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About bbhearn26

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  1. Benhe

    yea i did come back to play cause i can't seem to get my character back :/ valo are you okiny... ? yea well if anyone could help me get my old character back i would appreciate it
  2. Benhe

    Yes and right now i'm trying to get my character back which is now named attackinggod... ughh people please help me mods think i'm badd
  3. Benhe

    umm woah there is only one benhe dude.. and that is i
  4. PLease

    I see some people post here that they are quiting but i wanted to post here to see if i could come back... First off my character is Attackinggod but before that was benhe because of a name change.. When i got my name change it was to start off on a fresh note as not a scammer/bjer. Or even a mean player.. I joined CA$H because they were a nice PK guild and ever since i started playing i loved to pk and raised my levels just for it.. They soon found out that i was benhe no idea how though and they kicked me out. Then i decided i should try to not pk for a while and i joined segv they found out i was benhe but they gave me a chance to prove my self. Soon most of EL new about my namechange so it was completely pointless accept for a cooler name. By the way the last time i was locked was i think because i was speaking a different language to rogue and i was probaly being really annoying because most 13 year olds are... And i'm sorry rogue but i didn't think i was doing anything wrong at the time... Please rogue if still play or ENT unlock my character ATTACKINGgod. I know most of you would not like me back... and yes when soldus let me come back last time.. he said you have one more chance and if you blow it you can't come back. but i don't think that when rogue banned me should count as that chance IF i can come back then i wouldn't do those bratty things.. AND i wouldn't pk for the first month... AND anyone i scammed or did w/e too can post here and be like ok you owe me this from what you took from me... Please let me come back i enjoyed this game while i played and i think a few people liked me... NOT saying a lot.. but i could maybe change that if i gave back a little... Please ENT