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Everything posted by plainlofa

  1. Quartz Deluxe

    Hmm, not fast really. I usually get 20k Blue Quartz within 24 hours, from Labrat for one. But I'll take 2k rose for the odd brs. Well I have a life other than this game So I don't do 20k a day. I'll add your order
  2. Quartz Deluxe

    I will try to get at east half (if not all) these orders done today
  3. Quartz Deluxe

    Same username as here? Andi_R0X
  4. Quartz Deluxe

    New quartz price check it out!
  5. Quartz Deluxe

    Most orders should be done today =)
  6. Quartz Deluxe

    Ok it will be done tommorow.
  7. Quartz Deluxe

    Ok deal. Check back here tommorow to see if it's ready Is beaver your ign as well?
  8. ~Ores Incorporated~

    Sorry this business is closed. I had some issues with some REALLY immature staff members and the business is done now. Sorry everyone about this but check out Blee's Harvesting Empire. Worth the money and he's a good guy
  9. ~Ores Incorporated~

    Sorry this business is closed. I had some issues with some REALLY immature staff members and the business is done now. Sorry everyone about this but check out Blee's Harvesting Empire. Worth the money and he's a good guy
  10. ~Ores Incorporated~

    kornpro - we dont do threads. Attention! Iron bars are now changed to 25gc each instead of 15. We were told the market value is 31 so we will sell for 15. If you want to cancel your order say so. Current Orders Caecus 2k iron - Done, contact Rymjha01 total = 5kgc Neildog 1.8k silver & iron - Being worked on by Plainlofa total = 7.2kgc Matty27 1k of each quartz - Being worked on by Plainlofa total = 3kgc Hakri 500 iron bars - Being worked on by Rymjha01 total = 12.5kgc jowwow 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc 2coolfool 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc jamincollins 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc RallosZek 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc Rend 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc 2cute2 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc LevinMage 1k titanium 1k silver 500 iron bars - Idle total = 11kgc gangmafia 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc fyrrflyy 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc dark_angei 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc Perm Buyers Tanyia 1k iron, sulphur, coal total = 6kgc We try to get orders done as fast as possible so please be patient! The orders list is huge so please again be patient! Thanks for choosing Ores Inc
  11. ~Ores Incorporated~

    Yours is added to the list above to =)
  12. ~Ores Incorporated~

    I added yours to the list above.
  13. Storage sale!

    This sale closes Monday.
  14. ~Ores Incorporated~

    Levinmage max on silver is 1k. Current Orders Caecus 2k iron - Done, contact Rymjha01 total = 5kgc Neildog 1.8k silver & iron - Being worked on by Plainlofa total = 7.2kgc Matty27 1k of each quartz - Being worked on by Plainlofa total = 3kgc Hakri 500 iron bars - Being worked on by Rymjha01 total = 12.5kgc jowwow 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc 2coolfool 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc jamincollins 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc RallosZek 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc Rend 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc 2cute2 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc LevinMage 1k titanium 1k silver 500 iron bars - Idle total = 11kgc gangmafia 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc fyrrflyy 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc dark_angei 500 iron bars - Idle total = 12.5kgc Perm Buyers Tanyia 1k iron, sulphur, coal total = 6kgc We try to get orders done as fast as possible so please be patient! The orders list is huge so please again be patient! Thanks for choosing Ores Inc
  15. BUYING: Titanium Serp Sword!

    Done! Thanks to the player who sold
  16. ~Ores Incorporated~

    ALL THREAD ORDERS HAVE BEEN REMOVED!! SORRY FOR THE TROUBLE BUT THREAD TAKES TO LONG AND WE REPLACED IT WITH A NEW ITEM!! IRON BARS!!! Current Orders Caecus 2k iron - Pick up monday, contact Rymjha01 total = 5kgc Neildog 1.8k silver & iron - Being worked on by Plainlofa total = 7.2kgc Matty27 1k of each quartz - Being worked on by Plainlofa total = 3kgc Hakri 500 iron bars - Being worked on by Rymjha01 total = 7.5kgc Perm Buyers Tanyia 1k iron, sulphur, coal total = 6kgc We try to get orders done as fast as possible so please be patient!
  17. Storage sale!

  18. ~Ores Incorporated~

    Ok will do. edit: Here's the current status on everyone's orders: Caecus 2k iron (you said you would pick this up Monday) Lotheneil 10k thread (Rymjha01 will have this Monday) Mariws 10k thread (Rymjha01 will have this Monday) Neildog 1.8k silver & iron (Plainlofa will have this Sunday or Monday) Ringil_Oddsocks 7k thread (Rymjha01 will have this Monday) Darc0 10k thread (Rymjha01 will have this Monday) Tanyia 2k iron 1k coal (Plainlofa will have this Sunday or Monday) Matty27 1k of each quartz (Plainlofa will have this Sunday or Monday) All the dates are estimates of when these will be done, some may be done earlier, if you want a new day contact a manager or post here. NEW MAX AMOUNTS AND A DELIVERY SECTION ADDED! READ 1ST POST AGAIN Current Orders Caecus 2k iron - Pick up monday, contact Plainlofa total = 5kgc Lotheneil 10k thread - Currently Being Worked On By Rymjha01 total = 15kgc Mariws 10k thread - Currently Being Worked On By Rymjha01 total = 15kgc Neildog 1.8k silver & iron - Idle total = 7.2kgc Ringil_Oddsocks 7k thread - Currently Being Worked On By Rymjha01 total = 10.5kgc Darc0 10k thread - Currently Being Worked On By Rymjha01 total = 15kgc Tanyia 2k iron 1k coal - Done contact Plainlofa total = 6.5kgc Matty27 1k of each quartz - Being worked on by Plainlofa total = 3kgc We try to get orders done as fast as possible so please be patient!
  19. I couldn't find a forum help section so....I will ask here lol. Why is the forum loading so slowly? Is it just me? If so I just wanna make sure so I can delete some stuff off my computer but I'm just asking. ~Plain
  20. ~Ores Incorporated~

  21. ~Ores Incorporated~

    Caecus 2k iron - Done contact Plainlofa Your total is 5k.
  22. ~Ores Incorporated~

    The max is 2k coal
  23. ~Ores Incorporated~

    EDIT: Ok I changed all the maximum amount you can order becuase those large amounts take too much time cuasing less time for other orders to be worked on. I also added you may only order up to 3k worth of ores (can be mixed). For example you can not say: 1k gold, 1k silver, and 2k sulphur becuase that's 4k worth of ores. All orders that were already on the orders list will still be filled since the max was changed after you all ordered. (Matty you need to change yours to the limits though). Thanks. ~Plain
  24. ~Ores Incorporated~

    Lotheneil 2k thread - Ready, contact Rymjha01 Your order is ready And your total is 3k. ~Plain
  25. ~Ores Incorporated~

    About 2 more hours I think and we will start orders again.