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Posts posted by Ateh

  1. I understand the reasons behind the idea, accountability and all however :


    if a guild is shit tagged , doesnt matter if they change thier short name, the tag stays the same colour - meaning they cant avoid shit tags by changing thier short tag


    secondly i used to enjoy changing my guild tag for purely fun reasons , and chargin gc for this seems abit ... i dunnoh , odd


    thirdly - does EL really really need another GC sink ? I say this because not so long ago I gave away my entire storage , and since returning to the game, even with reasonable lvls of competence in a few skills , making money via the game system is a long and arduous task ( by game system I mean harvesting epic amounts of ores and minerals , mixing them and so on instead of buying GC from someone or fighting hours of fluffs )


    I think sometimes fun is forgotten in place of mechanics and small issues, Im guilty of it on occasion

  2. i remember there was once talk of a recycling centre for degraded armors that would take that armor and give you some sort of return on it


    that idea was great, and seemed to be put on the back burner, sorry if this sounds off topic but it seemed similar to me


    get some ings back so manuers can make more st00f , even if it was just the hydro bar( that would leave the bindings/nriched essies to be found elsewhere )

  3. i used to post ''used armors for sale'' on market channel and sell them a little cheaper until tthanlil ( might have spelt it wrong but someone might remember him ;) ) pointed out it didnt matter if id worn it a hundred times, it was still new :pickaxe:


    the only EL myth i ever believed was that Elves grew up to become Draegonis, but that was my own little myth when i first started playing

  4. whatever you do be careful if your going to use compressed air to clean your fans out on your laptop, I tried to do mine and it totally broke my fan, aparently your supposed to insert something into the fan to stop it moving when you blow compressed ait into it, but I didnt know this and it blew my laptop up :(


    but yeh, the laptop fans are great and only about $40 for a decent one that will keep your laptop from overheating too much, my wifes got one, worked wonders during summer

  5. It depends how you look at it, ive shared multi spawns with tonnes of people just fine, but ive also been to melinis before and seen someone fighting every fucking creature on the map after they were assisted in doing so by one guy luring all the mobs to him, which makes you mad when he tells you ''dont attack or we serp every time you train''


    go with what your heart tells you, if you want to be a dick just dont expect anyone to like you or give you much help in return :(

  6. I just wanted to say that having heard about ''people'' working towards making EL have less guilds , which will help build trust and st00f


    well tbh I think thats a silly idea, thats why I only ever joined 1 ''established and old respected '' guild ( LLL , my first guild and a good one tho ! )


    rules , rules, rules rules, stuffy storys, rules and some more rules about being stuffy and full of fake honor


    meh ! boring ! please dont convince yourselves that everyone wants to be part of some huge guild that has 320270 and 1 rules about how to conduct yourself


    they dont ! some of us love being in a small band of bros and sisters and it made my time in EL all the better for having lots of different guilds with different leadership styles


    dont turn EL into some sort of '' if you arent in A or B guild you are obviously a fucking outlaw'' kind of game, it doesnt need more do gooding community nazis


    *edit** sorry if I read the intentions wrong after speaking with someone I realise its not about policing the ethics of the game its more about creating sense of community again so meh my opinions are once again jaded by my complete lack of understanding, yay me


    *edit 2 * holy shit Brat u got yourself a serios siggy lol

  7. i was only joking nathen you are genuinely one of the only players on the forums who consistently thinks about the game from the viewpoint of new players


    its a comendable thing, to have a guild such as PEN that obviously encourages helping and assisting new players in the first stages of thier life in El


    keep up the vibe

  8. i wanted to be an evil player for ages, i even tried convincing a few others in EL to be evil to and join my evil guild of nasty buggers, but usually id walk into someone I liked and think '' meh i couldnt steal thier st00f if i wanted to '' but I did have some great noobie scaming ideas given to me by nathanstenzel ( I think that was his name )

  9. Are we playing Eternal Lands, the game where you can develop skills and if you develop them for long enough you can make nice stuff and sell them and make a nice profit, or are we playing some Economy Simulation game? I think it's the first, and in that case, how much more sense does it make to make sure making an item with gathered mats, will be less costly to produce than it would cost to go to an NPC and buy the item, without any risk of critfailing?


    Shouldn't improvements to a game in the first place be to stimulate the players, and motivate them to want to level even further because at the end, the reward is good?


    bravo, i would play EL again if such focus was indeed made, however if the focus is instead upon GC sinks ( horse whistles / tailoring / archery to name only 3 ) then quite soon the issue becomes not '' how do I sell my product at a fair price ? '' but instead '' who the hell do I sell my product to ? ''

  10. Talk to the hand

    Blow a kiss

    Kneel like a knight with sword pointing to ground and head bowed

    Hand Stand


    Kick ( to kick someone sitting down )

    Middle Finger of Glory


    Dr Evil Pinky to mouth evil chuckle

    Butt Crack re adjustment of underwear

    Trip and stumble ( while walking )

    Juggle balls , sticks , titanium short swords

    Balance quarterstaff on chin

    Front somersault

    backflip and backflip fail where you splat on the ground

  11. someone once said if there was no god man would have need to invent one


    is there a god ? whats his name ( lol like god needs a name and why does it have to be a male thats rather sexist :pickaxe: ) these only divides us into pointless arguments over what that god is and we forget that we are all god, expressions of it anway


    I call god the higher natural power, its the forces of the universe that pre exist us and outlive us. Natural laws or others call it science. Gravity, light, mass , protons , neutrons , 7 Eleven , string theory , E=MC2 all these things are humanity trying to understand what god is. Science itself I believe is the thing that takes us closest to a God as they strive to unravel lifes mysteries and the fabric of the universe itself. The closer you get to the truth the closer you are to God.


    The higher natural power exists wether I exist or not, it was before humans and shall be after humans. It is the greater power that we cannot pin down into one book. The power to dream the impossible or the power to sit on our ass and eat pies , its all God , its all the natural law and it will be here after we die.


    Or, it might be easier to believe in the invisible judge who has the list of ten things you are not supposed to do , but theres allways the flying spaghetti monster to ;)

  12. Nice caricature, but it doesn't match up with reality. My mother passed out and had to go to the hospital in an ambulance when she didn't have insurance. She got into the emergency room and had a CAT scan with a half hour. Try getting a CAT scan that quick in any country with socialized medicine.

    Actually, my brthers son was admitted to hospital in a rush last weekend ( in England ) and got a CAT scan within about 2 hours - not bad for a shitty healthcare system ey ?

    Yes, she had to pay for it.
    My brother didnt have to pay for the CAT scan for his son
    She took loans and paid them off.
    sorry to hear that
    It's called personal responsibility. You use services; you pay for them.

    Its called helping one another in the country you live in, its called The National health Service in England, and what you do is pay something called National Insurence contributions that are deducted from your pay automatically. Its a small amount. What it means is that if you get ill and need treatment, you do not need to take a loan out afterwards to pay for it. You pay for the services you use, and in the process you make sure nobody is left with a loan repayment. I doubt the English health service ever makes much of a financial profit, but are not some things more important than financial gain?


    Im not sure exactly how Obamacare will pan out, and quite frankly I dont think it matters much until we as people realise that politicians are a bunch of liars and crooks and we dont actually need them to lie to us. We could do a fucking good job of running things without the deceit.

  13. Example A: You are American, you visit England to let them know how much better America is and while there you break your leg in 5 places and fracture your skull after trying some real beer and getting drunk very quickly. You are rushed to hospital in a brand new state of the art ambulance where you are placed in the care of some of Englands finest doctors who mend your leg and also give you a CAT scan to make sure you dont have serious brain injuries.

    When you are discharged the doctor wishe you a happy flight home and the nurses remark on what a lovely expensive digital camera you have and how luck you are it didnt break when you fell off that moving train.

    Yo are not billed for any treatment recieved.


    Example B: You are English , you visit America to let them know how much better England is and while there you trip over a fucking huge hotdog that you cannot believe anyone could eat in one sitting, breaking your leg in five places and fracturing your skull. You are rushed to hospital in an ambulance that costs you $250 where you are met by the health insurence representative who asks if you got teh monies. You dont have said monies and you are transfered by taxi to the nearest poor people hospital. You are treated and they mend your leg which costs you around $17k dollars and are given a quick CAT scan which sets you back another $35k.

    As you are discharged from hospital they remind you that the price doesnt include tax and your final bill reaches somewhere into the $58k dollars range. Before you leave America you are tased by a TSA goon at JFK Airport because you told him you cant take the fucking bolts of out of my fucking leg its broken its not a fucking bomb

  14. i would rather not flame any americans for being americans, but tbh the whole world is fucked so I wouldnt worry too much about healthcare reform , your body is full of genetically modified crap and vaccinnes and bovine growth hormones in your milk and aspartame in your diet sugar free soda and you are worried about sharing the load of healthcare ? lol


    and omg this made me LOL ''quote''


    Healthcare = bad for America


    ???????? srsly ?????????

  15. I dont think influencing peoples votes is wrong anyway :P Lobbyists spend billions of dollars making sure people vote a certain way, and they are influencing the politicians not even the lowly voters so corruption in voting for an online game is water off a ducks back if you look at the real world for 5 minutes :pickaxe:


    Anyway back on topic some brainstorming ideas for spreading EL word :


    Mailing out Car Stickers, cost involved is production of stickers and mail costs, but if people stick them somewhere its advertising in RL not just online which is hit and miss chance of finding something


    Every idea ive got requires some cash investment, so ...


    Put together a package to send to Gaming Magazines, Linux User Magazines etc , and mail out those damn intro packages asking for the magazine to give you a break and publish your material

    I remember when the free EL CD was in some Euro mag and literally I think thats the most users ever online at one time if you look at the Stats Page or I might be wrong idk :P


    You have the nice banners allready mad ein artwork section of forums well make people aware of this and get them to stick the banner on thier own webpages or social networking sites , you have that tool allready do some sort of promotion of yourselves using these nice banner add's

  16. hey I also remember a couple years back the mod team would put global anouncements out with links to some MMO review site voting system and players would open the webpage and vote for EL as this months top game


    that would definately have been noticed back then by new players looking at top lists. would be a good way to get more attention again , I forgot the name of that particular website tho


    *edit* sometimes editing is just un necessary

  17. Unfortunately EL has to compete now with the many many WoW clones, where the action is fast paced , less penalty involved for death and more team orientated. MMO's have progressed a freaking tonne in the last 5 years , i dont believe the problem lies with attracting new players, the problem is keeping them around.


    What happened to the newbie retention contests held 6 months ago? that was a good idea. But really, if we are being honest, 200 die hard fans doth not a community make, as shakespeare once said.


    yes i retired, but something kept me here for a few years and it was nothing to do with how well el was marketed. retention is the key.

  18. I also want a winning lottery ticket, a job that makes me happy and a marriage with both Brad Pitt and Collin Firth. I can haz plx?


    winning lottery numbers next week are 7, 23, 43, 19 , 47 , 29 if anyone wins anything with these be sure were going halves on the winnings :bow_arrow:


    TD should stay the same as it is now , items cost too much to replace and so everyone is well aware not to go there in anything worth any GC. Which btw takes along time to make :)


    TD is supposed to be an example of how nobody wants to loose anything ? It backfired from the ''we want drops'' ?. But I believe its more of an example of how long it takes to replace something which is more to do with the game mechanics of time invested for time spent being seriously overweighted in the time invested


    Even if there was an item restriction of Iron armors, that still takes like 6 EFE to replace. GL with that , unless you like buying your EFE by the dozen for $$
