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Everything posted by Learner

  1. potion making

    Skeletons are wonderful source of bone powder if you or a friend can kill them.
  2. skeleton goodies

    The four pairs of boots and other things I've gotten lately argue otherwise.
  3. Zoom out feature

    Submit a patch that allows the old and new methods of movement to work without flooding the server with packets, and we can work it in.
  4. Client wishlist

    I figured that the client should see the '//' as you type is and change it to /someperson for you, that way you know exactly who its going to. Done, when you type // the line of text changes to /playername followed by a space so you just type the text.
  5. potion making

    Getting the current potions doesn't take much ... but try getting to level 30 potions for a cape!
  6. Default chat

    I like the default being local to help reduce the chance of spamming everyone in the game by accident. For Newbies it should be 'natural' to go up to someone and ask advice, if the default was the chat channel, they might not hear the question.
  7. How about having the players online page track other information, like maximum players today, this month, overall? Or that could be a separate page, just be neat to see that info at the same time you see who is on now.
  8. First of all, I'm only summarizing whats come up before. Secondly, since when soes entropy give a sneak peek more then a day or two before anything new shows up? Patience!
  9. More is coming ... Magic is in its infancy, not even in school yet.
  10. Zoom out feature

    Actually, with the Client being open sourced, there might be ways of build a new movement type system that doesn't use up loads of bandwidth. What you would want to do is simulate clicking on a destination on the screen and at slower intervals updating it with a new click. That would be similar to someone clicking once a second or so as you walk along and probably remove the risk of attack sleeping bears behind trees. If anyone does start to work on something like this, please post that you are doing so and make sure the old method still works as well (probbaly configurable in el.ini). The same applies to thinks like keyboard mapping/remapping. Then the Client dev team can get your changes from you, review, test, and add to the CVS Client for others to enjoy.
  11. Zoom out feature

    No, nothing to do with faster computers, a larger viewing area give you an advantage because you can see more. For all I know, its someone with a high-res screen running poor_man.
  12. Zoom out feature

    Plus, zooming out also gives people with a larger screen advantages that others don't have.
  13. When reporting bugs

    Please include the version number of the Client as specified by #ver (for example 0.9.4p1) when you are reporting bugs.
  14. Client wishlist

    I figured that the client should see the '//' as you type is and change it to /someperson for you, that way you know exactly who its going to.

    From your description, the dragon would be level 99 or 120
  16. weak hostiles

    Like the ones in the Monty Python movie?
  17. Crashing issues..

    Not sure why I didn't show up as the poster for the last one, I am logged in. That last post about another crashing bug & particles was posted by me, Learner. Now will this one post correctly? The funny thing is in another window I had just posted as LEarner the exact same text.
  18. Expiring Bags and Client Crash

    Another crashing issue similar to the last one has been corrected and is in testing. The bad news is that it will takea major test to know if it is totally fixed. Yes, this one had to do with the bags, more properly the particles of bags and people as they popped in and out.
  19. Cvs bug report.

    Try -O2 or leaving it off and let me know if that fixes anything
  20. Crashing issues..

    Even the latest elc.exe was crashing during that party. I have been unable to track that bug down so far, but I have a couple ideas.
  21. Storing options

    To make permanent changes you edit el.ini. EL does not write to that file, but will read in your default settings from it.
  22. Cvs bug report.

    What compiler options were being used?
  23. storage

    How about saying how many items are in storage for something you have just deposited?
  24. Expiring Bags and Client Crash

    We think we've fixed the sporadic crashing problem in the CVS version. If it isn't fixed, that means there was actually more then one problem and we haven't been able to recreate it yet.
  25. Too dark night

    I think we do still need the day/night cycle, but a day should be an odd number of hours long and make the daytime longer then the night. Yes, that subtracts from realism, but most adventerures prefer going out at night. As for how dark the nights are, I've seen systems where it's very dark and others where it isn't dark at all. A lot depends on the lighting, monitor, and gamma correction settings. for instance my main Linux box was way too dark, so I adjusted my gamma using xgamma.