares (yep thats where the word nightmare comes from,and yes the actions of the mara are similar to the experiences of people with sleep paralysis). Also very similar to the mare/mara is the incubi/saccubi of the Roman/Latin cultures. Just to pinpoint another contibution of us "victims" of sleep paralysis to western civilization.
  10. Well after the wide spread success of my last list of 50-thing to do (Durin a final exam), I decided to post another list. This time I give you: 50 Fun Things to Do on the First Day of Class
  11. Are you a Nerd?

    Here is Teh Nerd TEstpretty long (about 500 q) but still very fun to take. I scored 44.3 so I guess I am a "Closet NERD" yayayayay.... ... hey....wait a minuet.....
  12. Another 50 things to Do.

    Well, the majority of you (being students and all) can't try these to see how much fun they are. However, if you are a teacher or a professor (and some of you are), or even if you are planning to become a teacher or proffesor (you are sick, but anyhow), then have these in your mind and try them the First day of class. 1. Wear a hood with one eyehole. Periodically make strange gurgling noises. 2. After confirming everyone's names on the roll, thank the class for attending "Advanced Astrodynamics 690" and mention that yesterday was the last day to drop. 3. After turning on the overhead projector, clutch your chest and scream "MY PACEMAKER!" 4. Wear a pointed Kaiser helmet and a monocle and carry a riding crop. 5. Gradually speak softer and softer and then suddenly point to a student and scream "YOU! WHAT DID I JUST SAY?" 6. Deliver your lecture through a hand puppet. If a student asks you a question directly, say in a high-pitched voice, "The Professor can't hear you, you'll have to ask *me*, Winky Willy". 7. If someone asks a question, walk silently over to their seat, hand them your piece of chalk, and ask, "Would YOU like to give the lecture, Mr. Smartypants?" 8. Pick out random students, ask them questions, and time their responses with a stop watch. Record their times in your grade book while muttering "tsk, tsk". 9. Ask students to call you "Tinkerbell" or "Surfin' Bird". 10. Stop in mid-lecture, frown for a moment, and then ask the class whether your butt looks fat. 11. Play "Kumbaya" on the banjo. 12. Show a video on medieval torture implements to your calculus class. Giggle throughout it. 13. Announce "you'll need this", and write the suicide prevention hotline number on the board. 14. Wear mirrored sunglasses and speak only in Turkish. Ignore all questions. 15. Start the lecture by dancing and lip-syncing to James Brown's "Sex Machine." 16. Ask occassional questions, but mutter "as if you gibbering simps would know" and move on before anyone can answer. 17. Ask the class to read Jenkins through Johnson of the local phone book by the next lecture. Vaguely imply that there will be a quiz. 18. Have one of your graduate students sprinkle flower petals ahead of you as you pace back and forth. 19. Address students as "worm". 20. Announce to students that their entire grades will be based on a single-question oral final exam. Imply that this could happen at any moment. 21. Turn off the lights, play a tape of crickets chirping, and begin singing spirituals. 22. Ask for a volunteer for a demonstration. Ask them to fill out a waiver as you put on a lead apron and light a blowtorch. 23. Point the overhead projector at the class. Demand each student's name, rank, and serial number. 24. Begin class by smashing the neck off a bottle of vodka, and announce that the lecture's over when the bottle's done. 25. Have a band waiting in the corner of the room. When anyone asks a question, have the band start playing and sing an Elvis song. 26. Every so often, freeze in mid sentence and stare off into space for several minutes. After a long, awkward silence, resume your sentence and proceed normally. 27. Wear a "virtual reality" helmet and strange gloves. When someone asks a question, turn in their direction and make throttling motions with your hands. 28. Mention in passing that you're wearing rubber underwear. 29. Growl constantly and address students as "matey". 30. Devote your math lecture to free verse about your favorite numbers and ask students to "sit back and groove". 31. Announce that last year's students have almost finished their class projects. 32. Inform your English class that they need to know Fortran and code all their essays. Deliver a lecture on output format statements. 33. Bring a small dog to class. Tell the class he's named "Boogers McGee" and is your "mascot". Whenever someone asks a question, walk over to the dog and ask it, "What'll be, McGee?" 34. Wear a feather boa and ask students to call you "Snuggles". 35. Tell your math students that they must do all their work in a base 11 number system. Use a complicated symbol you've named after yourself in place of the number 10 and threaten to fail students who don't use it. 36. Claim to be a chicken. Squat, cluck, and produce eggs at irregular intervals. 37. Bring a CPR dummy to class and announce that it will be the teaching assistant for the semester. Assign it an office and office hours. 38. Have a grad student in a black beret pluck at a bass while you lecture. 39. Sprint from the room in a panic if you hear sirens outside. 40. Give an opening monologue. Take two minute "commercial breaks" every ten minutes. 41. Tell students that you'll fail them if they cheat on exams or "fake the funk". 42. Announce that you need to deliver two lectures that day, and deliver them in rapid-fire auctioneer style. 43. Pass out dental floss to students and devote the lecture to oral hygiene. 44. Announce that the entire 32-volume Encyclopedia Britannica will be required reading for your class. Assign a report on Volume 1, Aardvark through Armenia, for next class. 45. Ask students to list their favorite showtunes on a signup sheet. Criticize their choices and make notes in your grade book. 46. Sneeze on students in the front row and wipe your nose on your tie. 47. Warn students that they should bring a sack lunch to exams. 48. Refer frequently to students who died while taking your class. 49. Show up to lecture in a ventilated clean suit. Advise students to keep their distance for their own safety and mutter something about "that bug I picked up in the field". 50. Jog into class, rip the textbook in half, and scream, "Are you pumped? ARE YOU PUMPED? I CAN'T HEEEEEEAR YOU!"
  13. Random Stuff

    Does anybody know what happened to the Smurfs?
  14. Working towards 1.0.2

    Can you show us pics of some of the new monster/weapons/animals too?
  15. Whats wrong with my game

    Are you trying to create a charachter that is a Gnome, Orchant or Draegoni?
  16. Your age in minutes

    No that's 100,000 grams and 0.225 centuries old, so your mass is more than your age (by now it should be obvious why ppl avoid a comparison between apples and oragnes)
  17. FPS 0

    These might increase your FPS. In your el directory find a file named el.ini and open it with your text editor... Find these items: #clouds_shadows = 1 #use_shadow_mapping = 1 #shadows_on = 1 Change all the "1" (ones) into "0" (zeros) (don't type the quotation marks). If you don't see a significant increase in FPS then your last resort will be to find in your el.ini the line: #poor_man = 0 and replace the 0 with an 1.... I hope this helps.
  18. Cursor Thief

    Some ppl have a lot of free time in their hands.....
  19. Woot

    I think i was the first person on the forums to use one of the new emoticons (I must be a really lame person to think that this is something i can be proud of) I haven't actualy checked any other posts to see if the above statement is correct, but If someone has any free time in their hands maybe they can check that for me. My first use of a new emoticon was in this topic the time stamp is there. Untill I am prouved wrong, maintain all my bragging rights
  20. cops killing 19 month old kid

    I don't know, I just feel really sorry for the cop who fired the shot that killed the baby.... it is something that not many ppl can learn to live with.
  21. Your age in minutes

    Dude it happens all the time....The international comitee on time and measures (I think it's called something like that but I am not sure, do a google search.). has added or subtructed a second 32 times since 1970. Basicly the speed that the earth rotates around it self changes all the time... usualy it decreases (ergo the day becomes longer, for instance when the dinosaurs walked the earth a day was only 22hrs long not 24...hm maybe 20 can't remember). The moon is the main culprit for the decrease in speed, however, sometime earthquakes can change the rotational axis of the earth (the tilt) like it happened this year (Remember the Tsunami?) and as the earth axis changes the rotational speed has to change in order to maintain the angular momentum of the earth.... yeah ... so basicly it happens quite a lot. Dude, stop comparing lemons with oranges
  22. The screens are back!

    Never seen an orgy in which the participants are fully dressed in armor
  23. cops killing 19 month old kid

    http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-sh...-home-headlines Don't be so hasty in passing a judgement, this was a complicated situation, there was no right or wrong way to act. It is a pitty the poor child died .
  24. No Standing.

    The picture does have an artistic quality to it, it would make an nice album cover.... however in order for someone to steal it and use it for commercial purpuses, you need to post a pic of higher resolution (I think the current size/resolution cannot be used in a CD cover ). P.S. Shouldn't you get a 50$ fine for standing so close to the train platform?
  25. Your age in minutes

    Yeah thats about 0.32 years so whatever this quantity is supposed to count (seconds lived, or seconds left to live) is probably not right