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Everything posted by effbiai

  1. Norge/Norway

    Fantes ikke noe topic til oss så jeg lagde en Hei
  2. Letters dissaperes

    I'm using Fedora Core 3. Anything else of interest, let me know.
  3. failed to start el in linux

    efflaptop el_099 # ./el.x86.linux.bin ./el.x86.linux.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_net-1.2.so,0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  4. What about getting the inventory to move automaticaly like the picture is showing: then people can arrange potions and stuff like that in my example and dont need to open inventory and move them to the quick-bar Edit: i forgot to tell this is suppose to happend when people are using items from the quick bar.. (but i hope you allready understanded that )
  5. moving inventory

    i allready love it
  6. moving inventory

    well that also solve my issue
  7. EL Chess

    i really LOVE this idea! it would be great to first make this game and then check how it works.. if people are getting alot more exp than they should have, make some more restriction..
  8. Give newbs some starting gear

    i also support that newbs really should get something.. a weapon that is weak too.. when i started playing this game i almost hated it i wanted to start killing someting and so but i always died trying to kill a rabbit.. 2 of my friends that i tryed to get playing it stopped after an hour.. cuz they was bored.. so something to start with would be great for a newb..
  9. I own a linux server on a 155mbit connection in norway... so i can support bandwith, is it possible to make a server that is synced to the .fr server? Then we norwegians (and skandinavian) will get alot better ping..
  10. message to the admins..

    well then he have to decide himselves.. i'm happy to help with bandwith whatever it takes ;P edit: I have 2mbit DSL and i ping like this: Reply from bytes=32 time=51ms TTL=50 <-- that is to the .fr server Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=54 <--- that is my server
  11. What about own client?

    Most likely ther will be two separate servers. why not just have one server.. and then everone play there.. but the F2P ppl don't have access to everything that the P2P have? like they can't carry their stuff.. they can't do they quests, they can't go to their maps etc.?
  12. why have i been banned ????????????

    hahaha server crashed
  13. libSDL_Net WTH?

    no they use .so
  14. the music..

    what about make the music do be available to stream from servers? like radio servers.. or an own server that plays music.. and even bring news about EL
  15. the music..

    hehe it was just something that passed my mind while i was here
  16. libSDL_Net WTH?

    try to install SDL from rpm.. or install from source
  17. libSDL_Net WTH?

    i just told him to search the forum before posting posts.. that's normal forum-usage... and back to you.. you need SDL to run EL as told previous here.. you install it by source (read INSTALL or README) but if you have a distro like gentoo (that i have) you can just emerge it.. if you're running RedHat (or fedora) or similar.. you can use rpm.. and for all the other distros.. probably you can install it by it package resolution or something like it, compiling source manually works in all cases.. oh btw. apt-get is a almost similar tool as emerge.. but i don't know what distro you have so you prolly shall check that and at the end... FUCK my english
  18. What about own client?

    how can they then seperate they who pay and they wo using F2P? is that serverbased? so they use the same client.. but cannot do all things on the server before they pay or something?
  19. What about own client?

    well i think it gonna be closed source when the P2P and F2P releases.. and i think that happens in 1.00
  20. OMFG

    hahaha best frustraded post ever :lol:
  21. Creating a Guild

    hehe so like have over 39 in harvesting? that's pretty easy
  22. libSDL_Net WTH?

    http://eternal-lands.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=5497 try to search in the forum before posting
  23. libSDL_net-1.2.so.0 Issue

  24. what about getting the auto-walk (clicking on maps) let the character to use the wastest way.. like go in the teleportals.
  25. the teleportals..

    hehe no just so it uses the teleports those are on the map.. to shorter the way..