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Everything posted by elric67

  1. Voted yes I return DB's as best I can. 90 to 95% of the DB's I have found did not have a value that would justify a rosto, but these DB's had value to their owners. Most of the owners of these bags were new players and very happy to get their gear back. This poll seems to target the high leveled minority at the expense of the low leveled majority. At the heart of this community rule is the idea to protect low leveled players when they are most vulnerable and sometimes this rule protects a more experienced player from an attack of stupidity. I think helping a new player and encouraging alittle honor (not stealing) out weighs teaching a more experienced player a lesson. I think the community rule should stand as is; to protect new players and to maintain the spirit of this unique gaming community. Ty for your time
  2. Fed

    I am not a fan of Mr Paul However I respect some of his views, he has some other legislation in progress and a senator has submitted legislation by the same name in the senate, whether you are for or against here is address to get updated info on the Transperancy Bill http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-1207 (Please forgive if i screw up the link, first time trying to insert link) From this site there is a link to section 714 of title 31, United States Code which is to be changed by the proposed bill. I do not support this bill, because the comptroller general has outlined in fiscal yr 2007 report submitted in June 2008, 3 major point interfering with auditing the Federal Gov. #1 on his list is the Department of Defense. Here is a link to GAO info http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08847t.pdf this is a lengthy read some 45 pages long. But three areas of concern are listed on the first page. I firmly believe the Federal Gov has its fingers in enough private industry, and should turn its attention cleaning up his its own house first. I say this because the federal reserve is not a strictly a governmental entity and some of the infomation protected by the current section 714 of title 31 could be misused if released incorrectly. I also do not support the current idea in congress to expand The Federal reserves power to seize businesses. On the Fed, it is big, ugly, for profit beasty but it ours. It is quasi-public entity, privately owned banks (12) ruled by a board of governers, chosen by the president of the united states and comfirmed by the senate. It makes lots of money, mostly for the owners of the banks in question. It works, because it is privately held with a purpose to make money, but to do this it regulates our market, a good market makes money, a bad market does not, so fed tries to maintain a good market. I know it did not work out so well, but there is difference between failing to control a problem and being the cause of a problem. Our market is screwed not because of the fed reserve but despite it. Deregulation by our congress got us to this point, by allowing unregulated greed in the finacial backrooms and unregulated lobbyist that whisper louder than voters in the ears of congress. As for slaying the beast, i do support this as long as there is a method to regulate our market to replace it. If you look at the history prior to the the federal reserve act of 1913, you will see starting in 1791 first and second bank of the united states (1791-1811, and 1816-1836), free banking era (1837-1862), and national banks (1863-1913). Throughout this period the common thread is a bank run or depression about every 20 twenty years. The federal reserve broke this cycle, with some changes following the 1929 depression. Until a viable option is found i would rather deal with the devil I know than go through a depression, then watch my kids go through a depression and then their kids go through a depression ad infinitum. Ty for your time if you managed to get this far, now my disclaimers I know only 2 languages, bad english and worse
  3. Removing TS effect

    voted yes and yes I do not believe a negative effect should be used as a reward. Perhaps poison or a temp gellie bone effect could be used as an alternate negative. Armed orcs and cyclops are the bridge to fluffies. That is what I am currently training on, so of course adjust them to make them more trainable, pretty please. Seriously, minor adjustment would be nice, I did not shift to armed orcs and every now and again cyclops because ogres and tsed did not give better xp, but because i wanted to kill new things and the spawns are usually not crowded. Some new mobs like high lvl undead, dinosaurs, or high lvl animals would be great. I think lions with adjustment could make an alternate to ogres, but for bridging maybe tigers could be adjusted. Regular tigers: increase a/d 20 or so lvls, more hps, and reduce crit and dex, for the white tigers: increase a/d and hp maybe even more than regular tigers, but do not reduce their attributes. That will keep them nasty for us noobs. Higher lvl bridges or adjustments will be needed to or after yeti, but not sure as it is out of my depth and experience. disclaimers- i am noob and i speak, stutter and scribble in 2 languages, bad english and worse.
  4. I am in in game name elric67 rl sex male
  5. Trying to fix an event for magic users

    Naralik catacombs across lava to throne with the other harestable emerald ( from walkway to titanium) or the islands outside magic school in PV
  6. So, what do we think about the new changes?

    I am still a newbie and I am continually impressed by the dedication of the personnel striving to make EL a dynamic and entertaining game, from the makers to the players. The updates I have seen so far have impressed me. I look forward to meeting (killing/being killed by) new monsters, trying new spells, armor, and potions, though much of this will be later in the game since I have to develop my character more. The latest changes are good. For the vials I see this as step in the right direction, as the impact on the market and game play are determined, tweaking of the fine points will occur; like Manufacturing vials, adjusting break percents, or increase xp or gains from potions. The only change I have reservations about is the increase in essence cost for for remote heal, my character is a healer and my game play uses alot of time harvesting and using alchemy to support this. My last 5 lvls of magic have been done 20 xp at a time and I have excepted it will be a long time before I see high magic levels as a healer. It seems counter to the EL idea of community to make the this low level spell and first spell that can help someone other than yourself so expensive in essence cost. Please reconsider this change, or consider as mentioned earlier in this thread the creation of a greater remote heal for higher level players that has higher mana and essence cost with a higher return for amount healed and xp earned. V/R Elric67 (newbie healer)....(disclaimer for grammar and spelling, I speak 2 languages, bad english and worse)