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Posts posted by Torr

  1. I would also like to note that even if i go to a monster 15-20 a/d levels under me it's still infeasible to train with no CoL, in augs/chains.


    Do you expect to train on giant is the same as ogre? Of course it can't be it should be 3 times harder and much more expansive.

    Radu should disable NMT cape's on 1 week, that would be fun.

  2. Certainly the lack of rostos at a reasonable price reduce my concern of "fun" in this game. I enjoyed too much to go to instances, this situation just destroyed our team. I lost my last rosto in a invasion at Ida mines when hundres of trolls spawn over me.


    Be more careful, I lost col in mm invasion and i didn't complain


    It takes me like 4 or 5 day to get the gcs for buy a rosto (wich i still didn't get), i can't find a better way to make gcs...


    Do u think other ppl earn 100k gc per day? No only a few.


    Since i only have 90 hp from atributes i can't train on lions anymore without risking my complete armor... also can't go back to armed orc because the critical hits... should i go back to ogres at 80 a/d? ... Should i reset and rebuild my atributes only because "a CoL isn't a need"...


    Wear med of life, take more he's, sr's, you don't have to be on spawn whole day with one load of he's, sr's. Or train on something weaker until u have more hp.

    Plus you'll cast more restore and thats mag xp.


    My 'fun' concept also includes ranging... a week ago i carried a rosto with my recurve bow... now that hasn't sence (it cost 30kgc)...


    Every skill cost, and there is risk, what about vial mold which is 10k and break and it's gone.


    In my lazy time i harvest tit ores, really hard to do with 90hp and without wearing some steel armor...


    You can always carry 4-8 he's in inv for restore, you won't die if u harv 4-8 less tit ore.


    So I wont participate on Invasions, maybe 1 or 2 instances more if i can get a team, i wont train anymore, i wont buy/sell from players or bots...


    You are not the first or the last. Everything is this game is your choice, don't blame others if you can't do or buy something.


    Just as Aislinn wrote.

    You have a choice:

    1. you can be prince with crown, shiny armor and rosto.

    2. you can be peasant warrior with leather and chain armor without rosto.


    Option 1: you have choose to be pr0, fancy and l33t. More rosto need, higher demand.

    Option 2: you are nothing like option 1, but you don't need so much money and it's less stressful, Less rosto need, lower demand.


    Everything is choice, luck and risk, someone goes to instance and if he is lucky he'll find rdholam, someone harvest and with luck will find some stone, mixer will mix and with luck will get special item.

  3. maybe you should read the topic, and check out Forevers harvesting shop, silver ore will go back to 2gc each, and alot of people mix with toads, not feasting


    Your reason for doing it may be to shake-up market or something else, we can't know since we can't read your mind

    read the topic, or maybe talk to him. he explained why he did it countless times


    you come to a topic complaining without having read anything O.o


    Toad is 1.5 gc so it's same. Well see if forever's plan will work, so don't say things that arn't 100%, i hope it will.


    Looks like you believe in honesty, but you yourself arn't honest.... And stop being broken record.


    Didn't know that money currency in EL have become $. Well since it's allowed to evil rich ppl to dictate economy, than suffer, it doesn't concern me.

  4. I know it wasn't, but my point is that u can't trust everyone.

    It's easier to dump prices than raise them, except for rare items, rosto for example.

    If u can mass produce something it's easy to lower price, but for that u need more than 1-3 players in order to satisfy demand.

    But, problem is that for example:

    Someone harvest silver ore and is paid 2.5 gc for each, you are paid 2.5 for your work.

    Now someone who is mixing HE's, need to harv 2 silver ore (5 gc), 1 chrysanteum (0.5 gc) and feasting (2 gc), that all is 7.5 gc each only ings and ppl want to buy at that price, but where is paid work to mix them?


    But to dump price of rosto, it's need about 200-300 of them. I doubt players will buy that many of them from shop. And same goes for bindings and efe's and other rare things.

  5. That wasn't meant only for you it's for everyone.

    I'm not attacking you, but you are selling rostos for 50k, that you are selling them for 20-25k it would be other story. But your decision is rational, who would sell something for lower then he payed. Your reason for doing it may be to shake-up market or something else, we can't know since we can't read your mind, but i don't care, it's your choice and your right.

  6. lol, spended 450k on AP pots in a day, lost a rostogol and HS med helping someone kill the dragon, did i charge him for it? nope

    another dragon where i spend TS pots, MI essies and lots of fire arrows to bring it on low hp for someone else to come in and get the kill for quest, he did want me to get the scale though, but i donated it to a friends bot

    not something someone greedy would do :)

    the instances and invasion? just to pass the time, even lost a rosto in that 1 invasion, nothing greedy about that


    nothing special about that though, there are countless others who do this and probably more, just proving your arguement wrong


    *theres enough demand and offer, i didnt say the problem is that. read before you write, theres enough rosto's going around on bots and learner has 50+

    i just said greed is the problem, others confirmed that by taking action


    come back to argue when you learned to read, and can come up with some valid arguementations :)


    You spend 450k gc on AP, so pr0, u did it for yourself.

    Who wouldn't help a friend even if it cost him a life?

    You lost 1 rosto in invasion but you could/did find death bag with col in it.

    Learner is main topic for a few days now, only cause he bought rostos. How many other players have large quantities of rostos, bindings, efe's, ele's... in sto?


    No1 would do something if there isn't some benefit for him, thats human nature, same as greed.

  7. @hussam

    Is anyone restricted to mix he's or sr's? No they are or lazy or they worship theirs pp's and don't want to waste them on nexus. It's their choice, but if you decided to go that way don't blame others for it. If u cant accept reality of your own problems you'll always be none.

    As far this game goes fighters were always thinking of themself highly like they are gods while those who mix are losers.


    Should i bow to Infamous for going to instances or invasion? Did u really did that for someone else? No u did it of your own greed.



    You are trying others to look bad and greed only to cover your own greed. Trying to be smart and good boy but u didn't do nothing special.

    Your greatness in finally realizing after 140 posts that problem is demand/offer. I don't know what to think of you are you really that great or something third...


    P.S. telling someone have 0 braincells is same as covering your own 0 braincells

  8. or, price went up cause of greed, players know those rosto's are needed so they overcharge

    there are 8 on a bot atm and learner has 50 or more

    theres plenty of them in game ( high offer)


    gee you got such amazing arguements aswell, do some research first :)



    You have 0 understanding of economy as far as i have read your posts. Only thing that you do is bitching, whining and telling others to change what they are doing. What have you did in the last week? Nothing, so stop writing on forum and do something. Or if u don't like current situation in game quit... Same goes for others, play and do something or quit. You have become quite boooring with going around with same thing over and over... EOD

  9. *bow to Learner*


    He have guts. There are 4 possibilities of what he is trying to do:

    1. monopoly on rostos so he can get even more gc for himself

    2. testing market to see if there are some other ppl with guts (i doubt) that will try to keep price of rosto as it was

    3. some number of market population will get greedy and sell at 50k or a bit lower

    4. whine, whine, whine


    Let the game begin :D


    P.S i can't do anything about that since i don't have rostos and don't have $ to buy them from shop. But my vote is between 3 and 4 :)

  10. @Infamous

    I'm greedy cause i never go above 100k gc in sto, and for selling HE's for 8 gc


    Everyone knows there are too many gc in game, so they need to go out from game. Well, in 3 weeks are x-mas holidays so why not put in game NPC who will sell some spec items for gc between X-mas and New Year period.

  11. RDholm price was over 200k and went to like 120k, they cant be manu'd and alot of rosto's, some armors go lost obtaining one, price seems good and never goes higher just cause someone decides "hey, i have to pay 8.5gc for HE's now, lets calculate that in our RDholm prices" or "well, i have bid wars over nexus removals which cost me alot of gc, so lets charge more for this thing"


    So, you are saying that manuer buys binding at high price and mix it in product, but he doesn't have 100% that it will succeed.

    Look, u don't have to buy anything from anyone, u can mix it by yourself. Just cause you are lazy and don't want to mix HE's, that is your problem, but if you stay lazy, pay for them and don't complain.


    Just as Ateh wrote: "It's a free market economy", you can sell/buy binding for 100k cause there isn't limit on max price, same thing with RDHOLAM, NMT, nexus removal, etc.

  12. Why is price of NMT, RDHOLAM, etc so high? GREED


    Actually child the prices of RDHOLAM + NMT are so high because neither are mixable :icon13: and only come by luck. NMT rate dropped significantly so the price offsets that.


    It has nothing to do with greed or the market. Learn the EL economy before you post please.


    Wait, arn't bindings and other rare things based on luck? Not counting those who buys them from EL shop (won't comment on that).



    No1 is forcing you to play if u don't like the system. Since playing this game for so long i don't care anymore, cause there is no cure.

  13. EDIT: And for the record I will either mix what I need myself or buy from a NPC to exit the gc from the game rather than give the gc to a greedy manuer who was supposed to just "increase cost just to meet cost of rare items" and then overbid everyone else just to increase the price of armor/weapons.


    That's the spirit.


    All that is written means nothing, that are not


    Why would anyone dump prices? You can't order anyone that or this. If it's higher demand for item than there is, it's normal that prices will go up.

    You can do anything you want with whats yours. Instead of boycotting Holar and his bot, why don't you ask yourself how many players have 20+ stones and enriched essences in storage and doing nothing with them. That's their right and again u can't do them nothing.



    I didn't dig my head in sand, since there is EL there is greed, same as real world.

    Now if someone want to made tit shield, cutty, etc. he need binding stone, but to obtain it he can harvest till the end of the world in hope he will get one or he can offer bigger price on market. With that is normal that price of that finished product will raise.


    Why is price of NMT, RDHOLAM, etc so high? GREED


    You can't do anything to change prices of stones, even if there is a person which will sell them for lower, there will always be those who will buy them and again sell them for bigger price.

  14. Since last week was thinking, He's on market are now 8-8.5 gc, if we raise it to 9 gc it would be NPC price, but there are fighters who are mostly antisocial, we could sell them for even more than 9 gc, lets say 15 gc :wub:




    I can see the reasoning why Holar sells finished items for more. But don't understand why he overpays for raw products. "Lets ask ppl to pay full price for a finished item" doesn't mean "Lets buy raw products for ridiculous prices so no one else gets them."


    If you really really want something (candy, toy...) wouldn't u do anything to obtain it?

    Holar is 100+ manufacturer, what he can mix for xp? Leather helms, with 2 millions for next lvl, thats cca 33.5k leather helms...

  15. Just bitching and bitching, always are mixers bad guys. Why are rare stones expansive? There is low rate to get stone, and enriched ess (to mix efe is around 5k+ fe). Well Radu could raise rate, but he wont. Why? There is too much gc in game.


    Holar is bad for buying all stones and selling products for higher price. Of course, advanced swords were 20k, but since serps and bindings have go way up it's logical prices of swords would go up. It's bit sad, but it would be good if prices would go above NPC prices, than players would buy form NPC and gc would go from game.


    This is one thing that manuers do and all fighters are complaining. But what about them? Since they dont have 1.5k emu they raise silver price to 2.5 gc, hello, other players could only dream about that emu and were still selling at 2 gc. Same thing with RDHOLAM, price was 150k and now they have deal and sell it for 200k cause they are greedy. But they go to instances, fight monsters, so it can pass, they do their job.


    Since last week was thinking, He's on market are now 8-8.5 gc, if we raise it to 9 gc it would be NPC price, but there are fighters who are mostly antisocial, we could sell them for even more than 9 gc, lets say 15 gc :wub:. But price is still same for everyone, same thing can be done with SR's and other essences.

    Now to mix 1 HE, you need 2 silver ore (5gc), 1 chrysanteum (0.5 gc), FP (2 gc), thats 7.5 gc, but what about time to mix it, that dosen't worth nothing?

  16. Would increasing the speed of which silver can be harvested help?


    i.e. Silver currently is rec. harv level of 24, Sulphur is rec. harv level of 14.

    If Silver harvested like Sulphur does, would people be more inclined to harvest it more?


    IMo it would be batter to add mini harv events to negative perks, who want it will get few pp's. Well i havn't played EL for some time, but tried mini events and they will destroy game. It was good side of EL that you could put char on harving and do something else. That didn't effect game too much, cause you would need to send him to storage and back, normal events were enough to disturb you. Silver price was 2.5 gc even before them, now i would increased price to 3.5 cause it's too much of work and it's even more booring. With this price of HE will go to NPC price, so fighters will buy it form NPC and almost no1 will mix them.

    This is only now with HE's, but sam will happen with other products. Only what will still be playable will be fighting.

    Let's be real, EL is going down for last 2-3 years. How many are there active players (without alts), more less than before. I wouldn't recommend friend to play EL cause now it's not even worth to kill time, but that's critical point of EL, only players can drag other players (their friends) to play it and help them in lvl-ing. Total new players (without knowing anyone in EL) will quit after few days.

    For me it's sad that game with very good potential to became very good game will end like nothing. Only who is to blame is Radu if he didn't have such ego and wannabe teh god and if he listen more players and their suggestions. Well that's my opinion, it's Radu's game and he can do whatever he want wit it.

    This was my first so long post, but probably the last ;D

  17. I don't see the point in all those posts, problems are rare ings (stones, enriched essences). Because there are not enough of those players will always give more gc to buy it and that's how prices go up. I doubt that someone is willing to sell some of these for lower price ( lets say ~5k efe), seller will always go for higher price. But manuers got my support in strike, why to sell something for less gc than ings cost.


    EDIT: This would maybe solve problems with stones and enriched essences, to limit how many you can have in storage, some ppl collect them for fun when others need them and there are lets say enough ingame and rates are low to make new ones and that to apply on bots too.

  18. Major problem is that manuers want to make those rare great sword so they overproduce basic great swords which cannot be sold at ings price and ings price is going more and more up. So to solve that there should be some changes: to lower produce rate of rare great swords so manuers lose their moral to produce them because they will lose more gc, to add formula for making rare great swords so they need xx basic sowrds + some stones, etc. to be more accessable (but it would lead to evan higher ings prices and less ings would be accassable), to just sell them via el shop. Well but will all of this it won't change problem of high prices of hydro/wolf/steel bars or even harv resources, to solve that ... idk. If you take global view its just loophole, there is no way out, only way is to dump prices and to do that i doubt there is ppl who are willing to do that. So whole burden is on Entropy :)

  19. Voted: No


    Its pretty hard enough to rise magic until lvl 40 (mana drain) and again low lvls will be in worser position.

    If this pass than should put magic schools so you get more magic xp at least until you are lvl 40 or high magic xp of some spells like restoration, mag immunity, etc.
