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Posts posted by Kidberg

  1. Yeah i get the same message jh. I dont what it is and yes i get it almost everytime i trade. eventually i get the trade completed but sometimes it takes up to 10 tries to get it and sometimes i have to logg to get it.

  2. I dont know if this is really a true bug but here lately when i trade from storage or someone trades me something from storage it seems to always fail the first time if not more. I have the "S" set in the corner box and it still will not trade. I have also moved around a bunch as like today were i moved probably 10 times and it still didnt trade.

  3. I dont care what you say, bigfoot isnt a yeti. It may be related to it someway or another but they are two different creatures. This could be like a mountain chim and artic chim thing. Yeti= Cold places....Bigfoot= forest places. And i love the hunting idea...it would make this animal super hard to kill and plus beef up his adpc. If the summoning thing could be implemented that would be cool too. Maybe if this monster was put in the game, only put like 2 in the whole game and make them hard to find. They could switch maps but only to certain ones so u could actually have a chance of finding it.
