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Posts posted by Bharain

  1. edit: OR make it so if the ring doesn't get successfuly used (this item must be used while in combat, can't use this while fighting) there is no cooldown


    or if that's too cheap make it so the ring is consumed without triggering cooldown, stop people holding down flee and hammering the tele ring. I'm sure someone can make up some story to support that :rolleyes:

  2. how do i flee from 3 stronger enemy who try to tag me while im in non multy combat ?


    luck basically. Get two flees within five seconds and then dis/tele the third.


    why is training in non multy combat better then multy combat


    If someone comes to attack you in single combat you have time to restore, prepare to diss when attacked and flee your partner. In multi you can be caught unawares and on low health.


    how do i escape after using my diss ring?

    Assuming you mean because your tele ring is cooling because of a failed attempt to use it: beam if you're in an arena, take portal room esses with you or teleport to range.

  3. high lvl players hardly score kills anyways, since all run


    and if you cant get in the hall of fame this month, maby in a other month



    ... i bet you have like 20 a/d dont you? lol


    Hey you found me out, i have 15/15 ad and get owned by the gobs in KF before the players can even get to me, that's the only reason i think people should fight at their own levels :D

  4. People need to stop PKing anything they can then whining on forums that PK is empty. It's sad to see people who're interested in PK leave because it takes six months of crunching monsters to be able to do it. PK shouldn't just be for the top 50 a/d/p/c players.


    EDIT: A scoring system based on the a/d/p/c of who you fight would be a better way of ranking how good a PKer is, it takes no skill to PK someone with half your a/d so you shouldn't get any "fame" for it. Sure, you worked for your levels but we already have a top 200 that shows that. The system i suggested above would give people an incentive to try to PK people that can put up a fight -> more fun for everyone. It also wouldn't stop anyone from PKing anyone they wanted, it'd just give a slight knock to your "fame" rating in exchange for the easy HEs/steel chain.

  5. no i think, a/d p/c shouldnt matter since weak people can kill strong also, with blessings and such


    and dont forget lots of weak ppl run for strong anyways, but they do kill other weak players


    I'd like to see the blessing that allowed a 50s a/d player to kill you :D


    I fear this idea would have exactly the opposite effect to what you intend:


    1) make people pk more - No motivation to fight people who stand a chance of defeating you (no drops (rost) and potentially losing points on HoF) therefore less real PK.

    2) train more - More motivation to PK PVPers who stand no chance of defeating you and therefore less mid level PVPers, more crowded monster spawns -> less training.

    3) Lots of fun - depends how you define fun. For me PK is no fun if i'm not risking anything, if people i can have a decent fight with start running away to find easier prey then it's less fun.


    I like what you're trying to do but i don't think this is the correct method. Weak unallied people already get slaughtered in PK without extra incentives for the people PKing them.

  6. i believe this will make people pk more,train more wich result, lots of fun


    Avoid fair fights and PK weaklings more.


    EDIT: maybe if instead of 1 point per kill you got points based on the exp they give you but without a floor. So PK someone stronger than you and get lots of points, PK someone with 4/4 a/d and lose some points. I don't think you should be rewarded for the most newbs you can mop up/find PVPing.

  7. My Karma Idea;


    Step 1: Add at least 2 Karma specific items into the game such as the Good Idol and Evil Idol as monster drops. Fairly common drops for this plan.


    Step 2: Allow the Good and Evil artefact into the manu window and add them into manufacturing formulas. Say someone wants to make a fire essence, they get a red rose, a snapdragon, a sulfur and then add an idol as well. The result is... a normal fire essence. If the fire essence granted 9 exp then the addition of the idol granted 9 karma points as well. Whenever someone adds an idol to their mixture their karma adjusts itself by the ammount of exp.


    Step 3: As Karma is ammassed going up the same level system we have now (So you need more and more for each level) new enriched items are unlocked. Say someone has Good Karma level 15, maybe then an energy essence (with a good idol ingredient) might morph into a Peace Stone or something.


    Step 4: Add things like Peace stones into formulas for new items such as jewellery or armour. Wearable by people with significan correct Karma.


    Quirks and balancing: To prevent the need for a massive number of new items into the game Karma produced items should be uniform across the item range. For example making any essence with Good Karma has a chance to morph into a Peace Stone or Bad Karma has chance to morph into a Dark Stone. The same rule for swords, any sword has a chance to become a dark blade or light blade.


    The two essences produced the most frequently are Health Essences and Fire Essences, due to this quantity less frequent essences should be made available to the Karma property first, such as spirit essences. That delays the item becoming plentiful as soon as most players unlock the ablity on FEs. The same rule applies to sword and medallion manufacture, unlock the enrichment ability for the least produced pieces first like the titanium long sword.


    Pure fighters get the drops but cannot gain Karma themselves under this system. This can be balanced by being able to equip the Good or Evil idol as an invisible weapon with a high breakage rate. When equipped the attack exp should be added to their Karma rating.


    Possibly raise the fail rate a little on mixtures using idol ingredients, most players will prefer the long term gains against the short term losses.


    Using this system you might even be able to add a good and an evil enrichment monster for summoners.


    Please ask questions if I overlooked some basic principle. I was just pondering Karma in the shower and this beats crossing something off a list.


    That system doesn't really have anything to do with karma, someone could get themselves really good karma and still go around doing bad things.

  8. ~Raw Meat

    ~Wolf Fur

    ~Life Essences

    ~Summoning Potions ( try to keep these at a minimal bulk: 500 or so)

    ~1 Conjurer Cape



    ~Spirit Rest Potions ( also keep this to a mininum of say 2k or so )


    At what prices?

  9. LE

    Silver: 1 (2gc)

    Sunflowers: 2 (1gc)

    Feasting Potions: 1/7 (~1.5gc)

    Total: ~4.5


    Corrected :( (assuming no fails of course)


    EDIT: forgot FPs


    Hrmm... I've never seen anyone sell silver for less than 2!




    Wait... You're writing in quantities, mostly, aren't you?


    Woops, yes. Altered above for clarity.


    EDIT: the driving force for harvestable prices is the lupine bush in my opinion. if it's not worth someones time to harvest silver/sulphur then they can always sell lupines/lilacs to flower shops instead.

  10. I was exploring TG with my MM cloak and some armour on when i found an armed gob with hardly any health. I debated with myself for a few seconds and then decided I should be able to kill it, it was already near dead afterall. Fortunately I didn't drop the MM, when i returned to the site looking for my DB i asked an Ant if he had seen it.

  11. That's important information. Do people use this as a general rule of thumb to bound prices? At the least, something costs 1GC per EMU?


    Iron ore is an exception to this. The ore in Nordcarn is very close to storage and the ore itself isn't all that useful. Even if people want to make iron/steel bars it makes a lot more sense to take coal and FEs to the iron ore: if you buy iron ore at 4gc one bar would cost you ~45gc while the market price is closer to 30gc.

  12. HEs, though, are priced at 6-7GC each. Someone checked the Magic Store for me, and reports that the magic store will buy an HE for only 3GC. So that's not the driving force. Players have repeatedly stated that HE's seem expensive, so that doesn't seem to be what's driving either. Is it so much of a sellers market that the sellers can charge what they like? That seems odd, because people can learn to make HE's themselves, and many people are reporting thats what they do.


    HEs are one of the few things priced correctly in my opinion:


    2 silver ore (4gc)

    1 chrysanthamum (0.5gc)

    1/5 Feasting Potions (~2gc)


    Total: 6.5gc


    So HEs you can actually buy supplies, make HEs and sell at a slight profit, not many other items you can do that with. They sell at this price because pretty much everyone needs HEs. I personally buy all of my HEs, it saves me 2 PPs of inorganic nexus and lots of sitting at storage mixing.




    He may have been hiding behind the arena fence and teleported in.


    [PM from ronaldinho_pl: it was my stupid brother playing] lol


    I've not heard that one before! ;)

  14. Lol, I guess it's a well known glitch then, Thanks for that information it helped me out a bit.


    This can happen if someone is fighting and they grue, while they're fighting they remain in the game (no logout message) but you can't PM them.

  15. I dident say I was gonna give you BP for pic, I said I would lend ya it for pic cuz I dident wanna wear it and it would save you money from buying it, And further more you dident state any rules about what you were getting into. You said, And I quote, "0You wont kill me will you?", And I just smiled. Diden't say yes or no or YOUR GONNA DIE!!!, Just smiled, Therefore in my defense, I was perfectly liable to PK him. *Please Note* You aint in my Buddy List Lethal even if your in mine. :confused: Thanks for full plate and Serp by the way!!! :blink:


    Thats all I say in my defense.


    That's not a defence, in the trade we call that a confession.

  16. Well, I've just found an easy way to erase the stats.


    1. Do something (make any stats)

    2. Exit the game (stats saved OK)

    3. Run the game, go to the login screen

    4. Exit the game without logging

    5. Puff... stats gone (size of counters*.dat for my character = 0)


    Be advised that I have my name preselected (set in config), so I normally input only the password at logon.

    Can someone verify the sequence?


    Looking at the source this certainly seems right. The counters are loaded on login and when they're saved it doesn't check they're initialised first.


    Actually this shouldn't happen. When you quit the client before logging in the empty stats get saved to counters_.dat, when you login again it loads counters_<username>.dat, hmmm :/


    EDIT: ah, it's because your username is set in your config, checking initialized should fix that :P

  17. edit: also, fighting is generally unprofitable nowadays. For every 4 restores you need 16 health essences (112 gc) and 5 SRs (about 60gc) total = 172 gc / 4 = ~42 gc per restore


    Really briefly, because I don't want to go down a single tangent, does the Magic Shop buy HE's for 7 GC? (I don't know when I'll next be able to get online. )


    buys for 3gc, sells for 9gc

  18. What items do you regularly have to buy to keep your fighting habit going?

    HEs, SRs


    Do you find that you spend a lot of time performing activities other than fighting in order to buy supplies?

    No, I don't have the nexus to do a lot. If what i'm fighting doesn't pay for it's own supplies i tend to fight the thing below it.



    Do you have regular suppliers you can go to?



    Do you make what you need yourself?

    No. I used to but then i reset because I had so many nexus, now I buy all of my supplies or give the ingredients to a friend who makes them for me.


    Do you buy from NPC's more than from players?

    Don't remember buying anything other than FPs and spirit ess from an NPC in quite a while.


    Are you able to sell or utilize the booty from your kills?


    Any armour they drop i use myself, most weapons either go to Trik or get saved for the new summons. Books, cloaks sell fairly well on the market.

  19. Yes in england "git" means idiot, but I mean to call someone an idiot I say idiot.


    Nothing as harsh as idiot:




    n : a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible; "only a rotter would do that"; "kill the rat"; "throw the bum out"; "you cowardly little pukes!"; "the British call a contemptible person a `git'" [syn: rotter, dirty dog, rat, skunk, stinker, stinkpot, bum, puke, crumb, lowlife, scum bag, so-and-so]


    which i think fits quite nicely too :)


    For instance you might call your mean old neighbour who won't return your miskicked football a "miserable git". Same for the person at your office who didn't wear a silly hat on silly hat day because he/she thinks it's stupid :omg:

  20. Well, I've just found an easy way to erase the stats.


    1. Do something (make any stats)

    2. Exit the game (stats saved OK)

    3. Run the game, go to the login screen

    4. Exit the game without logging

    5. Puff... stats gone (size of counters*.dat for my character = 0)


    Be advised that I have my name preselected (set in config), so I normally input only the password at logon.

    Can someone verify the sequence?


    Looking at the source this certainly seems right. The counters are loaded on login and when they're saved it doesn't check they're initialised first.
