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About Rahulmitra

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  1. Robsonjr is a bagjumper.

    On a positive note. I get to train more and buy it again from some bot I just got my main character rahulmitra back, i am not going to let this spoil my mood.
  2. Robsonjr is a bagjumper.

    Hi, I unfortunately died in desert pines storage while making HE's and got poisoned 3 times, I sent in my alt rasmus just as I entered the storage with my alt he took the bag, i asked him to return the items but he would not, he told me he will buy my stuff, to which I told him fine, return the items first then buy it from me. I later came back with my main character rahulmitra but after few minutes later he just up and left. you can see his confession from the screenshots.
  3. Rule 5

    Thank you Kadday. Understood, thank you Revi.
  4. Rule 5

    I saw in forum, that rule 5 or disallowing multiplaying was removed. I wanted to know what are the current rules regarding multiplay. And if i have broken any rules. Context: I had an old character rahulmitra for which i forgot password and cannot access now, it was very old account from 2010. So now I created two new alts rasmus and phantasm last month in January. I saw in forum multiplay is now allowed. So I traded between my alts rasmus and phantasm. Did I break any rule? And what are the current rules for multiplay?
  5. IP Ban - Rahulmitra

    Actually i was trying it for more than a week whenever i thought this could be it, i tried it, everything failed. Yes, I will be sure to keep the password saved, I already saved the alts detail on in-game password manager, google and nas. Thank you!
  6. Old Account Forgot Password

    Just a general information for anyone having same issue. I had to change my email address from gmail to yahoo to get emails. Apparently there is some issue getting emails on gmail address any other email should be fine. Thanks to Aislinn for pointing it out and resolving the issue.
  7. IP Ban - Rahulmitra

    I restarted my router, and I am able to access my alts again. As for the main account Rahulmitra, I wont try to access it again without recovering the password. But please unban my IP, my internet is behind NAT so its mostly dynamic but still it might change to the blocked IP [] some day. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
  8. IP Ban - Rahulmitra

    Hi, I forgot my characters password, it is an old account from 2015-14 last login was in 2016. I have been trying to recover my password, I have mailed radu. I got impatient and tried my known passwords none of them worked and got locked. I have created new alts rasmus and phantasm while I try to recover my password. Can the ban be lifted please?
  9. Forum validation requests

    Thank you!