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Everything posted by PuNKMAN

  1. Question

    nope. The only possible way of viewing it or whaever aside from it being an official map in the game is through the editor, by the means of which I am sure you already know. Did any of that make sense? [PuNK]
  2. Race of doom (win doom cape and money)

    you mean tomorrow night... right? I'd try it, but first of all it's not likely at all that I'd win, second, they would all be erased in the end anyway, third (oh yea... :?) I won't even be able to get on for it. (lol)
  3. ...

    eh, your forum is down again... Could I also join? I'll be on (EL) later tonight. Forum Name: PuNKMAN (what is this for...?) Character Name: PuNKMAN Dragon Color: Blue. Levels over 20: Harvesting... (21)
  4. I have tried my hand at the map editor before, and personally find myself pretty good at it (). There are just a couple things I don't understand that the manual doesn't seem to cover well enough. 1) Houses. How am I supposed to be making it so that they teleport you to this other map and all that? I'm not sure I understand a blink about that. All I can do is place the houses. :? Eh, thanks dude... Can someone explain the .def files now? Do I just put all that info into a txt file/save as a .def with the map file in the map folder or something? 2) The Height Map option. I'm not sure what it is, if my version is just messed up or something like that, but I can't seem to do anything with the height map except mape all the terrain 'green' (by enabling it). Can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to do stuff with it? :?: Oh yea, also, in the manual, it talks about selecting such and such a square on the 'grid'. Again, all I can figure out is how to enable the height map. Thanks... :wink: [PuNK]
  5. looking for a guild!

    Looking for a guild... Currently, working to up my stats. 9 manu ( > ) 21 harv 16 atk/cbt/def ( > ) 10 potion 5 summoning ( > ) 2 magic 0 alch And also I have my four basic attributes maxed. (15 in phys, coord, will, and reasoning) If I need just a couple levels here and there, feel free to tell me of that as well. I want to be seing what options I have in the near (or not quite so near) future. [PuNK]
  6. I think I figured it out, thanks. I was missing the mouse w/ the flash stuff on the end where you can pick different heights and... uhh... yea. (still can't figure out how you're supposed to use the INST/DEL keys to raise/lower it... no matter.) EDIT: nvm, figured it out. Silly me didn't get how it was being explained. Pretty much, once you have a height already selected you can use ins/del to raise/lower it. Thanks. [PuNK]
  7. eh, are we supposed to? also, I have looked through that manual before. The complete thing. Several times, in fact. (and I still can't totally figure out how you're supposed to be finding coordinates and such with the height map! O.o) I'm no newb. I read directions before asking this sort of stuff. I just... don't know. O.o [PuNK]
  8. ...can someone else reply...? :oops: