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About PurgeGaming

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  1. Hello. For the next while I will be working on a redesign to the tutorial. My goal is to make it better and more friendly to new players. As a noob myself, I have a view from a new player's perspective. I want to share my thoughts and get critiscisms and tips from more experienced players before completing my redesign, as I want to make it as good as possible because, even as a noob, I love Eternal Lands and I want to make it even better and easier for more people to love it. First, I want to share my main issues with the current tutorial, to show why we need it modified. For starters, it is, in my opinion, too long. I don't want to have to play 6+ hours to beat a tutorial. I just want to learn the game and get a good idea if I like it or not. People should not be expected to sink multiple days into a game to get a feel for what its like. Most people will quit before they even get to the good part. This length is partially due to my next point. Secondly, the tutorial NPC is relied in too heavily. Why can't Ios, who needs summoning supplies like rat tails, ask you for 10 rats taiks making you kill 10 rats? Why can't Ayelle, who has you make fire essense, teach you how to gather the materials in various places and make the essense? Many tasks are stuck to the tutorial NPC when there is a better alternative that is already used in the quest. Walking (or teleporting) to the tutorial NPC just to go back where you were seems pretty useless, when you could save over an hour of players' time by using the other NPCs while at the same time having it make sense. The tutorial NPC should still be used in the tutorial for tasks where it makes sense to use him, such as telling you to talk to the wraith and talking about pick points. I just dont like how the NPCs in the quest are either over or ubder utilized, when they could easily be used productively. And my final point, it doesn't feel enough like a quest. Thjs ties into my previous point. Increased use of NPCs makes it feel less like an extremely long tutorial, and more like a sereis of quests. It may seem like no big deal on paper, but in reality it can have a bigger effect than you might imagine purely because of the psycological factor. You may not fully understand the ig difference between making the tutorial quests called quests instead of tutorials, but if there is such little difference, it might as well be quests, right? No harm, now fowl, and it may even provide a benefit. You may be wondering why I think we need a redesign of the tutorial now. There aren't many new players anyways, why do we need to cater to them? Well, 2 reasons. Firstly, the amount of new players that stick around can make ir break an MMO. A better tutorial = more players =more sustainability and potential profit for the devs. The second reason is the Android client that is coming soon. An adroid client for a game that will run nicely even on phones as old as mine (Samsung galaxy exhilerate thats even slower than usual due to use) is a good selling point for an MMO. If properly advertised and well made, it should bring a new batch of players to the game. And the mobile market has the least patience for stuff like long tutorials, but it is one of the biggest markets in gaming, if not the biggest. We want all these new players to have a better experience to increase how many stick with the game, and better yet, reccomend it to their friends. It is a huge market and we need to cater to it, or the android client wont be a success for bringing in new players. Thank you for reading my long post. Please leave any ideas, critiscisms, questions, and complaints on this thread. My goal is not to say the current system is terrible because I didn't like it, my goak is to take the current system and make it better, which anything could use, no matter how good. I will take all feedback into account when redesigning the tutorial, so if you have any thoughts at all, please share them. Thanks you. Expect a Part 2 relatively soon.
  2. Android client, 5th release

    Okay, thanks for all your hard work on the mobile client
  3. Android client, 5th release

    Yes, the menu popped up by itself. If I open the menu now it is perfectly functional. I did not click on any players. I had been nowhere near anhone for the entire sessiin.
  4. Android client, 5th release

    No, thats the point. I did not tap the options menu and I could not get rid of it in any way. I tried using the back button and pressing the options button.
  5. Android client, 5th release

    Found a pretty weird bug. The options menu pops up with a completely transparent background and has no X and no way to get rid of it. It makes the camera bars completely unusable as it covers them. I have no idea what causes it. It happened on my Samsung Galaxy Exhilerate on Android version 4.0.4. Heres a screenshot: