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Everything posted by Brom

  1. Items cooldown

    Whoa, slow down tiger. Ponder this: Do you think Ent or others would add things to the game that were going to hurt it? Do you think that if this does not work out we cannot put it back how it was? Are you not willing to TRY something new? because that is what this is. TRY. As Ent clearly said we will be trying this for 1 month, afterwhich if it ends up bad, Do you think we will keep that bad aspect of the game? Do you have no faith in Entropy and the Developers. Gosh, some people. Anyway I will not try to explain anything to you beyond that because in your heads your points way much more heavier than mine. I hope you will be smart enough to understand this is a TRY. Thank you. Edit: Sorry, could not hold that in any longer.
  2. Items cooldown

    Ive throught it through, It will take some balancing but once that is done, HECK YES! This will help with so much! I look forward to testing it.
  3. The Jewel Monkeys of Kusamura

    ((Actually I was thinking someone that was not already comming ;P Because we could use some more people if we are going to RP our way to these monkeys)) Grumbling to himself, Brom went to the door of his room and pushed it open, There he found his Ivory staff with a red stain and what items he possesed, just enough to throw in a bag and travel. Travel was the life of a bard and Brom liked it. Brom undressed from the simple cotton shirt and leather pants he had on to Fur pants, torso and boots. He put on no hat because it bothered his Draegoni ears. A medallion with a light blue stone rested over the fur and Brom was ready. Tossing essense and spare bits of this and that into a backpack, Brom set off, staff in hand, from the Lakeside tavern to the secret enterance to the ships that would take him back to Irilion.
  4. mark target

    Good point, I did not think about summons. When it relates to summoning I can see the good use of it.
  5. in which case ttlanhil will grab a cluebat and go looking for you. leaving messages for other players at a postoffice type place would be good though... and you can say they they have to visit one to get their messages Yep, Ive played with it. Fun and easy system. Heck the Notepad is already done.
  6. So many Gods, so little people...

    http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20518 Read up
  7. mark target

    Wouldnt the guild channel work great for this communication? A simple "#gm Don first" is about the same as typing "#target DonPedro"
  8. This could be tied into the inner-game mail system. Write a message for say ttlanhil stating. "You rox M-Eye soX" then give that message either to him directly or to and NPC that will send him a PM when he gets online.
  9. Storms

    Im with Kendai on this one, Liven things up a bit! And that roaming monster idea of Roja's
  10. The Art of Gnome Fighting

    So will the SPOGW!
  11. All OuT WAR!

    So...Who won?
  12. A raging Spirit..

    ((Do you plan on playing two characters? Chill man!)) Lan Mandragoran was just south of the city of myandr, hunting for wolves, they were pesky animals, not quick like rabbits. Not strong like bears, Wolves were a nearly perfect creation, nothing overbearing in their attributes. Perhaps the only thing with wolves that make them unbasic is their eyes, something about them can draw you to fear them, or love them, hate them or sing to them while they prance around you. Movement to the right and back a bit "Dont move to quickly or it may flee, not attack" Said Lan to himself. He could feel the creature comming toward him, waiting for the perfect time, sword in his left hand. Lan flowed, not moved. He was devoted to learning the dance with the sword. The sword he wielded was of a Titanium alloy and long, thin, but not so thin it would bend or break in battle. His old friend Lucas had made it for him. The blade had a line down its length that was not forged into it. The line was put there by the blade of another. [flashback] Slash, parry, flick, stab, retailiate. The fight continued on. He was unaware how long the fight had been going on. It was filled with nothing but action and reaction. This fight was to the death for one or the other. An hour eariler this man garbbed in all purple had demanded a weapon from Lucas the blacksmith, When Lucas replied it was not yet completed the man removed his notched swordbreaker and stabbed Lucas through the heart in pure rage, The man had the shortest fuse in history. Lan had been walking to Lucas's to enjoy some lunch and chat with his best friend when he saw the strange purple-clad man lunge and place what looked like a dagger through Lucas's heart. His sword in his hands Lan ran yelling at the top of his lungs, "NO!" Throwing everything he had, all of his strength into one slash downward! The slice was stopped by the strange dagger that the man wielded. The dagger was wide, made of a dark metal nearly purple glowing in the strange mid-morning light. One side was sharp and thin, it would cut through nearly anything, the other side had deep notches in it with prongs comming out of the top toward the tips of eachother. Lan recognised the weapon now, a swordbreaker. And he knew its use. Swordbreakers were made to catch a blade and pull it free or at least redirect a blow from a sword. Time slowed as Lan saw his blade was caught in the purple-clad mans swordbreaker. A way out presented itself, the man was about to twist his blade perpendicular to Lan's sword, spinning it out of his hand. Brom saw that the blade was caught a little less than one third the blades length, he could simply pull the blade toward him and allow it to slip out. He did it, pulled so fast that the man nearly fell over when he relised their was no longer a blade in the swordbreaker. Taking a step back Lan glanced at his weapon. A long scratch was torn down the length of the blade from the prongs of the swordbreaker, the line was filled with dark red blood, blood from Lucas. With surprise, rage lessend and left, Lan was calm. He looked at the man holding that swordbreaker in front of him and said. "I am going to kill you now for what you have done to my friend" He said it with such knowing and conviction the man was shot with fear. Any normal words spoken before a deathblow would cause fear yes. But these were spoken with Calm knowing. The man fled, Lan lept forward, placing his blade on the side of the man and spinning him around, in one movement he drew his sword back and thrust through the heart, twisting the thin weapon to insure enough damage would be done. Pulled back and watched as the man fell forward on his face. [/flashback] The wolf was charging and Lan was moving, bringing his sword down on the right of his body with his left hand, a clean slice cut across the wolve's snout. He did not want to kill the wolf yet, He wanted the wolf to fight with rage and strength, which the cut caused. With a growl, the wolf lunged and attacked over and over, each time he got close enough a movement of Lan's blade would remove ears, small tuffs of fur and skin or damage legs. After a last strike from the wolf Lan moved his blade, (For that was all it was to him) down the length of the wolves back, through the ripcage on one side, down to the animals inards. Art, smooth movement. Lan set to work removing the hide and taking the meat, then set north with everything he could carry to Grim the storage master. Lan would next go after goblins in the gold cave. Storing his items with a solem expression Lan headed back south toward the goblin caves, When nearly there he caught out of the corner of his eye a man garbed in complete white heading into the old Dragon Council's Guild hall. Stalking slowly he moved toward it, curious.
  13. The Jewel Monkeys of Kusamura

    ((Humm, should I play as Brom or Lan. I think Brom fits in here well, he was afterall the bard who told to the story in the first place)) Brom brushed aside the comments and pleading for more of the story. He made the people listening think they did not want to hear the end of the story, when in reality there was no end of the story, it was still going on. Those jeweled effigys of monkeys were never found. It was one of the stories Brom had obtained on his trip to Irilion. He did have a little more to the story that he did not tell. The three monkeys were taken and hidden in different locations inside of the monastery, It was generally assumed they were hidden with much time and care taken so that no one would ever find them again. Nothing was known of what powers these items possesed, though it must have been something great if they were hidden and protected with such force. Steping down from the chair he was standing on so that his voice would carry, he strode toward the back door which would take him to his room. Up the stairs, feeling his body aging with every step. Something odd rolled over him, a feeling, impluse. He spun, bringing his staff accross with a hard slap. He did not want to break any bones, but he did want to stun the person who was behind him. *Slap* The staff was caught with one hand mere inches from the face of... ((Heh, left this open for someone to join ))
  14. bored and el isn't working for me =P

    Evalin has now earned himself a seat in ELA. Welcome. (Eternal Lands Addicts)
  15. the northern lands

    Edit your topic name too. Edited mamoth to mammoth another northern to southern and howle to howl The last one is up to you, There might be another spelling.
  16. Emerald Valley Storyline

    Editted/Proofread 332 BP (before present) – legend goes that 332 years ago, a small group of five or six experienced miners, when traveling through a virgin jungle in Irillion, found geological clues suggesting that area (today known as Emerald Valley) could be rich in Emeralds. They began long excavations that – as some say – took more than one or two years. Some people also say they were right and did find emeralds underground. But then, no one really knows why, their excavating suddenly stopped. It's pretty much a legend, really, since there are no consistent historical records about the miners and no sign of mines in that area. However, that story became so popular around 150-100 BP, that that area took on the name of Emerald Valley. 115-117 BP – A mysterious wizard was exploring the Quaqmire of Sorrow, since it was an unknown area and could hold precious resources, as it was hard to access. In the end this wizard only found trouble with goblins and Orcs. He took his refuge in the mountains and slowly built himself a rock house. While facing the daily attacks from goblins he found a new twist on summoning. Since it's not possible to summon goblins, he found a way to put them under his command, like summoned creatures… but more like manipulated creatures. Using that method, he managed to reach the bottom of their nest, finding… nothing. Frustrated, but not giving up, he had his monsters build a fortress and started planning attacks on other regions. Some day, a battle fleet (no historical records from which country it was from) was crossing the river and the wizard decided to test his new tricks, like a trial… It happened that that battle fleet was transporting a princess, whose hand was promised to a prince or something like that. And, of course, such act would be left alone; there would be retaliation. A group of warriors was sent to the Quaqmire of Sorrow with the mission of bringing the wizard's head on a silver plate, which didn't sound so hard until they got there. The monsters could be not that hard for experienced fighters, but there was a lot of them, some with archery skills and the wizard's powers were smiting their strikes. Even petrification spells were cast by the wizard. The warriors fled and two brave heroes stayed behind to slow down the chase. They were petrificated, but their strong will avoided death (a sign of that is the flowers and grass growing under their statues. That makes some people believe the couple are still alive, somehow, awaiting the spell to be lifted). A new group of warriors was sent. The finest in the world by that times standards. They gathered in the rock house (they didn't know that was the first home of the wizard) to discuss battle strategy. The journals from the warriors stop there. There's sign of fierce battle… But… Today, the monsters don't seem to obey any master… The wizard wasn't found… But the heroes are still petrified… Does that mean the wizard's still alive? Or that the petrification spell is unrevertable? 58 BP – A just married couple moved to the quiet Emerald Valley, building a small, charming hut near the bridge. The husband was a woodcutter and the wife was an artisan, and also made some potions once in a while too. Some say she was a witch, some say she was just a mage trying to hide her art… some say her husband never knew about those abilities of hers, some say he pretended not to know… Anyway, they were living a happy life, until one day, the husband was walking about 'till late of night and happened to witness a weird cult-like thing taking place in the southwestern hill. The "druids" (the name is not appropriate. I'll call them the "Blue Clan" for now) chased him. He was able to take cover in the house, where he told his wife what he had seen. Some days later, the "druids" made a small "visit" to the couple. One of them killed the husband simply by waving his hand in the air. The girl's life was spared (even if she ran after the "druids" calling them names and throwing things on them. Lol). She decided to put her heart into discovering what all that meant. She has found many of her answers in the Red Dragon's shrine which was somewhere in the world the journal did not say (Hey, much of these tales are mixed with rumors and new details were added to them from person to person telling or re-telling them, so not everything must, necessarily make sense. There's no need for there to be a "Red Dragon's shrine" in Irillion or Seridia in order to make this tale possible), where she worked up her magical powers. 12 years later, with the Dragon's blessing (and condemned to swear an oath to him in order to be blessed and stand a chance again the Blue Clan) she came back to Emerald Hill and SLAUGHTERED them. Some say that this day stained the whole forest with blood, making every living thing to be turned red. The witch has now moved to the cave nearby, protecting the forest and serving her god. ?? – 46 BP – The Blue Clan. Pretty much nothing is known about the Blue Clan. The clues show they worshiped some kind of Dragon-like god related to water or something like that. Their tradition primed for oral teaching, so, apart from some undeciphered runic characters carved in stone (what was left of their temple when it was completely destroyed by some strong kind of magic 46 years ago, where records on them roughly stops), they had no writing. There's no record of their activities in any place. There is not much proof left about their existence, esspecially regarding their settlement. It's a mystery and a challenge to every archaeologist. 40-32 BP – Small traders settle in the road linking Idaloran and (?? Map 10 and 7), selling goods to travelers using that road. Through those 30-40 years, the small camp evolved to a village and is today heading to the degree of small town, now that a storage (extremely vital to a village that survives from trading) is being built. As it can be noticed, it's a very recent settlement. And as Emerald Valley has become a referring point to everyone traveling from Idaloran to (?? Map 10 or 7), it is now known as Emerald Valley Trade Route, remembering that the name Emerald Valley itself is almost mythical, as some people assign the name to the greenish fields of it. J Eon Schmidt --------- Comments: Good part first: I liked it. How you could build so many short stories into an area. I really liked it. Bad News: I edited it. Ok, I do not like a few things. I edited mainly for tense-errors and a few other gramtical and flow problems. It still needs some work, But I was unsure how this was written? Is this a storyteller telling what he knows of the legends and history? (Perhaps one told to Atahn during our RP ) is this a journal account? Is this a notebook with some scholars study of the area written down (Thus why it has personal comments everywhere?) The other thing I did not like is in the first line, and a few times throughout. This person J Eon Schmidt is giving exact dates. "legend goes that 332 years ago" Should probably be changed to "as the legend goes around 350 years ago..." Because in order for it to be a legend you would not know the exact dates.
  17. Its not as bad as it used to be when the lilac's were there.
  18. What about a sling shot?

    Ohh if only Gnomes could use them that would be hilarious. "You have been hit with a rock from Tanyia's slingshot!" And I lose 1 health Heh.
  19. Amulets instead of MM perk/cloak?

    Interesting. I am for getting rid of the MM Perk. Keep the MM Cape and create these Amulets! I like the multiple amulets for different creatures, That way you can be immune to say, fluffy's while training on Cyclops in SKF. Good idea. For those of you who are complaining about taking that MM Perk, rest assured Im sure things will be worked out. Just removing the perk from the Wraith would be a good start, leave those with the perm MM perk alone. But that decision will be decided on and implemented when the time comes.
  20. How is that comming along? Muahaha! I like it. Lets give it a try! I would love to see Imps trying to attack me in WS.
  21. Tankel

    I agree completely. And Moderators should not have to keep an eye on characters who have high charm. I think Tankel should stay how he is. Or he should be removed, At least it would cycle items through well enough. Extra note: If you threaten his daughter's life before giving him the item he repairs it everytime. Works for me!
  22. Voting @ www.mpogd.com

    How is a game like NukeZone beating EL? Strange.
  23. Hey there :)

    Welcome back! We have had a few oldbies come back recently. Welcome and let us know if you need anything.
  24. I did not have time to read everyone's posts. But here is My stance: It cannot hurt to try. It would add a new element in the game I would enjoy, dispite the fact I am not really a fighter. I like it, It cannot hurt to try. Side note: This system would be the essense of awesome if we get that new combat system.
  25. The Broken Angel

    We were just having fun with your topic Perhaps we should start another Thread RP Event? Anyone that would like a thread RP event let me know, I can probably through a start together, which is all we will really need.