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About kailo

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    florida, usa
  • Interests
    Games, music, etc...
  1. Ive played off and on, here and there for a few years now, never really gettign too far, so i understand if some elder players feel im ranking on thier game. Its hard to access the storage when 50 people circle every possible space around the NPC. I suggest, instead of having him stand on a box (im specificly talking about the guy in valley of dwarves), you could have him stand behind a few boxes, and maybe have a son or wife who acts like an assistrant storage keeper. If they stand behind boxes, they should still be within range to chat and trade with, but players can still click on the NPC without having to find a gap amongst all the players surrounding him.
  2. negtive amount in Bag

    I was searching through some bags and found a total of 500K...I probably shouldnt have taken it but I figured there would be another reset...ENT if anything please just reset to the last backup that was made..im hearing it was 2 days ago...i found the gold last night. I hope this problem gets fixed soon so i can get back to leveling up, Im already behind from the "CRASH"!...darn server! Good Luck to the EL team on this one.
  3. even out the Weps...

    dont kill this thread yet...more than 3 other people play EL outside of me...
  4. Area effect magic spells

    more spells! more spells! spells are good...away with melee and in with magic...EL needs to upgrade the spell list next...Not to pressure the EL team though....lol
  5. even out the Weps...

    what do you mean tight on the magic side?...
  6. Ok im sure this has been mentioned, and is being worked on or will be worked on. Ive noticed that there is only melee wepons but there are more than one type of fighting class...mage. Ive heard soon there will be ranged wepons...that will be nice. What my main concern is, will there be magic items for the mages that take part magic. Like a wepon that allows magic to be enhanced or a wepon for summoners that allows summoning advantages. Im not complaining...im just suggesting .
  7. Plans for Apperciation Day

    ill help out with the appreciation day thingy....its a kool idea, i mean to upkeep these kind of game you have to devote alot of time. :shock:
  8. Game Navigation

    ok i changed the rotations speed, and moving around and seeing things is a lot better now. The one thing that i still kind of find annoying is the fact that when you open the map. It covers up the screen. That really isnt a problem, but i thinkit would be a lot kooler if it was off tot he side, so you could navigate with the map, aswell as actually see whats going on. I mean in real life, if your using a map...do you stare directly at the map blindly and just walk to where your suppose to go... Once again im not trying to be a pest, im just suggesting some ideas.
  9. Game Navigation

    ..see thats all i needed to know, thanx.
  10. Game Navigation

    the problem ive been having is, the angle changes too slowly...so i have to hold down the arrow key for a second to completely re-arrange my veiw. For example, when i enter a building and then want to leave i have to wait a couple of seconds to toslowly turn the angle arround. then again ive only played this game for about 2 ours max, so im still learning how to manuver everything. thanx for replying though. :shock:
  11. Im new at the game and ive played many other games. There are a few things i like about this game that most games that are free mmorpgs dont have. 1) good graphics, very detailed. 2) very complex gaming set up, allowing you to do multiple things...so when you get bored with one thing, there is always something else to do in the game. ...The one thing ive found annoying about the game so far is, the ability to navigate. Changing the angle in which you are looking is very hard, making it hard to move around and actually play the game. Also it would be nice if the map was of to the side of the screen so you could use the map, aswell as see the surroundings of the game....I dont mean to be annoying. I just think that since this game is still beta mode it has potential.