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Everything posted by Schmurk

  1. So it would be a problem with the camera that is stuck somewhere when changing map? Interesting... I'll have a look at it.
  2. Look at your "Maximum Viewing Distance" somewhere in the video options. It should be between 50 and 200. If it doesn't come from that, delete your el.ini in your configuration folder for the main server.
  3. History/Sky background texture problem

    Well, I don't really see what we could do about it or we would have to reload all textures each time you switch from a window to another which is not going to happen I think. First, try to use the official ATI driver if it supports your card because it is much better. The default ati/radeon driver on linux sucks. Second, the sky texture is a bitmap of 1024x1024 pixels so maybe your card/driver has some difficulties to handle it. You can try to reduce it to 512x512 to see if it solves your problem. The textures used are called cloud*.bmp and they are in the textures folder.
  4. Rotating minimap

    The SKY_FPV_CURSOR has been splitted into SKY_FPV and NEW_CURSOR so these flags have to be replaced by NEW_CURSOR.
  5. EL 170 Pre RC

    Do you have a lower fps even without the extended camera mode?
  6. Rotating minimap

    Yes, it's the stencil buffer. Basically, it works like this: glClearStencil(0); // set the clear value, 0 here glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); // clear the buffer glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); // enable the stencil test // the 2 following lines are to tell to put a 1 in the buffer for each things you'll draw now (see the doc for more details) glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 1, 1); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE); // disable the drawing in the current buffer (not sure if it's useful though but just in case...) glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); /* draw your shape here, a circle in your case */ // then tell the stencil test to allow display only on pixels that are set to 1 in the stencil buffer glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 1, 1); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); // re-enable the drawing in the current buffer glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); /* draw the rest of stuff here, the minimap in your case */ glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); // disable the stencil test You can have a look at the reflection code for an example. This technique is used when the framebuffer is not available.
  7. Rotating minimap

    How are you doing without the framebuffer? Are you using the stencil buffer? If not, I think it's the solution for all your problems and you can skip the use of the framebuffer.
  8. Rotating minimap

    I just have a little question regarding the framebuffer. I didn't take time to look at the code yet but I would like to know why the use of the framebuffer is needed for the minimap?
  9. Skybox discussion

    It was a problem with the reflections. It's fixed.
  10. EL 170 Pre RC

  11. EL 170 Pre RC

    @Lang_ren: Arf sorry I didn't explain what the options do. The show sky one disable all the sky elements and the background so it's quite normal that you don't have any difference when enabling the other ones when this one is disabled. But do you have a crash with all the other options when the show sky is enabled? Or does it crash with only some of them?
  12. Rotating minimap

    Why? The sky doesn't use the framebuffer. However, it can be a requirement for the minimap feature.
  13. New Weather

    Sorry, haven't done the documentation yet. You can use the weather_get_density() function, it'll give you a value between 0.0 and 1.0 corresponding the density of the weather at the current position of the camera. But the weather is now a bit more complex than before so what do you need exactly?
  14. EL 170 Pre RC

    Ah nice. Can you now enable options one by one to see which one causes the crash please?
  15. EL 170 Pre RC

    Ok but the sky tab is not affected by the poor man option so try to disable all the stuff there to see if the crash comes from the display of the sky.
  16. EL 170 Pre RC

    Have you checked extended camera? About the crash (for Lang_ren too), try poor man mode and uncheck all options in the sky&cam tab too and see if it helps.
  17. EL 170 Pre RC

    This is because you have a low fps. In fact, the eye candy effects have several level of details according to your fps and this feature was not working correctly in the older clients. However, you can reduce the min and max framerate values in the eye candy tab in your options if you want to get the same result than with the old client. You can also try to reduce your max viewing distance in the advanced video options if you want to have a better fps.
  18. A problem with Ranging

    Post the content of your error_log.txt file please. It's situated in the Eternal Lands folder in your documents.
  19. Artwork additions & improvements

    I'll be glad to work on this one if it's in my competences. Maybe onyxa/knufasz would be interested to work on it as well IIRC. Out of that, I've voted for improving the existing stuff.
  20. Mana drain bug(?), with new_selection

    I've seen a really obvious bug in the code that was allowing to send wrong IDs to the server for remote spells. I've corrected that on the CVS and it should resolve this issue...
  21. pixel mess up?

    I think it's just a problem with the data dir that is not set correctly in the el.ini file. So edit this file in your personal settings directory and change the data_dir variable in order it points to the directory where you've installed EL.
  22. Switchable rain?

    No you can't turn it off yet. But it'll be affected by the particle percentage with the new weather.
  23. phantom warriors

    found this one, I think it gives some idea about the might you need. mp had 92 might and still needed orcslayer to always get enough damage o.o ~100 armor? o.o When masterpiter wrote this post, the first thing I did is taking my sunbreaker that was taking dust in my storage and went slay some PWs. And I can say you that it works really great.
  24. How addicted are you?

    1 - Why taking days off when you can play from work? j/k 2 - I have not donate anything so far except for creating accounts on the PK server. But I try to do another kind of contribution. 3 - I play only the evening after my work and sometimes the week-end when I'm not out (quite rare) so less than 30 hours/week I think.