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  1. Help my school win $500,000

    contest ends sep 3 so I guess around september 4th or 5th? (I'mma hafta download and install EL on my lappy)
  2. Help my school win $500,000

    oh and please post both your facebook name and ingame name here after voting and posting. @Aislinn or a mod: can I get this moved to events please?
  3. Help my school win $500,000

    Voters, please mention my real name Walter in the suggestion box after you vote (only way to tell which are EL players) and you'll be entered in a raffle to win a rosto and a couple of other items worth over 50k total Edit: please don't just leave my name in the suggestion corner. If you can, try to genuinely give a suggestion on how the school can spend the money.
  4. Hey guys and Gals! Pride here So I won't try to write a whole essay trying to convince all of you, but I will do it very concisely. I just graduated last June from the high school I transferred to after my freshman year. Metropolitan Arts and Technology is a project-based charter school located in San Francisco. The staff is just wonderful, and the student body is also very inviting. This prompted me to join the Student Leadership Council (think student government) and while I was working there as Director of Activities, I saw just how much everyone loved the school. No cliques, no harassment, everyone got along. There was always someone willing to help out with the school, and because we strive away from the traditional bookwork that most schools have, we are not part of our city's school district. They technically have no jurisdiction over us, but this leaves us without their funding and instead, we rely on other private organizations (Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, for one). We have also been moving around a lot, as we have no campus to call our own. The district has been jerking us around and many of us believe that they feel threatened by our way of doing things. Group projects and hands on learning over sitting in a room for hours, reading out of a text book. They have tried many times to shut us down, but we managed to stay alive because of our results. Over 90% of our graduates go on to college, and if you look at the numbers for other school, it is definitely impressive. I don't know how many of you will actually take the time to vote, but I have seen the compassion and kindness many of you in this community have shown. From concern to issues in real life, to setting up raffles for in-game items in exchange for a small donation to cancer organizations. This may not mean much to too many, but our educational system needs some adjusting, and my school is one of the few in my city to try something different. Here is the link. It does require you to like Kohl's page. You do get to vote up to 5 times for a school, so please do that: http://apps.facebook.com/KohlsCares/school...are&ref=mf# If the link doesn't work, please look up Kohls and then find our school through the search feature. Metropolitan Arts and Technology High school located in San Francisco. Afterwards, just leave a reply, telling them that Walter told you about the school, and that you support us or feel free to just share a though. We're a very small school (~200 people), and the bigger schools with decent funding outnumber us greatly so any support is great :] Voted: hobobob38 KoDdy
  5. Kilaran Fields

  6. if you find any chars can you let me know through PM?
  7. I know not everyone has an army of alts, but some did I dunno about now, but yeah I'mma see if I can pop by the server and give it a go

    Elect's is sexeh
  9. I agree with the cooldown thing that Handy mentioned. No cooldown on food, but regular cd on other items. I was there with a bunch of people on the opening day of the PK server, waiting for it to get started and having our chars wiped. The PK was really good for a bit but then people started leaving when it slowed down :[ I remember Sistema and I were the only ones left in MASH ;_; I don't know if the alliance of some of the guilds was a reason, but it didn't seem like much people attacked each other. I dunno how it's like now, but perhaps erasing the #set_ally_guild command might bring things up a bit. And another issue I had was that I couldn't afford to pay for like 5 alts so I had to work slowly while lots of people kinda sped along. Perhaps if you paid once for the PK server, you get an extra 2 or 3 characters free of charge?D: btw, I'm interested in the PK server if anyone has a char(s) they don't need.
  10. Laugh Out Loud(LoL!)

    awww thanks Elect
  11. Laugh Out Loud(LoL!)

    Still recruiting anyone that needs an active guild as long as you haven't scammed anyone before and have a skill @ 20+ Really in need of: -Archers -Mages -Engineers -Manuers -Tailors In need of people from: US/Canada/whatever else country has same time ranges- Most members are in this zone Brazil: we have 1 member, need more to keep company in the early hours Poland: also 1 member from PL Australia: multiple people from here. Would like some company for them too when us US peeps are asleep <3 Pride
  12. I Summoned


    Who are you to say that his siggys are "half-baked"? Meche puts 110% into all of his work. He's just trying to say his skill isn't equal to yours or forever's atm. I personally like the work he does. Keep the crap off this thread. BUMP
  14. small sto sale

    203 bear furs @ 15 ea?

    Merry Xmas again, from LoL!