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Everything posted by Affliction

  1. Want my Bots?

    I dont play as much anymore and will give my bots to some one who is legit in wanting to run them. how will i know if your legit? i wont. but ill make a judgment call. bot names are Xanadu and Euphrates.
  2. Want my Bots?

    sorry paul. i just sent the info to give the bots away like 15 minutes ago.
  3. pk fun

    At the very least, we could start with making NCa no-drops, and if it's not being used, then we could consider what you're saying... but i tell ya now, KF doesn't need to be made drops for a ND arena to be used. I'm willing to bet significant RL$ on it i see no problem in this. just make nca nd and change kf IF its needed. i'd like that.
  4. pk fun

    if ND KF is not removed i dont believe the arena's would be used. (DPA being no drop now as an example). KF is closer to storage and still ND so most will use it and not an arena. so i say take it away and give arena's ND.
  5. pk fun

    as far as ppl not hanging out in KF its b/c they will be hanging out in arena's which are way cooler . if people want ot pk in ND map they will go where its ND to PK. if KF isnt PK they will go to DPA or NCA or WS only reason dpa and nca are not used as activlely as they once were now is b/c KF is ND and its safer than an arena and closer to storage.. remove ND KF and keep arena's ND. and arena fights will come back. people will hang out there instead of KF
  6. pk fun

    I like the idea of making KF regular again. but all c1 arena's being no drop. at least keep dpa and add NCA to the No drop list..
  7. Team PK "instance"

    I'd love this idea and use it IF: 1. No special armor/ weps 2. no brod/bod 3. drops are allowed 4. one death and your out (no multiple deaths like the instances. then the person with the most rosto's could win) 5. time limit of like 45 minutes or 1 hour.
  8. Your favorite addition or change in EL...

    my favs are definitely c2 and the mix all button. ohh and more armors. iron plate was cool and all but i <3 BDA
  9. Rostogols, how many do you have?

    zero. i hardly find a use for them. i harvest alot. train in cheap crap. . cheap stuff for invasions. and if i pk. its in KF. so no need.
  10. PK Storage NPC

    This is my idea and its completely just for fun. Make Thelinor storage npc PK. Put him in Thelinor Tavern which is PK anyways, but before he would do business with you. You had to PK him. after you PK with him he would "trust" you. but if you didnt come by and see your old pal for a few days. he'd lose his trust in you. so you would have to fight him again to regain his storage uses. The NPC could start at about troll level. and then gain exp from fights.. or level up from fights in some way so that the next time some one fights him he will be stronger. If he wins a fight he gets stronger a little bit. but if he loses a fight he should be weakened a little bit. i think you shouldnt be able to diss from it. and it should give exp based on its stats at the time. i dont think the exp could be abused b/c you cannot diss train it. and if you kill it. it will be at least a week or several days before you can fight it again. and if you keep dieing.. well.. thats alot of rosto's or lost items i just think this would add a bit of fun for those that use thelinor storage. *i know i use it every time i stock my bot*. i know it would be fun for me
  11. Bots expiring

    True_Spartan is no longer in use. i am the owner.
  12. New Quest

    yea. thanks everyone who made this quest possible. it was great fun ;D
  13. New Quest

    Affliction and ATL finished the quest. i pm'd you the reward. *hope we were 1st* (after xenaMT)
  14. Confusion

    I think it would be cool to have a confusion spell. i thin it should have a level requirement a little higher than mana draining. say a 30% chance for it to take affect when cast. the higher the lvl the better your percentage for it to take affect. if it does take affect the victem would have a 50% chance to damage himself instead of the oponent.. for lets say 10 seconds. sigils: Temporary, Destroy, Knowledge Essences: 4 magic, 3 spirit exp: 220 maybe if there were some way to only use it while in combat? but thats just a side thought.. #edit added time for confusion.
  15. Confusion

    Because it's a damaging spell I think at least the spirit essences should be replaced by death essences. maybe death and matter essences. yea maybe the spirit could be changed to death. i just liked the thought of magic and spirit with it. but im not picky on which essence it uses. well i got this idea from other games i play. and in those games when you get confused its ~50/50 that you either hit yourself or your enemy. and confusion is not very long lived.. but like on other games i play. there is only a chance to confuse some one.. its not a guaranteed thing.. hence the smaller chance to actually confuse some one. but if you succeed. you are rewarded with the 50% chance your opponent damages himself.
  16. Confusion

    well.. as a fighter i see it as a positive. something i would like to use as part of my stratagy..
  17. Enable allocation of gold

    you could create money bags. different colored ones.. made with the tailoring skill. each money bag holds as many gc's as you want in it. and they stay in the gold section of the sto. then you just withdraw the bag. and put the gc's in it then deposit it back. so its like *click "use " on money bag.* *small 1 slot window opens and you place gc's in like you would place them in a bag or sto* *close the bag by closing the window* when you hover your mouse over the bag it tells you how many gc's are in it to get gc's out *click "use" on the bag* *bag opens in a small 1 slot window holding the gc's* *take out whatever gc's like you would a bag*
  18. Resource markets

    im pretty sure gold farmers are not spending their time on dung.. :X
  19. Is taking death bags considered "dispute'ish"?

    definitely biased and therefore results cant be taken seriously.
  20. Baldarin

    Im just posting this so people will be aware. I was trying to help kill a Bul in PL and died. lost my BD Plate along with some smaller stuff.. Baldarin got my bag and logged off. i dont have a pic b/c i was dead. but i got several pm's from people telling me he was the one who took it. and i still cannot even get a hold of him. since he logged off. anyways. just thought i'd let yall know. im blocking him from my bots.. #EDIT after talking with him i figured i'd show my proof. again. im not complaining. i know its expected if i dont wear a rosto. im just informing others. [PM to Baldarin: are you going to return it?] [PM from Baldarin: Nope, its part of the game... ] im also convinced he's an alt.. not some simple noob. so if i find out who's alt it is then they will be banned form my bots too.
  21. i will be here forever
  22. Useless Books

    i had about 8 of those books. :X some i found some were just given to me. i figured they are worthless after at least 2 months of trying to sell them. so i donated them to my guild library lol
  23. Depletable Resources Poll

    i voted "i dont care" but if it was implemented like trollson said. i'd have voted yes.
  24. Depletable resources and multiplaying

    i vote YES for both ideas.
  25. EL 'trailer' movie needed (with contest)

    i like dakiss' vid.. maybe its b/c im in it