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Everything posted by SoulDevourer

  1. Holiday drops

    OMG this anti-RS behavior is really ridculous sometimes... I mean like shadow said, PSO had the same feature and I think nearly every online game has events based on real-life events, coz it simply PWNS!! So just coz RS seems to have it (never played it) it doesnt mean EL shouldnt have it JUST to be different... cya around
  2. bitches~

    A bit offtopic but I dont care if someone has a number in his nick, but I myself wouldnt ever call myself SoulDevourer2 or sth like that. Tbh My fav nick is Soulless but someone already has it in EL :evil: and this is my alternative one (...just talkative today you know.. ^^) cya around
  3. Cristal of truth

    Go to crystal cavern (in desert pines) talk to the guy in front of it (northern entrance) find estillo in crystal cavern(coordiantes are:107,76) talk to him, do as he says (collect quartz from harvy I think- harvy is in dester pines next to grim - thats south part of kamara desert north of the lil lake in the centre). You find out that frukas has the crystal, hes in grahm village, thats in the south-western corner of lakeside. Hope I didnt mix up sth btw asking in newbie channel usually helps you faster. cya
  4. You can eat (pretty sure.. except its a bug...) click on the "use" icon (looks like a pointing finger) and then click the food - your food level (left bottom of stats window) will raise. However u neither lose MP nor die if your food lvl is negative - a reason to keep it high is that you recover health if its above 0 and u got more harvesting success the higher your food lvl is. (btw food lvl borders are -30 and 45) The "fatal tactical error" most prolly is one of the random messages u get when you die. You get warped to campfire then as long as your combat skill is under lvl 6 - afterwards you get warped to underworld (however after leaving underworld u end up at campfire again ^^) and got a chance of 50% to lose your items (50% for each item) - except you wear alch cloak (which lowers the chance of losing an item down to 40%) Your health is the same as before coz as long as your a newb you respawn with full MP, lvl some more and you will respawn with no MP ... I wrote this before ent answered... gah I hate being such a slow typer - hope I at least didnt do any mistakes in my shortstory cya around
  5. Can't attack monster?

    Still happens and its REALLY annoying (dunno if its at any location but it happened in evergreen forest for me)
  6. Mod-tags

    Hi, I wanted to suggest some TAG or any other kind of sign every moderator has in his name. Ive experience lots of confusion about players claiming to be mods and it is really annoying if you cant be sure if you really talk to a mod or not. And Idont think its such a hard thing to do. Make it for example "Mod|<nick>" and make it impossible for normal accounts to have "Mod|.." Well just a suggestion... cya around
  7. Mod-tags

    I always behave Well colors, tags sth like that would be easy to implement (I guess) and prevent ppl from claiming to be mods and abusing some peoples naivity... (what mods ask for your items...) cya around