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Everything posted by nathanstenzel

  1. do you often crash on #cls?

    I haven't tried your custom client, but I crash quite consistantly when doing #cls from console mode....or when doing #cls in rendered mode and then switching to console mode too quick.
  2. Recycling plant

    Well, consider this when you do your figuring. While workers do need wages, that will be from the profit that the recycling center makes. They recover 60% of the ingreds from items. Shops always sell for more than you will get on the market channel and buy goods for less than the market channel would pay. This would be why a ti plate which is obviously more than 27K gc would only get you about 10K. That is at least an 8K profit for the plant, most likely. That is alot of money to pay workers, buy medical supplies, etc. Since when do the companies supply free food for the workers? Cheap food, maybe, but never free.
  3. Talk about the contest here

    I am afraid it didn't have anything to do with being drunk.... I asked him via the other thread and his reply was this. "It was an unintentional typo, caused by being uncareful." Although "uncareful" seems to be an odd wording choice, it seems the typo was not a clue whatsoever.
  4. Biggest contest in the history of EL starting tomorrow.

    By any chance can we get two clues per bag instead of one clue per bag while still keeping it nice and cryptic? It seems that only people who played EL from day one could have possibly gotten that last clue. I would try looking at the ancient blog posts for the development of the game, but I have no clue where to find it.
  5. Talk about the contest here

    So, did anyone try the wooden planks at the bridge in SKF? If the beam comment was Not simply a joke, that would be a good place to check. I tried one key in the middle of the north plank, but I didn't have keys for the sides of the plank.
  6. Biggest contest in the history of EL starting tomorrow.

    Entropy, we seem to have two threads going with conversation about the contest in them. Could we fix that somehow? I don't know which one we should share ideas in.
  7. Talk about the contest here

    Anyone notice there are two threads on the Contest? That needs fixed. There are two beams (planks of wood) on the path in South Kilarin (spelling?) just before and after the bridge. There is only one beam you can stand on. That is the northern beam. Heaven only knows if that is a clue though. It may have been simply a joke. We are forced to take everything he says as a possible clue.....so he can help us use our hyperspace bag keys. lol
  8. Biggest contest in the history of EL starting tomorrow.

    Ok. Thanks. That clears up a bit then. Funny....people were telling me you deleted the joke about the beam...but I still see it.
  9. Biggest contest in the history of EL starting tomorrow.

    Pardon me, Entropy. You did say that Kilran was a typo, but didn't say it was not intentional. Was it intentional? Also, was your character drunk when you typed it? (thinking it could have been role playing)
  10. Biggest contest in the history of EL starting tomorrow.

    Hmmm....I suppose the first place to look would be the quickest path from IP to KF. Perhaps at the road just outside of KF. Only 1 million points to check.
  11. Biggest contest in the history of EL starting tomorrow.

    How did you even find out it was the IP cave?
  12. Talk about the contest here

    Errrrrr.....sounds like a unit conversion to me. Anyone know what of one unit is 324.077649 of another unit? Or maybe a x50 or /50 of one?
  13. Talk about the contest here

    clue #1 "324*subdivision of a big measurement unit, inside the cave" clue #2 (via mod announcement) "Reguarding the contest, I decided to reveal one more thing: a step in EL is 50 CM. And no PMs subdivision could be 1/2, 1/4 or an area split in two or something like that MM is a measurement, but is small Roman numeral MM is 2000 PL->WS cave is at a 324 MM cave is at a 324 I have no idea what other caves are at 324 * might be multiply or something else...it is hard to tell * might be a type and it was supposed to be & Big units of measure: 1,024 = 1 kilobyte, 65,536=1 megabyte, 5280 feet in a mile?, 2200 or 2000 = 1 ton?, maximum 2 byte signed number = 32768 The map for the PL->WS cave is map6nf_cave.bmp....but I doubt that would be a clue even if it was the PL->WS cave. Anyone else have any big units of measure?
  14. Looter banned

    Wouldn't anyone under a router typically get the ip address that the router was assigned?
  15. Pesnja is a thief

    Well, if you offer the whole 7,000 gold and he still refuses, it will be written off in my book as Jason refusing resolution. Right now, it could be labled as him refusing to settle for less than he figures he is entitled to.
  16. Pesnja is a thief

    I don't really care about being popular. I just care about being just and fair. I try to understand the situations behind the situation. Some people in this game let personal matters affect their decisions. It happens in real life and it happens in games. If people are not happy in real life, they will often act cranky and rude and mean. This applies to this situation, if anyone is wondering why I am blabbering on. Pesnja should not have kept stuff that wasn't his. I don't know if Jason was patient enough with Pesnja as he should have been or not. Pesnja should not have acted like he was due the flowers from Alumina. My fellow guildmate should be more considerate when people have "issues" since that is something that they will have sooner or later and I have had my share of "issues" in the past and have worked through them. Everyone has issues from time to time and a better person would forgive the occasional transgression. Pesnja has told me that he will gladly pay the essence back after he is done with his pending orders. Time will tell on that. I won't let it affect me either way. It didn't involve me. If I can help patch things up though, I will. Trying to fix issues is one thing I do. As for the issue between Dao and ALCH, that was an example of multiple people having bad days, practicing bad public relations skills and holding grudges. I don't hold anything against Dao. It was not anything to do with me. I have been told to not try to resolve the issue between Jason and Pesnja, but honestly, I will anyways. If anybody does not like what I said here, sorry to hear it. I just try to be understanding and just and try to give people the chance to pay penance for misdeeds and correct misunderstandings.
  17. New NPC

    I am a bit freakishly manu obsessed. How about I donate my skills. I will make the s2e from the iron bars, steel bars and fe that are donated. More xp is always nice.
  18. Update changes

    Hmmm....xp bonus of 4+ gets you more xp (2+) than before per 70 cotton. Of course then, I can't say I understand exactly how the xp bonus is computed. What rationality makes an xp bonus of 4 for a 6xp base? Thanks for increasing the thread per cotton. That will slow down the xp for those that actually sell/store their cotton and will make more thread for the manufacturers.
  19. Update changes

    What if it gave always 1 exp like bone powder? The crafting quest is now useless. You can make thread and become a better crafter in less time with little effort. My wife's character is an expert crafter. Soon, she will have a bunch of newbie's for competition and all they would need to do is read the books and make thread. That disturbs me. Thread needs to be the same as bone powder. 3 cotton = 1 thread and 1 xp.
  20. Update changes

    Will the Trik prices be adjusted? Now, he is ripping people off even more for threaded goods. Where is the book seller for gypsum and for making the molds and portar & pestle?
  21. Guilds/Allies

    Maybe you should try ctrl-up arrow, and editing in console mode. For your specific suggestions, why would you ask multiple guilds about a player? Why not just the last one? And reporting scammers ingame (even via #ig) is just spamming in my opinion, we have an entire forum section dedicated to outlaws to keep people informed, why not use that instead? A lot more detail can be given instead of "x is a scammer". Because you don't know what guild the player was in last and because you don't want just the opinion of the guild the person was in last. Guilds might be protective of the reps of their former guildmates if they left on good terms. Ummmmm....yeah, I would give more info than That.....That is just ludicrous.
  22. Guilds/Allies

    That would ROCK! I have had a number of times when I was trying to do a background check or warning people about a scammer and I have had to type the same thing in a number of times. It gets to be so annoying. Typing it somewhere else and doing CTRL-V is annoying too. If I could do this, it would save alot of time. If we want to send messages to all ally guilds or something, we can add in macros later. Of course, for that, the server would have to check the list of ally guilds for the guild you are in. That wouldn't be too much work, I think.
  23. Update 1.3 Bug reports

    South Redmoon 154,166 has a ladder going up to the lookout tower. It sometimes says this... You can't get to the ladder from here. wrong_object_text: Nothin happens. use_text: There is also a crate at Palon Vertas storage that you can move through and sit in.
  24. PL storage sound feedback for 1.3.2

    I just tested the EL 1.3.2 client for sound in PL storage. It does not have the annoying sound when I enter storage. It does have the "too many sounds" statement about 6 times as usual. I wish the programmer luck in correcting the sound issues. I heard that is where the bugs are left in the EL 1.3.2 client.
  25. Preload the update

    The testing feedback go to the Bug Reports section of the forum, right? I tested the sound for PL storage and posted that there.