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Everything posted by eagleprince

  1. How to enter the instance

    Nice work, Gil. However, don't forget to mention the channel, which is the most important part!
  2. Auctioning several interesting items

    The following items are hereby offered for auction:- Lot 1: 5000 coal Lot 2: 5000 bones Lot 3: 10 serpent stones Lot 4: 150 invis potions Sundry items: 1 Monster Magnetism cape 1 Book of Steel long of Ice 1 Book of Tit short of fire 1 Book of Tit short of ice 1 Book of Iron sword of Fire 1 Book of Iron broadsword of Fire 1 Book of iron axe manufacturing 5 Book of titanium axe manufacturing New! 2 sets Titanium Trilogy (Mining, Moulding, Smelting) 2 Player fighting sets (Human, Dwarf, Elf) Potions 4 Book of Magic Potion 2 Book of Potion of Manufacturing Please note: Items in a lot are a single batch and cannot be split. There is no BIN or starting offer on any item, but I reserve the right to decline unsuitable offers. Auctions will close March 10 midnight (GMT)
  3. Ok...so we had a go Sunday gone and I'd like to take the opportunity to thank my team-mates for coming along. We fell at the last hurdle, but we're much wiser for it, so, not to be beaten, we will try again this weekend and be more better prepared. I think we failed because a team only 6-strong is rather like the 300 spartans again the persian empire! Maybe the fact that the team was assembled only a few minutes before we left was a factor too. So, please post your name here if you can definitely make it. The idea is to leave by about 01:30 game time at the latest so that we don't have lighting issues. You may wish to indicate what day you'd prefer to go. Just do it! P.S. I suspect some of those critters have mirror perk or some nasty criticals. Can someone confirm?
  4. Auctioning several interesting items

    Ok...time up! .... and the winners are :- 5000 bones, 1 MM cape - valcaz (19k) 5000 coal - Kornholio (10.2k) 10 serpent stones - toban 50k I should be in-game from about 17:00 GMT tonight. @rauch: you can have all 4 books for 12k
  5. Sign up for "advanced" instances

    Playername: EaglePrince Country and Time zone : England, UK... current time zone GMT Hours in that zone I can play: Weekdays : from 19:00 GMT. Saturdays : any time from noon Sundays : from about 15:00 GMT I'm always eager to go as the teamwork bit is the most fun part IMO.
  6. Subforum for instances ?

    Thanks Aisy
  7. Auctioning several interesting items

    Hurry....only a few hours left! New items added...
  8. Auctioning several interesting items

    More exciting items added
  9. Subforum for instances ?

    I have been thinking the same for a few days. In fact I think it would best fit under the events forum rather than general chat. The forum calendar could be also be used for scheduling. One problem however, would be how to estimate in-game time at the time planned for the event, since recent posts show that night-time instances are a bad idea. I recently announced an instance attempt in-game, and was quite dissapointed when and got just 1 response until I announced a cancellation due to lack of interest! By the way, if enough interest is generated, I'd like to have a go at the 80-100 this Sunday from about 0:30 game-time, anytime from 16:00 GMT
  10. 80-100 Instance

    2:00 game time today if enough bodies.
  11. Guess the player name!

    LA Brat... Good thinking, batma...er, batgirl!
  12. 80-100 Instance

    you guys fancy trying one day this weekend... from about 1800 GMT?
  13. Isnt this a bit overpowered?

    I didn't comment earlier because I'm not exactly a fighter, but it's hard to disagree with the above.... Let me guess.... JSoC? OSMN? Rapier of Death? I guess there's no point hiding it anyway, as the orange spam will soon reveal it lol!
  14. Best Linux Distro?

    let the flames begin Also, are you saying that Windows users are not advanced or interested? Please create a thread in Off-topic so we can flame you! http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.p...st&p=484016
  15. Best Linux Distro?

    Ubuntu is statistically the most used Linux distribution out there. However, I find it slow and it does not fit the way I work. There is also a superb, Windows-friendly distribution called Mint Linux which has received a lot of glowing reports. I run Zenwalk, which is a Slackware clone that is similar to ArchLinux, but - IMO, of course - simpler to install. The full install is around 450-500 MB, which is less than ¾ of a CD, and around 98-100% of hardware will work straight out of the box. There is also a live version you can try without installing. I think think it would be perfect for your older computers, although I do not consider my system old at all! One of the best things about Zenwalk, however, is the very friendly and knowledgeable community. I have yet to encounter a problem that could not be fixed, with or without help from the forums.
  16. Damaged Armors

    50k for the damaged CoLs?
  17. Recent BIG CHANGES in Fighting

    Isn't that low for a double spawn with almost 0 latency? Unless, for example, you are godless? I personally think it is, but I'm sure the 'build experts' will have an opinion on this.
  18. Holar made it!

    mucho respeto! Even more than summoning, I did not think this was possible in my lifetime! Congratulations May I ask whatever it was you made that gave you 7.8k exp?
  19. Removing TS effect

    Best idea in this thread. I second that If this is implemented, it will cause problems unless we define the kinds of spells that should be uncastable on an empty stomach. It will also put guys with the PH perk at an extreme disadvantage, especially as there is - as far as I know - no stone to remove it. Ok, it's a negative perk, but.... It would be a lot simpler to let the a/d reduction wear out with time like other normal potion effects - regardless of food level.
  20. instance 80-100

    I would have liked to go, but was working yesterday anyway!How did it go? I thought there had to be 5-9 people in the group? I guess that's because you'd get throroughly slaughtered otherwise BTW, if you'd consider running one next weekend I'd like to join. Maybe it could be put in in the forum calendar or something....
  21. Wannabe crafter needs advice

    I hope you meant success rate, not failure rate!
  22. How Did You Get Your EL Name?

    MariJata - Translated, it means Lion Prince - my alt's name. MariJata was a famous African warrior. My main is, of course, EaglePrince. The Eagle is my favourite bird and also the national symbol of my country. The link between the two names tells it's own story
  23. Players using good gear on low creatures ?

    Completely logical. No further questions, m'lord So, nobody call me n00b when you se me in rat cave with my full steel!
  24. Players using good gear on low creatures ?

    Only armour I ever saw Dust with was a stick. Mind you, not the drain-you-to-death, uber-damage staffs we have nowadays, but a simple nexus 0 quarterstaff. She trained on ACs, by the way, and with no armour. I don't know for sure if she had 0 human, but she certainly had no use for H-nexus.
  25. Instance today anyone?

    Well done guys! I'm glad I opted to stay back, as the yetis would have made birdmeat of me Hope to be able to join you when I'm a bit stronger.