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About Alissa

  • Rank
    White Rabbit
  1. rounding problems still

    Any program that says one thing and does another is faulty. This is the sort of thing that I used to be told to fail people for when I was marking university assignments. Fortunately it's a game and doesn't matter if values are inaccurate.
  2. rounding problems still

    Either: a) the text is just wrong and should say 3.66 -- which makes sense if you are consistantly dropping fractions and the actual calculation is using 11/3 (one third of the sell price). Then this is probably just formatting in the message display where it is rounding the value instead of truncating it. -- or -- if the text is correct and exact then the results indicate that most likely your calculation is not actually using 3.67, but is using 3.66 repeating (i.e. 11/3, one third of the sell price) and just dropping the fraction. If you want the price to actually be 3.67, then you could round the multiplier to 2 significant digits before doing the multiplcation (basically, just use 3.67 as your multiplier!). But in any case: 3.67*100 != 366 Computers just aren't that bad at math. If there's a glaringly obvious error like that, its due to imprecise programming. Do I care about one gold in a transaction? Not particularly, but it gives the impression of being misleading and a bit careless. I mean, don't you want this game to look as professional as possible if you are going to have pay to play customers? This is even more true if you are fed up and want to sell the game to a publisher. Mind you, if I'd been doing this, I would have probably been really lazy and used a floor() or ceil() on the multiplier itself before the message display and not shown or used any decimal places at all! :twisted: (i.e. something like: buy_price = amount * floor(float(sell_price)/3.0) -- excuse my rusty C) It would be the lazy way out but avoids the entire possibility of fractional gold...
  3. rounding problems still

    Selling essences to Regia in WSC, she says she will pay you 3.67 per essence, but if you sell her 100, she gives you 366g. It would be nice if rounding was handled the same way for the message and the sales amount.
  4. Help the starving!

    Sets out some peanut butter with borax mixed in ...
  5. New server bug reports!

    yeah, Ent said he changed it to 20%, but the wraith msg didnt' get updated I think. But thats 20% each time, including the spawn out hell after it hits the first time. It seems to me last night I was talking to someone who went to hell 5 times before he could get from IP to WSC. The is the worst neg perk IMO. People who take it after the reset are probably going to want to start a new char :? .
  6. the reset and server change...

    And there is a new stat 'overall level' that everyone will start at 0 in. It raises quickly tho, since it is based on all xp you get. Also, the combat stat vanishes completely. But don't expect to log in and start right off making things at your skill level, or harvesting high level ores. You have to read books to learn how to do that first, and that takes a ton of time unless you raise your rationality (based on will and reasoning) to high levels.
  7. New server bug reports!

    yeah, fire essences are definitely the easiest way to make scads of money. I do exactly the same process as aelric. Even as a new char in the previous test phase, with lots of harvest failures, it was still the easiest way to make a lot of money quite quickly. With tons of failures and a low carry ability, i could still easily get over 500 gold in an hour, more than enough for early books, tools etc. and far more than i could selling meat, making fur gloves and so forth from bunny hunting.
  8. New server bug reports!

    If the book description is longer than the window space for the display, we don't get a scroll bar to see the rest of the text: see the metallurgy description. Crystal technology typo: "gems stones" instead of "gemstones" Same typo in Crystal mining. ----------------------------------------------- Quarter staff is still spelled incorrectly in its description. ======================= Visual inconsistancy: The potion of defence vial is the old vial, not the new shape. So is the minor mana potion and minor healing. Not sure if this is a deliberate inconsistancy or ?
  9. New server bug reports!

    Harvy says he is going to take 6 gold for vials, but then only took 15 for 5 vials (which is 3 per vial). I know the price was reduced, but it looks like the message may still be wrong?
  10. when situation is bad, nothin beats Beatles

    very nicely done! Thanks for putting a smile on my face in troubled times.
  11. New server bug reports!

    that would be nice, but my point is she shorted me by one gold, not the part of a gold that always vanishes. 50x.42=21 exactly not 20.
  12. New server bug reports!

    minor rounding error: Darla outside portland says she buys sunflowers for .42 gold, but when i sold her 50, i got 20 gold, not 21. Same for blue lupines
  13. New server bug reports!

    Are you saying that 'something invisible is attacking me' is the same bug as 'you cannot move while you are being attacked' after dieing? Sorry, but I didn't guess that (especially since I hadn't actually attacked anything and the symptoms seemed different, with the disconnect before etc). I'll try to remember to type #dbg next time. I admit I sort of panicked, since i wasn't obviously not fighting back to whatever was hitting me so hard. Still, we should see if we can recreate the item duplication by logging during a fight. Thats sort of serious...
  14. New server bug reports!

    Eeek! I had to go afk for a bit due to a phone call, so i was just standing there in CC, not even near a deposit of anything. Came back to the screen, tried to move, and got a 'connecting to server' message, then something invisible started hitting me hard. 2 hits and i was almost dead, and yet there was nothing there! I logged before i died, but what the heck? The only critters in CC are rats, and I can kill those and there was nothing visible on my screen! *sigh* I bet I'm dead or stuck when i log back in. Oh now thats just TOO weird. I came back, almost dead, and theres a sack at my feet with duplicates of the books i was carrying, the essences I had and my gloves. Definitely buggy.
  15. New server bug reports!

    worse than that, it gives you the message for having below zero food, and if you open the stats window after that, it still shows much higher than zero food. You have to close it again and wait about a min before opening to see the food level display properly. Quite annoying