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Eternal Lands Official Forums


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About ZoneTheta

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  1. AFkers

    I find absolutly nothing wrong with being AFK as long as people are no AFK right beside a storage NPC. That really pisses me off when i cant get to one of the storage because people just sit and leave their computer.
  2. ****BUYING A SERP****

    post here if you're selling a serpent
  3. Auto Harvester

    I feel that the current rules should apply: automated clicking without dropping is acceptable. I love this current stance and feel that a solution such as an icon above the character's head while harvesting should work. If there are people who are tasked to checking harvesting sites for players who are harvesting and dropping while AFK and there is banning as a result, I would think people would strongly be encouraged to think twice about using macros. I would even volunteer to check mines/harvesting areas myself if it meant that I could keep my method of automated clicking and chatting. I would be upset to see some of the things people have suggested go in effect. I have created auto-clickers for other games to give to their players off of their website, and I feel this may also be a viable option. If players are given a clicker, they may not be so tempted to use their own. By the way... I'm always right. hehehe :wink: