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Posts posted by Orick

  1. Hey o/!


    After this last update, I notice the size of my mouse was changing. It has now gotten so small that I can't tell if I'm using the eye or the use and sometimes where the mouse even is. Is there somewhere I can go in and change the size of the mouse back to normal.


    Thanks, Orick

  2. Hey Solar :hiya: Sorry you were broded by a friend in my guild... but no one is replacing anything lost to a brod (or another way) in PK (or anywhere else) or dropped when not using a rosto (same principal). You don't go to invasions with casty's without a cotu or mage pants so why would you go to PK where there is a higher change of being broded without one. Also stop messing with my guildies invasion creatures/bosses if you want them to respect you. I believe you are the reason your guild is BROD tagged by mine. Sorry you lost stuff and sorry you will probably not invance, invasion or instance with me but... yeah... See you around!

  3. [Orick @ 7]: i just hypered 2 rostos and 2 daily CD passes in the "Oricks Epic Events Map". There are 2 bags total 1 in each of the main city arenas... GLHF!

    [Orick @ 7]: You are in Portland [111,18] here is hte coords to the entrance of the map

    [Orick @ 7]: if you want to tab map then PM me ill give you the link for it

    nuff said!

  4. So, Im thinking keeping the ings basic. so no efes, bindings. so mostly leather armor, ti short, moon or sun med. and not enough ings to mix tonz of every essence and potions so you have to pick what you want to focus on.


    make sure you mix enough to keep your health up and have MI on.

  5. Hey everyone.


    I was thinking today of what contest might be fun and I wanted to see how many people would join a contest like the one below.



    5 man teams - the amount of teams would depend on the amount of people who wanted to play. Each player would start out with nothing in there inventory.


    The group would vote for who the team captains will be.

    - Each team captain would puck there team members 1 at a time.

    - Once the teams were formed they would join an even guild set to total war with the other teams event guild.

    - Once each team captain is in there guild they will be given the location of a hyperbag for there theam

    - Each teams hyperbag would start with the same amount of ings inside.

    - The ings inside would be the raw ings needed to mix armor, weapons, essence and potions. (ie. leather, thread, iron, sulfer, mixed flowers, vials, quarts ect, ect)

    - The goal of the event will be to find and PK the other team using just what your team is able to mix from your bag.


    - Other end goals could include capture the flag. Your team had a hyperbag to protect and you have to find the other teams first.

    - Protect the captain. your team keeps your captain alive while hunting the other team.

    - King of the hill. Gain points by being the only one on a pre determined location.



    Who would want to do something like this?


    Any other ideas for events?

  6. Hey all, here are some ideas I have for the tokens.


    Beaver Token - make 1 use only or put a 5 min cooldown on it.

    Brownie Token - Shrinks you to the size of a Brownie and makes you untargetable by anything for 60 secs.

    Female Gob Token - Raise your att lvl by 10 (not stack-able with anything else) effect lowers like normal

    Gob Token - Lets you stack 2 acc pots for 60 secs

    Ogre Token - Raise your def by 10 (not stack-able with anything else) effect lowers like normal

    Panther Token - takes your light modifier to 0 no matter what you are wearing and gives your night vision perk

    Rabbit Token - leave it alone, I <3 it

    Rat Token - leave it alone, I <3 it

    Skeleton Token - makes it so you use 0 food when running or take no steps with horse whistle for 300 secs(5 mins)

    Snake Token - Gives you snake poison perk for 90 secs (gives you the same perk as snakes)

    Spider Token - Gives you the paralyzer perk for 60 secs (gives you the same perk as large spiders)

    Tiger Token - Gives you cooldown perk for 60 secs (gives you the same perk white tigers have)

    Woodsprite Token - Shrinks you to the size of a Woodsprite and gives you speed hex for 60 secs (no food lvl needed)



    Bear token - gives you the mana drain perk for 60 secs (gives you the same perk as the bear)

    Leperchaun token - gives you the ability to see any creatures or players astro a/d/acc astro buff over there head for 60 secs

    Phantom Warrior token - gives you iglow perk for 30 secs

    Troll Token - gives you mirror perk for 30 secs

    Imp token - gives you gather med perk for 30 secs


    Just an idea... but i also think some or most of these tokens should be 1 time use only. also I think if the market is flooded to much with tokens they should be reduced or have a chance to only give 50% of the effect or duration.


    What you think?


  7. Selling all of it, please leave msg here or catch me ingame. Please leave offer prices.
    1 Wolf Fur
    207 Brown rabbit fur
    3 Bones
    8098 White Tiger fur
    1054 Hawk Feather
    213 Falcon Feather
    26262 Bear Fur
    10 Deer Fur
    6884 Polar Bear Fur
    2 Feran Horn
    12 White rabbit fur
    42 Green Snake Skin
    120 Mule Skin
    34 Bear Summoning Stone
    305 Leather Gloves
    185 Iron Helm
    275 Leather Boots
    51 Padded Leather Armor
    19 Augmented Leather Armor
    241 Leather Helm
    137 Steel Shield
    77 Wooden Shield
    26 Augmented Leather Pants
    1 Crown of Mana
    10 Iron Chain Mail
    1 Blue Dragon Cuisses
    30 Iron Shield
    120 Steel Chain Mail
    1 Used Blue Dragon Greave
    238 Leather Pants
    1 Ice Dragon Helm
    1 Blue Dragon Mail
    1 Book of Axe Construction
    1 Book of Serpent Sword of Thermal
    1 Book of Magic sword
    1 Book of Titanium/Steel Short Sword of Magic
    1 Monster Magnetism Cloak
    275 Leather Boots
    51 Padded Leather Armor
    19 Augmented Leather Armor
    26 Augmented Leather Pants
    1 Universal Hood
    3 Powersaving Cloak
    2 Warm Fur Gloves
    3 Fur Cloak
    3 Fur Boots
    1 Fox Scarf
    1 Fur Hat
    2 Skunk hat
    1 Blue Robe
    1 Brown Buccaneer Hat
    1 Brown Tunic White Shirt
    1 Conjurer Cloak
    238 Leather Pants
    2 Racoon hat
    1 Mage Robe Shirt
    20 Matter Essence
    83748 Life Essence
    161855 Fire Essence
    40 Earth Essence
    4555 Death Essence
    7423 Wormwood
    29952 Poppies
    33884 Tulips
    9251 Red Snapdragons
    3931 Swamp Candles
    7483 Black Rose
    24744 Mullein
    19428 Wheat
    31 Yarrow
    9406 Red Rose
    2041 Sunflower
    761 Yellow Rose
    1704 Cactus
    9800 Lilacs
    94461 Nightshade
    28076 Valerian
    14 Dandelion
    12 Henbane
    25 Toadstool
    14645 Poison Ivy
    93928 Rue
    18718 Impatiens
    15113 White Asiatic Lilly
    23843 Daffodils
    55317 Tree Mushroom
    12034 Ogre Toes
    20 White Chanterelle
    635 Fruits
    50 Mead
    39 Ale
    2 Cooked Meat
    25 Toadstool
    35 Blackpowder
    2 Bucket
    55 Poisoned Caltrop
    2 Polished Sapphire
    1 Silver Ring
    36 Ring of Disengagement
    3 Moon Medallion
    2 Stars Medallion
    1 Medallion of Life
    10 Black Dragon Scale
    3 Unicorn Medallion
    3 Red Dragon Scale
    1 Conjurer Cloak
    1 Gelatine Bones removal
    1 I can't Dance removal
    1 Antisocial removal
    2 Invasionmeter
    1882 Point Defense
    13 Accuracy/Magic Indicator
    14 Harvest/Degrade Indicator
    12 Criticals Indicator
    2692 Titanium Bar
    41 Coal
    500 Diamond
    34 Amber
    20 Mule Glyph
    74800 Wood Branches
    2 P2P Shop Coupon
    8435 Ashes
    15 Wood Logs
    19 Bones Powder
    419 Mercury
    2283 Creature food
    9 Skeleton key
    3 Skull key
    1565 White Fabric
    3 Wheat - Daffodils - Feran Horn Extract
    9 Magic Potion
    465 Yarrow - Wormwood - Tulips Extract
    18 Invisibility Potion
    1 Potion of Spirit Restoration
    3 Poison Ivy - Henbane - Poppies Extract
    2283 Creature food
    39 Poison Antidote
    331 Potion of Reasoning
    576 Red Currents - Blue Berries - Rue Extract
    2010 True Sight Potion
    10 Potion of Great Healing
    232 Potion of Defense
    214 Potion of Coordination
    263 Wheat - Valerian - Mugwort Extract
    500 White Chanterelle - Ogre Toes - Tree Mushroom Extract
    199 Potion of Attack
    8 Nightshade - Mullein - Dandelion Extract
    305 Leather Gloves
    56 Mortar & Pestle
    1 Blank paper
    10 Pickaxe
    8 Scissor
    3 Bones
    74800 Wood Branches
    2 Short Bow
    1 Steel Long Sword
    273 Fire arrows
    10 Iron Sword
    1 Golden Star Mace
    2 Iron Broad Sword
    1 Scythe
    1 Used Cutlass

  8. I got this shield from a random item giver.


    I had a few offers for it and now I would like to open this up for Auction.


    Please post here or PM me your bid. no private bids, if you offer the gc I will post who here.


    TeeeMo - 5k

    Koddy - 6k

    TrueMan - 30k

    Teeemo - 31k

    TrueMan - 35k

    Teemo - 36k

    TrueMan - 40k

    Frieza - 60k

    TrueMan - 70k

    Frieza - 150k

    Alphabet - 155k

    Frieza - 170k

    alphabet - 200k

    Frieza - 205k


    Bid will end 24 hours after the latest bid.



  9. Hey everyone!


    Selling storage, PM Ancient_Orick with offers




    10 Brown rabbit fur - 5g ea
    33 Rat tail - 3.5g ea
    352 Hawk Feather - 23g ea
    80 Cockatrice Feather - 110g e
    106 Black panther fur - 95g e
    12 Snow Leopard fur - 85g e
    7 Wolf Fur - 5g e
    3326 Raw Meat - 3.5g e
    89 Falcon Feather - 16g e
    40 Tiger fur - 70g e
    34864 Bear Fur - 10g e
    14 Deer Fur - 5g e
    201 Polar Bear Fur - 65g e
    43 Fox Fur - 65g e
    10 Red Snake Skin - 10g e
    170 Raccoon fur - 40g e
    55 Feran Horn - 50g e
    1 White rabbit fur - 80g e
    2 Brown Snake Skin - 20g e
    48 Skunk fur - 85g e
    32 Leopard fur - 17g e
    27 Green Snake Skin - 7g e
    16 Puma Fur - 105g e
    4 Leather Gloves - 30g e
    6 Iron Helm -
    13 Leather Boots - 80g e
    10 Padded Leather Armor - 110g e
    19 Augmented Leather Armor - 180g e
    1 Leather Helm - 5g e
    10 Steel Shield - 550g e
    1 Wooden Shield - 50g e
    27 Augmented Leather Pants - 100g e
    1 Used Blue Dragon Cuisses - 34,000 g e
    2 Book of Axe Construction - 600g e
    3 Fast Regeneration Cape - 3300g e
    2 Powersaving Cloak - 3300g e
    1 Conjurer Cloak - 4000g e
    2 Skunk hat - 100g e
    2 Warm Fur Gloves - 100g e
    3 Fur Cloak - 100g e
    3 Fur Boots - 100g e
    1 Fox Scarf - 10g e
    1 Fur Hat - 10g e
    1 Blue Robe - 2000g e
    1 Racoon hat - 100g e
    1 Blue Robe Skirt - 2000g e
    1 Cape of The Unbreakable - 6700g e
    3254 Magic Essence - 7g e
    316773 Life Essence - 5g e
    26606 Fire Essence - 4g e
    40 Earth Essence - 10g e
    1 Red Snapdragons - .5
    2 Red Rose - .5
    1 Sunflower - 1
    90 Valerian - 1
    620 Fruits - 1
    1 Mead
    2 Cooked Meat
    2 Polished Sapphire
    3 Moon Medallion
    2 Stars Medallion
    1 Conjurer Cloak
    2 Unicorn Medallion
    8 Gold Bar
    41 Steel Bar
    5600 Coal
    1 P2P Shop Coupon
    15 Wood Logs
    9 Bones Powder
    419 Mercury
    217 Thread
    2000 Titanium Ore
    1 Blank paper
    6 Needle
    1 Short Bow
    2 Steel Two Edged Sword
    1 Steel Long Sword
    1 Pking arrows