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About Alberich

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  1. Auction: 1000 S2Es

    1.2mil gc
  2. Auctioning 1k Fire arrows

  3. Game Crash

    This file: http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image/release/SDL_image-1.2.12-win32.zipcontains the current SDL_image.dll copy it to your EL program folder (the one with the el.exe) and run EL if there are more errors you may need to copy some of the other dll files too (zlib.dll, libpng15-15.dll)
  4. Windows and Linux version 1.9.3 full download

    maybe get rid of some unused settings in the default el.ini to get rid of some confusing warnings in the logs: [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'server_address = game.eternal-lands.com ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'server_port = 2001 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'use_vertex_array = 1 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'use_mipmaps = 0 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'text_filter_replace = smeg ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'compass_north = 1 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'near_plane= 0.1 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'transparency_resolution_fix= 0 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'dim_sounds_on_rain= 0 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'anisotropic_filter= 2 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'render_skeleton= 0 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'render_mesh= 1 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'use_display_actors= 1 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'use_actor_bbox_check= 1 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'use_render_mesh_shader= 1 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'use_set_transformation_buffers= 1 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'use_build_actor_bounding_box= 1 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'use_model_attach_and_detach_mesh= 1 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'use_render_attached_meshs= 1 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'use_ext_gpu_program_parameters= 0 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'skybox_update_every_frame= 0 ', type 2 [14:52:12, elconfig.c:1483] Warning: Can't find var 'seconds_between_shadows_updates= 10 ', type 2 on Vista the compatibility assistant asks if the installation was successful (google translation): Even if you say it's installed correctly it doesn't show in the list of installed programs.
  5. Client can't connect

    These 'errors' are glitches in the client everyone got them but it still works. The first lines are about outdated options in the ini which are no longer used and the last about unused options in a sound config file. They got nothing to do with your problem, probably port 2000 is blocked by your firewall or ISP.
  6. Vegetal Removal Stone

  7. OpenGL 2

    I can't see water nor lava, maybe this from log file helps you to figure out whats wrong: [12:25:50, C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\engine\logging.cpp:306] Git sha1: : b3dc49c267ecdf4ecfcb4fb79864dd25cc9fa6ad ... [12:32:07, C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\engine\effect.cpp:265] Error: C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\engine\glslprogram.cpp(115): Throw in function void eternal_lands::{anonymous}::GlslShaderObject::compile() Dynamic exception type: eternal_lands::OpenGlException std::exception::what: std::exception [eternal_lands::errinfo_message_*] = Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:26: error(#143) Undeclared identifier layer ERROR: 0:26: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'y' ERROR: 0:26: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found texture ERROR: 0:26: error(#160) Cannot convert from 'const float' to 'highp 4-component vector of float' ERROR: 0:31: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'y' ERROR: 0:31: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found texture ERROR: 0:31: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'a' ERROR: 0:32: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found texture ERROR: 0:32: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'rgb' ERROR: 0:39: error(#164) l-value required assign "diffuse" (can't modify a uniform) ERROR: error(#273) 10 compilation errors. No code generated [eternal_lands::errinfo_item_name_*] = lava [eternal_lands::errinfo_vertex_shader_*] = #version 330 const int light_count = 0; const int bone_count = 72; const int shadow_map_count = 0; attribute vec4 position; attribute vec3 normal; uniform mat4x3 world_matrix; uniform mat4 projection_view_matrix; varying vec3 world_position; varying vec3 world_normal; void main() { { world_position = world_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); world_normal = normalize(mat3(world_matrix) * normal); } gl_Position = projection_view_matrix * vec4(world_position, 1.0); } [eternal_lands::errinfo_parameter_name_*] = lava [eternal_lands::errinfo_fragment_shader_*] = #version 330 const int light_count = 0; const int bone_count = 72; const int shadow_map_count = 0; uniform sampler2D diffuse_sampler_0; uniform sampler2D diffuse_sampler_1; uniform vec2 uv[3]; uniform vec4 diffuse; uniform vec4 ambient; varying vec3 world_position; varying vec3 world_normal; void main() { float specular; vec3 fragment_color; { vec4 noise; vec3 color; vec2 tmp_uv[2]; float p; noise = texture(diffuse_sampler_1, vec3(uv[0], layer.y)); tmp_uv[0] = 2.0 * (uv[1] + noise.xy * 2.0); tmp_uv[1] = 2.0 * (uv[2] + noise.yz * 0.2); p = texture(diffuse_sampler_1, vec3(tmp_uv[0], layer.y)).a; color = texture(diffuse_sampler_0, vec3(tmp_uv[1], layer.x)).rgb; color = color * p * 2.0 + color * color - 0.1; color.bg += clamp(color.r - 2.0, 0.0, 1.0); color.rb += clamp(color.g - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); color.rg += clamp(color.b - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = vec4(color, 1.0); } { specular = 1.0; } fragment_color = diffuse.rgb * ambient.rgb; gl_FragColor.rgb = fragment_color; gl_FragColor.a = 1.0; } shaders are up to date and got missing textures from the other test client
  8. OpenGL 2

    getting random crashes, they seem related to casting spells Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0053b961 in ec::Effect::draw_particle (this=0x11c73eb0, size=0.0189888906, texture=25, r=0.602520823, g=0.204039127, b=0.217726678, alpha=0.469031841, pos=..., burn=0) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\eye_candy\eye_candy.cpp:224 224 buffer[index * 10 + 0] = r; (gdb) bt #0 0x0053b961 in ec::Effect::draw_particle (this=0x11c73eb0, size=0.0189888906, texture=25, r=0.602520823, g=0.204039127, b=0.217726678, alpha=0.469031841, pos=..., burn=0) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\eye_candy\eye_candy.cpp:224 #1 0x00540e24 in ec::Particle::draw (this=0xdbb2930, usec=41000) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\eye_candy\eye_candy.cpp:1242 #2 0x0053bd4d in ec::Effect::build_particle_buffer (this=0x11c73eb0, time_diff=41000) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\eye_candy\eye_candy.cpp:272 #3 0x00546737 in ec::EyeCandy::idle (this=0xa47260) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\eye_candy\eye_candy.cpp:2763 #4 0x00413d4f in ec_idle () at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\eye_candy_wrapper.cpp:480 #5 0x0046c500 in display_console_handler (win=0x8000208) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\consolewin.c:110 #6 0x00482bf8 in draw_window (win=0x8000208) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\elwindows.c:1251 #7 0x00483418 in display_window (win_id=2) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\elwindows.c:1436 #8 0x0047fa33 in display_windows (level=1) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\elwindows.c:76 #9 0x004764a1 in draw_scene () at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\draw_scene.c:129 #10 0x004b95b8 in start_rendering () at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\main.c:204 #11 0x004b9d3c in Main (argc=1, argv=0x660bc60) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\main.c:435 #12 0x004b9f6a in WinMain@16 (hInst=0x400000, hPrev=0x0, lpCmd=0x292964 "", nShow=10) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-Xaphier\main.c:510 #13 0x00692c7e in main (argc=Cannot access memory at address 0x0 ) at ../mingw/main.c:73
  9. OpenGL 2

    when I fix the windres issue manually and build debug it crashes. bt: #0 0x762b416f in msvcrt!_assert () from C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll #1 0x00755373 in boost::shared_ptr<eternal_lands::GlobalVars>::operator-> (this=0xa45218) at c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.6.1/../../../../include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:418 #2 0x00412e14 in set_shadow_map_size (value=1) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-GL2\engine.cpp:1320 #3 0x00478ab7 in change_el_shadow_map_size (var=0x80276c, value=1) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-GL2\elconfig.c:240 #4 0x0047a767 in check_var (str=0x22f91d "shadow_map_size= 1\n", type=INI_FILE_VAR) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-GL2\elconfig.c:1445 #5 0x0047e3ef in read_el_ini () at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-GL2\elconfig.c #6 0x004a2972 in read_config () at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-GL2\init.c:171 #7 0x004a3c05 in init_stuff () at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-GL2\init.c:634 #8 0x004ba8ab in Main (argc=2, argv=0x67de458) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-GL2\main.c:430 #9 0x004baafa in WinMain@16 (hInst=0x400000, hPrev=0x0, lpCmd=0x30297c "el_client.exe", nShow=10) at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-GL2\main.c:509 #10 0x0068bf22 in main (argc=-1879045950, argv=0x90909090, __p__environ=0x850ff685) at ../mingw/main.c:73
  10. OpenGL 2

    Ok compiling works now. But it still fails linking. We're passing flags to windres but it only accepts includes (-I) and definitions (-D). So CMakeLists.txt needs to be changed to make sure to use add_definitions only with definitions. [100%] Building RC object CMakeFiles/el_client.dir/elc_private.rc.obj C:\MinGW\bin\windres.exe -O coff -IC:\MinGW\include -IC:\MinGW\include\SDL -IC:\MinGW\include\AL -IC:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-GL2\engine -Wall -ffast-math -march=native -fopenmp -mwindows -DUSE_PCH=1 -DWINDOWS -DWINVER=0x500 -DCUSTOM_LOOK -DCUSTOM_UPDATE -DFUZZY_PATHS -DNEW_SOUND -DPNG_SCREENSHOT -DTEXT_ALIASES -DUSE_INLINE -DBANDWIDTH_SAVINGS -DANIMATION_SCALING -DENCYCL_NAVIGATION -DFSAA -DNEW_NEW_CHAR_WINDOW -DNEW_TEXTURES -DVEGETATION -DELC C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Eternal-Lands-GL2\elc_private.rc CMakeFiles\el_client.dir\elc_private.rc.obj C:\MinGW\bin\windres.exe: invalid option -- W Usage: C:\MinGW\bin\windres.exe [option(s)] [input-file] [output-file] The options are: -i --input=<file> Name input file -o --output=<file> Name output file -J --input-format=<format> Specify input format -O --output-format=<format> Specify output format -F --target=<target> Specify COFF target --preprocessor=<program> Program to use to preprocess rc file --preprocessor-arg=<arg> Additional preprocessor argument -I --include-dir=<dir> Include directory when preprocessing rc file -D --define <sym>[=<val>] Define SYM when preprocessing rc file -U --undefine <sym> Undefine SYM when preprocessing rc file -v --verbose Verbose - tells you what it's doing -c --codepage=<codepage> Specify default codepage -l --language=<val> Set language when reading rc file --use-temp-file Use a temporary file instead of popen to read the preprocessor output --no-use-temp-file Use popen (default) -r Ignored for compatibility with rc @<file> Read options from <file> -h --help Print this help message -V --version Print version information FORMAT is one of rc, res, or coff, and is deduced from the file name extension if not specified. A single file name is an input file. No input-file is stdin, default rc. No output-file is stdout, default rc. C:\MinGW\bin\windres.exe: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec verilog tekhex binary ihex mingw32-make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/el_client.dir/elc_private.rc.obj] Error 1 mingw32-make[2]: Leaving directory `C:/Users/xxx/Documents/NetBeansProjects/Eternal-Lands-GL2/build' mingw32-make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/el_client.dir/all] Error 2 mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory `C:/Users/xxx/Documents/NetBeansProjects/Eternal-Lands-GL2/build' mingw32-make: *** [all] Error 2
  11. OpenGL 2

    Managed to start building (thanks Sir_Odie) but got compile errors: seems GLAPIENTRYP is defined nowhere
  12. OpenGL 2

    uhm how do I build on windows now? do I need to fix the Makefile.win or is there a solution using cmake (which doesn't come with MinGW)?
  13. Eternal Lands Not Responding

    There are newer drivers for your system please try one of these: ATI Radeon Xpress Series for Vista 32bit ATI Radeon Xpress Series for Vista 64bit
  14. EL bots and Visual basic

    it's all on the page revi gave you: Message Format there is even an example for sit down and send pm
  15. Disconnected from server!

    Oh that explains why most mobile providers block this port and will unlikely unblock it.