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Posts posted by Dugur

  1. The harm ward is pointless because there is MI removal ward. Atm wards don't have automatical area effect, but needs movement to trigger it. I believe most PKers are happy with it this way, KF will be empty the moment there's a chance to bypass MI without the opponent moving. Just in theory ofc, in practise no one bothers due to no win in killing in KF with them. Happyhappy gc sinking for nothing.


    And what comes to the idea of capping harm to 75... it's not complete shit, but it's thrown out just to make magic skill near useless in PK or at least not a real threat. Already the MI stops 100%

    First idea, if there's real need to change harm *coughMIcough*, is to nerf it only against players. Monsters would still enjoy the mass dmg, there's already some heavy resistance on many of them. Dragon armours have decent resistances, but tbh that won't protect you much. (Here we could compare #1 a/d person with shit load of bought pps to 100+ mage with max ratio. Most say the a/d person is trained and is rightfully strong, but mage is just pain in the ass loser. If you train to the top, are you allowed to be über?) Why not make the spell dependant on the armour? (I think this has been also thought ages ago) Make leathers highly resistant against harm, steel/titanium/bronze more vulnerable and dragon armours enjoy the current dmg. This way those über that can survive in less armour can enjoy more protection vs. a mage. Those lower lvl cannon fodder can then be more competitive in dragon gear against them, but get slaughtered when failing MI.


    And my opinion on the harm wand.. it's total bullshit, I like the idea of playing with skill, not the equipment. When I need item to get proper harm, I'll just swap to some other skill that might have more potential. It's a shame that in basic fighting the equipment does so big a difference atm, but that's just my opinion and should be just ignored.

  2. Wtf don't stop now Dugur, you need to reach #1. There are very few players that have high magic with relatively low a/d so you should definitely go for it :)


    I already am rank 1, prkl :)

  3. Finally managed to climb to the top in magic. Couldn't have done it this fast alone.


    Thank you for all the friends supporting, and especially those that thought reaching even level 70 was huge pain in the bottom and near impossible, not to mention lvl 100+ (omg the yeti ppl). There are several new names in top50 who were tireless MD partners, thank you. And especially big cheers to those who bought my stoofs to fuel my training.


    Greatest <3's to Lartherel, Nijura and Cara :icon13:


    Now feel free to drop me, this is too expensive poop.

  4. Humpuukia, armeijassa töissä tarviit hyvät keuhkot että kestää tupakkaa ketjussa. Vahva maksa on myös eduksi. Sitä ne siellä nykyään tekee ja paskat ne saa mitään uutta kunnollista upseerikantaa aikaiseksi. Leipiintynyt kasa lössiä ilman ihanteita, keuhkosyöpä ja maksan vajaatoiminta.

  5. The whole post here is full of wild accusations only drawn from subjective view without clear sense of things.

    Also, the post doesn't sound like a dispute post at all, but a rant where the main objective is to make Ozmondius look baddie.


    Paul Brown already linked a topic I am sure Cruella was familiar with, knowing her positive activity in forums. There's nothing outlawry done, Ozmondius's actions are explained waterproof (but I'm also his guildie, so some 3rd party insight on that is always welcome) So what's left for reason?

    "I'm posting this in a hope he'll think over his behaviour, comes to his senses and starts to behave again like a honorable player. Shame really, shame."

    There are no proof of dishonourable actions on this case, or are there?

    I'd like to remind sometimes it's better to calm down and think before posting.


    In my eyes the post is breaking forum rules by failing to respect others:

    4. Respect Others

    You must respect the rights of others and their rights to enjoy this game and the forums. In order to show proper respect, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, insult, name call, or cause distress and / or unwanted attention to other members, moderators, volunteers, or developers. Do not patronize people as they become acquainted with the environment and make beginners’ mistakes.

  6. Now all reliefs are taken away, so top players will still stay as top player but it's almost impossible to new players or players that are between 0-120 a/d to catch them.


    Btw I like the idea. Yes it would make training bit easier, but still why it should be as hard as it's now? But I'd suggest that you have to wear it for whole fight until you flee. It would be too easy to take carrot on your hand and then when ebul muffy attacks, take it off and avoid breaking it. Also make it pretty easy to break and relatively expensive.


    The top char will just get banned or locked, no need to catch them :pickaxe:


    If the carrot for example is used while keeping in inventory, there's no avoiding the breaks from att. Also if game mechanics allow, the first break of this item should be calculated when the attack is done - you are under attack, you can't move. Your carrot broke/got eaten


    And putting carrots to increase monsters critical to dmg the multitraining will be pain.

  7. There's a reason to have ignore lvls on monsters ofc, but how about items for different monsters to make them attack you (and _maybe_ even make them tougher too)

    Example, fluffy rabbit:

    Carrots, bought from NPC for xxx gc. Removes fluffy ignore when worn like weapon (or kept in inventory). Chance to break every time you are attacked or hit.

    Enhanced carrots, bought from NPC for more gc or maybe mixed using some mixtures with basic carrots. Same as carrots, but adds +5 a/d and criticals to the monster.


    Different item for goblins/orcs, chimerans etc. Lots of chances here :pickaxe:


    Would someone use them? Maybe :P It's an idea, shoot it down.


    (searched autoattack, found nothing similar)

  8. With 60% AP, WH and ER perks it takes 100 pk bolts to kill one ice dragon. Time consumed roughly 7 minutes. Cost will be lower than what PK bolts cost, because using training bolts brings same or even better result thanks to passing armour radically as Cruella too says in her previous post (criticals roughly 90-95%) Result being 3 training instead of one PK, gc value 30 instead of 35/45 :)

    For training this brings a problem needing to kill more monsters to get the same exp, but gives longevity thanks to gc profit. Though only possible place for profit is in Hulda, which will be a nice active playground once ppl get moneyhungry. Shame the market can't handle the endless ice dragon armours. Ofc we get items needing ice scales once the problem arises (assuming everyone gets all huggy and not kill eachother in Hulda + form a cartel to keep scale/armour price up etc) but this probably won't solve the issue.

    But this I must say, the 60% is effin great for PK! Dealing constant 40+ damage with PK bolt/arrow will hurt bad, and add a nice spice to it. Shame there's not too many archers interested in PK yet.

    All in all, I like it.

  9. Multi training won't be a problem if the spell is made so that it doesn't make auto attack, but only forces everyone already in combat to fight the person having the spell active (which I undersood is the case in Entropy's original post). Not limiting it to work with monsters only, but ppl too. This way a stronger person can take the hits instead of letting weaker die. In example 3 50's att peeps with one 100's fight someone with 100's a/d the 50's peeps aren't much a trouble and in the end it's 100 vs. 100 where those in 50's are catching diss/MI/ranging unless they are dead or unprepared. With aggro spell the person with 100 a/d can force the equal match to keep fighting himself so the 50's can stay in combat and hit with criticals and add def penalty etc. The spell will be useful especially in instances, and supports teamplay.


    Maybe also make a potion with a negative side effect (as in invis pot and old TS pot) of not being able to flee or use diss ring as long as the aggro is active. Or make ts pots have this neg instead :) But that's off topic and another suggestion not related to original one :)

  10. Sounds nice, but this suggestion ignores teamwork and mostly rangers. Currently only one person gets the kill on multi (wild assumption based on #pki), and having everyone fighting a creature get the points gives some to those not deserving it = ranks that mean nothing. Eventually this will be same as it was with pki. And what comes to rangers, as long as they can't get the points from the kill the idea will be a fail / more whining.



    Chuck_Norris goes to invasion to earn those ranks and suddenly finds himself followed by lowlife_noob, fr33stoofplox, rankhunter1, leg0laZ3, immaleeth4xrankz0r and steven_seagal. Only ice dragons left - a nice breakfast for Chuck. The rest follow chuck and engage fight the moment a dragon is going to get the final blow. Chuck gets 31 points and the über raid team gets 2 rank ups and a hard on.

  11. Happy New Year!


    Everyone makes promises for new year to break later. Here's one: I won't cause distress by harming innocent trainers/pkers/bystanders/whatnot to death, but heal them, and love and hug all those lovable Trees \o/

    The guild is small, will stay small and is run by pure 3hugging despotism.


    #edit: Guild is still blooming but is moved to peaceful alt char. I managed few hours, maybe next year :D

    <3 Korr

  12. I remember doing ogres in leather/steel chain/steel shield/iron helm. CoL and other stoof make it easier but is too much I think. If you're cheap you do it with minimal gear.

    More fancy stuff is "needed" just to absorb the basic hits and criticals to hit, in most cases full steel is overdoing it just for the looks. A steel set on ogres is absorbing more than the damage taken - such a waste. CoL can be a life- and moneysaver if you have a failing restore. First monster for hydro armours is clops/fluffs, though with some toughness an aug set is well enough.

    Someone needs to break stuff, go train in dragon gear 8)

    Oh, and I heard a rumour from semi-reliable source that you get über exp boost if you train with BRoD or BoD instead of basic bone/wood branch.

  13. Hi,


    I encountered a problem similar to the ones here: http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=46926

    Every time I open a dialoque box, notepad, stats or options window the graphics go buggy. I upgraded my graphics driver and the problem seemed to solve. For starts all works smooth but then suddenly it all happens again and after client restart is ok for few minutes.

    We have same problem on my wifes computer, same graphics card. On her comp the characters disappear with actor animation enabled.


    We have ATI Radeon X1950 Series on both computers

    OpenGL Version 2.1.8087 -> updated to 2.1.8304


    Here are some screenies to show what it looks like, used various different option setups but couldn't find a way for it to work without problems.




