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Everything posted by chakz

  1. you didn't get a warrenty? :lol:
  2. how bout books that contain perks ? ultra rare of course
  3. Materials

    what if rabbit fur was used to make some sort of padding for the armor and helps cut down on how much exp you lose when wereing armor, I suppose the rabbit padding would were and tare alot faster then normal though
  4. even out the Weps...

    wait.....we have magic weaps?
  5. blacksmith on ip?

    or how bout junky cheap equipment "you equiped a stick, 20% chance to poke someones eye out" heh , seriously though cool idea ent
  6. ok I was thinking what if there were maps placed in between other maps. Maps that were nothing but long stretches of road. They would have lots of animals and things along the way. Maybe for the maps meant for the higher levels these travel maps could have stronger monsters on the way like gargs and stuff. I thought this type of thing would add on to the atmosphere or the feeling of adventure. Maybe for people who don't want to travel there could be a taxi npc that would just teleport you to the other side. what do you guys think?
  7. travel maps

    you have a point learner, but when I go to portland it feels alot less like I'm going to portland and more like I am going to the nieghbors. These maps would add some new hunting grounds for those interested in combat. They would also be usefull for quests. A npc could ask you to help him recover his daughter who was kidnaped during an ambush on there way to portland or something like that or recover a lost ring. but maybe you are right, maybe it would be a hassle to travel these things. Be carefull what you wish for I guess....
  8. Joining Parties.

    I like the idea, maybe there should be a 'find party' command. By clicking this, the player autmaticly travels to the nearest party member to keep people from accidently getting lost
  9. quests-npc and mosters

    just so you know they do something like that in everquest. sounds like a nice idea though
  10. attack exp...

    I can think of a few ways to fix that ( giveing players an incredibly junky weapon of there choice in the begining and simply adding more weapons for each groupe) but that would be to much to change so I guess your right
  11. attack exp...

    actually it wouldn't be unarmed so much as some sort of martial art, instead of haveing weapons, you could just were gloves ( spiked, leather , etc.) and there are only 4 types of weapons in the game, staffs, swords, blunt, and gloves ( or martial arts if you prefer)
  12. license

    I was thinking about a license system, a license would/might give you: 1. access to items (or books) that you wouldn't normally be able to get 2. discounts on buyable items 3. access to certian buildings (perhaps) 4. put them on better terms with certain NPC's (rarely gives player a gift) 5. put them on worse terms with NPC's (may raise prices) 6. MAYBE gives a small skill or damage boost, or reduces chances of fail 7. a particular license might make it more difficult to use or level a certain skill. you would only be able to carry one license at a time . you would be able to get an license for things like alchemy, fighting, crafting,summoning, and potions . licenses would be completly optional, they might be offerd for free in the begining, and cost money and/or pickpoints later ( if a player wanted to change licenses, or didn't pick one in the begining ). ________________________________ I appologize for any grammatical or spelling errors also if any comments I made here offend anybody I appolgiz, that was not my intent
  13. attack exp...

    the whole concept doesn't make sense to me. Isn't fist fighting and sword fighting different? So if you fight with a sword you should get better with it, if you fight with your fists you should get better with them. same for the other weapons as well. Something like that might help make the game more diverse as well
  14. Simple Karma system

    instead of haveing a timer, how bout haveing some sort of jail system, or a comunity service system: they could pick up bags or retrieve items for those who have been killed - doing this would gradualy change there karma from evil to good. how bout a dueling system for freinds who wish to fight for fun.
  15. Dungeons

    Hey bout millions of dungeons loaded with weak monsters you have wade through to get to cool treasures, people could finaly get to useing the map maker, the dungeons could be accseible through the wraith and you could invite people to go with you ::edit:: sorry didn't mean to offend anybody, I meant that it might make things a little easier for the genral community(sp?) to make and submit there maps ( or just get them played), but if thats already happening forget that comment
  16. How bout a repeat button, you know a button that just repeats what you did last, so I can save my fingures on harvesting binges ( I don't want to down load an auto clicker, that feels to much like cheating) there might be some contraversy over this, but it wasn't on the not to-do list so I thought it would be ok to suggest ::Edit:: oh and I also wanted to suggest Essence stave, for instance if you were eqiped with a stave of matter essence you would not need to have a matter essence when casting a spell that requires one, these staves would probibly be incredibly hard to aquire and probibly only have essences of the more complex spells
  17. Client wishlist

    hey how bout magic hot keys?
  18. no I am not talking about final fantasy, I mean a system of jobs that allow people to do what they want in the game and make a fair amount of gold doing it you know if someone wants to be a mage they can talk to the wraith, get this job and perhaps recieve all the necisary books and info you need on this job perhaps some books could be free for certain jobs ( i.e. I could a fire book for free, but have to pay for ever new book I want) maybe even recieve a pay for your job depending on what you do as this charecter, maybe devolope a random quest system that people can get paid for, you know just create templates that regenerate, kill this retrieve this something like if timer = x then find quest if counter = x then FindObject = key ( or potion or what ever) if conter2 = x then NPC = gloric or for a kill quest maybe something like this if timer = x then kill quest if counter = x then Dungeon = gold mine if counter2 = x then monster = Dragon and perhaps have a trigger so that the monster only appears when you enter the dungeon/ area and maybe program it so that only you or an ally can attackt the monster and the quests could be based your class (i.e. gloric requires a magician of your skill to help releive a curse or jon doe requires a fighter of your skill to kill a dragon) to make things interesting and to add a little purpose to the game instead of mindless lvling
  19. geeez can we say spineless, personally I think the idea kicks except that instead of PK maps they should be special maps ( it will allow for more possiblities) further more it would give the game an actualy point, and there are a few ways to rememdy the * CO* problem one is you could disband all the guilds before initiating such an update, no one would probibly want that though, and whats to keep *CO * from teaming back up agian , another way to do it is through allies ( diplomecy anyone) These resource maps may not nessisarily need to be taking forcefully perhaps they could traded for and bought, and if the COs' are a real problem for everyone all the guilds could gang up and mob 'em that'd be fun watch, but with the current combat system thats impssoible well another thing to do is (if multi-user combat is ever intigrated) put a level limit on who can mutli user if the opponent is equal or weaker then only one person can attack him , but if he is stronger , then everyone can have at him but thats just my opinion
  20. lost the book for bakarts quest

    maybe I am just a special breed of idiot cause I haven't heard of this happening to often I lost the book for bakarts quest and I can't get a new one I've tried restarting the quest that doesn't work...please help me
  21. lost the book for bakarts quest

    no, I lost it before that was applied, and when I talk to bakart with the other things in my invantory he says I do not have everything so sadly yes I have lost it
  22. combat

    ok so right now I am playing RS (please don't stone me) and I notice something, combat is alot more fun don't neccarily know why maybe its the face that its alot easier to chaseing a down a goblin and quickly puverize it into the ground maybe its because there is a designated area specifcly desgiend (please don't mock my spelling) for killing things so my request is this , can we have a revamped combat system, you know one that requires a bit'o skill , anyone can just click and watch the action , maybe the abillity activate certain tequniqes during combat at the expense of ethrael points or something............ ok am done