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Eternal Lands Official Forums


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About Lezarian

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  1. Still at it eh entropy?

    I didn't say it WAS a chatroom, there was just no gameplay, so it basically functioned like a chatroom, but you could walk around, hence "Like a chatroom with pictures" anology.
  2. Still at it eh entropy?

    Well i remember the click clickity click part of harvesting, however i hate abbreviations, with so much fury, cause i never know what they mean, RSI would be what?
  3. Still at it eh entropy?

    Yeh, i was there before the ocean too come to think of it I just thought the story sounded funny, ohhh how the harvest reset killed me, a part of my soul had died, my harvesting being in the many hundreds at the time {there was nothing else in the game to do but chat}
  4. Still at it eh entropy?

    Why back in the day we didn't have any fancy smancy "weapons" and "armor"! You yung'un's don't know how easy ye got it. Why, to get ore we had to walk uphill, both ways, under the ocean! But yea, so i'm in the game now, same name as the forum name, if you see me on im sure i'd be happy to chat with you.
  5. Still at it eh entropy?

    Well then share my congratulations with all the other people responsible for its moderate sucess!
  6. Still at it eh entropy?

    I just wanted to say yo, it's good to see you've gotten Eternal Lands somewhere entropy, if you remember, i was there before the game had... pretty much anything. Like a chatroom with pictures . But seriously, i thought the game would die or something, i think thats why i left. Anywho, great job, i might start playing soon! {if I'm not too busy.}