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Everything posted by EvilJoe

  1. There's no Fork

    I've seen a lot of people say ICD is a bad idea. So by contrast, is There is no Fork a good perk to get? I never see anyone talk about this one, but it seems pretty useful to me. You might say"well, most of the time you're only fighting one person".. But it looks like summoning stones are pretty popular among serious PKers these days, so it seems to me that getting double-teamed is pretty common. -EJ EDIT: btw, in case anyone doesn't know what TINF is, it's a positive perk that costs 7 pickpoints (possibly some gold too, can't remember), and in return there is no defense penalty when fighting multiple opponents.
  2. To celebrate the holiday season, my dear wife Zia and I have decided to run another Bot event. For each of our 4 bots, there will be 3 prizes given to people who trade with them. The prizes are 100k, 75k, and 50k for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place respectively. So, in total, 900k of prizes. The bots you can trade with are: Portia (Nordcarn- 63, 171) Miria (Portland- 206, 105) Jeepers (Desert Pines- 188, 108) Tina (EVTR- 291, 259) To be eligible to win, all you need to do is make a trade with one of those bots. For a higher chance to win, trade with all 4 of the bots. Also, heavy trading will get you a higher chance to win than if you trade say, 1 health essence. The event will continue from the moment this is posted, until the night of December 24th, right after Santa eats my cookies. I'll go around and give prizes on December 25th and after (depending on when I can catch the winners online), although it might take a while due to time zones and me spending time with family. Thanks, Enjoy! -Zia & EvilJoe
  3. Ho Ho Ho, EvilJoe and Zia's Xmas Bot Event

    Okay! The winners are listed below. As explained in the initial post, there are actually 4 contests- one for each bot. Each bot has 3 winners, who win 100k, 50k, and 25k respectively. Portia- 1- Panisonic (100k) 2- shultZ (50k) 3- Fluj (25k) Miria 1- SleepyJo (100k) 2- Topios (50k) 3- life (25k) Jeepers 1- Stannard (100k) 2- Dilly (50k) 3- JadedAngel (25k) Tina 1- Celace (100k) 2- Mydara (50k) 3- SoulLove (25k) Thanks all for playing! -Joe & Zia
  4. Ho Ho Ho, EvilJoe and Zia's Xmas Bot Event

    Thanks all for playing! I will announce the winners tonight (about 7-8 hours from now). -EJ
  5. Ho Ho Ho, EvilJoe and Zia's Xmas Bot Event

    Sorry, I wouldn't give Zia away if you traded every item in the economy a thousand times over You can borrow her though Past trades don't count- just the trades you do between now and the end of the event. Good luck! -EJ
  6. Red dragon torso

    sorry, misread- nevermind this post
  7. Selling some storage stuff

    if i don't catch you in game soon feel free to sell the nmt to someone else haven't been on much lately, sorry
  8. Selling some storage stuff

    I'll take- NMT Used CoL 2 CoLS
  9. Will Removal Stone

  10. Buying up to 100 rosts

    Hello, I'm buying rosts, 17k ea If you have 10 or more, I'd be interested... Up to 100 Thanks -EJ
  11. Giving away 500kgc in prizes

    Fourth JOE and HER Guild GC Bot Event In honor of my beloved wife Zia and to introduce our newest bot Portia, we are running another event with 500kgc in prizes. What this event is about Trade with one of Zia and my bots during the next 2 weeks for a chance to win a ton of gold coins! The five winners will win 300kgc, 100kgc, 50kgc, 30kgc, and 20kgc respectively. The event starts as soon as I post this thread, and ends on Sunday July 27th, at 9pm central time. (GMT-6) oO how do I win??? * Trade with one of Zia and my bots: Portia, Miria, Jeepers, and Tina to be entered into the event. * Increase your chances to win by trading with more bots, trading more, and PMing me suggestions. * To show our appreciation to past customers, people who have traded frequently with our bots will have a higher bonus to win. Portia is our newest bot, and is purely devoted to PK supplies. Since we'd like to introduce Portia to everyone, there will be an extra bonus to your chances of winning if you trade with Portia at some point. Huh??? Um, to summarize: * Visit all four bots * Trade lots of stuff * PM me suggestions if you have any... For example "I wish Portia carried xyz item because it's so hard to find and nobody ever sells it blah blah blah". Also please don't post your suggestion on this thread, PM me. Past winners This is my 4th event that I'm running. Here is a list of the winners of past events: Cadoras Winni LochnessLobster Private Ariadne juanma L33t If you have any questions feel free to post here. Thanks! -Joe & Zia
  12. Giving away 500kgc in prizes

    And the winners are.... 1st: henoch 2nd: Gohan 3rd: Peach 4th: Tashina 5th: ShockeR Thanks all for playing!
  13. Giving away 500kgc in prizes

    Ok! The event is officially over. I will post the results in about 2 hours from now. If any of the winners are online at that time, I will contact you in-game.
  14. Giving away 500kgc in prizes

    About 13 hours left until the end of the event!
  15. Buying some crafting supplies

    Hello! \o My wife Zia is looking to buy some stuff, you can sell to either her or me though 20k water ess (5.5gc ea) feasting pots - no limit (14gc ea) 5k sapphires (3gc) 5k rubies (3gc) 5k emeralds (3gc) Thank you! -EJ
  16. Giving away 500kgc in prizes

    Sure, it counts. Don't forget to trade some time during the event though- if you don't trade, then you won't be entered as a participant, no matter how much you've traded in the past. Ty
  17. Giving away 500kgc in prizes

    ROFL thank you for pointing that out
  18. Human removal

    240k from miria
  19. Zia and I are gettin hitched! All are welcome to attend. Date: Sunday, July 6th Time: 5pm Central time zone -In New Zealand, this is 10am, Monday, July 7th -In GMT time zone, this is 11pm, Sunday, July 6th Location: Meeting Hall of the Draegoni Click here to find out what time it will be where you live (Thanks for the link korrode!): http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixe...;sec=0&p1=0 Annatira will be our minister (thank you Anna \o/) Here are directions to the wedding *IF YOU CAN TELE TO PORTALS ROOM*: Teleport to Trassian Go to 17, 115 Go inside the cave there Walk to the end of it If you are unable to tele to portals room, getting there will be trickier-- PM me (EvilJoe) for directions Hope you can make it! -Zia and EJ
  20. Invitation to Zia and EvilJoe's wedding

    Thanks to everyone who came and special thanks to Annatira and everyone in the wedding party for making it such a special day for Zia and me Korrode took some pics (thanks korrode!) below-- http://www.paradoxcomputers.com.au/korrode/zia_joe-wedding/ I took a few pics too http://img53.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wedding3kl1.jpg http://img375.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wedding6as4.jpg http://img503.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wedding8yb9.jpg http://img379.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wedding12bl9.jpg
  21. Invitation to Zia and EvilJoe's wedding

    Thanks lol, that's a secret;) Ok so here are directions to get to the wedding place: IF YOU ARE ABLE TO TELE TO PORTALS ROOM: 1) Teleport to trassian 2) Go to [16, 115] 3) Now just walk straight down and you'll find it IF YOU CANNOT TELE TO PORTALS ROOM: 1) PM EvilJoe for directions It is a bit tricky and it involves going through a secret passage so I don't think I am allowed to post directions in public.
  22. New Engineering Items \o/

    np, thank you