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About hatwood

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  1. will removal auction

    last bid was 62k. I'll keep it going to Sunday 3pm EST
  2. hatwood.net

    What type? I'll take specific suggestions. Helpful information: 1. Creature name 2. Map they/it occur(s) 3. General idea of how many exist on this map 3.1 Especially within a contained area of that map
  3. hatwood.net

    Hey all, Just wondering what you want to see more of from hatwood.net. I can't make promises, but I'd like to hear from you. Also, as a shameless plug, I've added a donation button. For those who have asked: it costs 2.9% + $.30 per transaction on my end (no monthly fee). Best, Hat Edit: When requesting spawns, please include this info: 1. Creature name 2. Map they/it occur(s) 3. General idea of how many exist on this map 3.1 Especially within a contained area of that map
  4. Global Quest FAQ

    I am trying to make a special potion. I need 10000 Gypsum of which I have 352, 1200 Amber and I have 262, 50 Mixture of Power of which I already have 0, and finally, 25 Orange of which I already have 0.
  5. +1 please. it would help a lot of people, I know many get frustrated over this.
  6. Color changing stone

    I can't answer your questions about what happens during the color change stone changes, but I can answer the custom face question. TL;DR: your human customs will not show up after a dragoni color change. Long answer: I'll use myself as an example. I'm a female green orc, so the game uses head_orchanfgreen.dds for my face. Say I want to change to blue female draegoni, which is head_draegonifblue.dds. When I change to dragoni, it will look for the dragoni file instead of the orc file in the customs folder. When it finds none, it will look at the normal game file for head_draegonifblue.dds. Now, I could take my custom face on head_orchanfgreen.dds and rename it to head_draegonifblue.dds using the same picture to load the old orc face onto the draegoni if I wanted to. It will probably look like a mess if you do that because the various races' face meshes are stretched a little differently over the skull. Similarly, if I kept my race the same, but changed my eye and hair color, my eyes_brown.dds and hair_black.dds customs would not show up anymore, and my eyes and hair would look exactly as the ones I chose with the stone. My cape customs would stay the same because they are not race/gender/color dependent. So long as I kept my 'naked' clothing the same color, my pants1_green and torso1_purple customs would still show the custom clothes. So, anything that you change with the color change stone will 'break' any customs you have, but some are not broken because they are not race/color dependent (like capes). The old human files will remain in your customs folder, but will not show on your character. Hope that answers your question.
  7. It doesn't make any sense to me that you pay the same to cover a 1mgc+ inv as a 100k inv. If talking about insurance, a homeowner will pay more to protect a large home than a small one. I rarely have a rosto on me because I rarely have an inv worth twice the price of a rosto- or even equal to the price. I would willingly pay for cheaper rostos, but from a purely business perspective, it makes no sense for me to use them currently, as my inv is usually only worth about 60k. So, for me, under 30k. I think Alphabet is right in that the reason why rostos are so high is because some will pay that price, because they profit so much from what they do which requires rostos. It's fine to enjoy that kind of play, but not everyone does, and not everyone can do it. I wish there was some sort of 'insurance' that made any sense to people who enjoy a more lax playstyle (like myself). I think it would expand Radu's profits into a different group of players, encouraging sales and play.
  8. Global Quest FAQ

    Someone started it up again I am trying to make a special potion. I need 10000 Gypsum of which I have 0, 1200 Amber and I have 0, 50 Mixture of Power of which I already have 0, and finally, 50 Black Dragon Scale of which I already have 0.
  9. Global Quest FAQ

    I am trying to make a special potion. I need 10000 Gypsum of which I have 3671, 1200 Amber and I have 920, 50 Mixture of Power of which I already have 3, and finally, 50 Black Dragon Scale of which I already have 17. edit dec. 28: I am trying to make a special potion. I need 10000 Gypsum of which I have 3808, 1200 Amber and I have 1200, 50 Mixture of Power of which I already have 16, and finally, 50 Black Dragon Scale of which I already have 50.
  10. Report the Little Bugs Now for fixing in 1.9.5

    You are in White Stone - Elavro Mountains [421,684] You are in White Stone - Elavro Mountains [421,683] You are in White Stone - Elavro Mountains [421,682] You are in White Stone - Elavro Mountains [421,681] You are in White Stone - Elavro Mountains [422,682] You are in White Stone - Elavro Mountains [422,683]
  11. Report the Little Bugs Now for fixing in 1.9.5

    You are in White Stone [729,602] there are like 10 spots here that shouldn't be walkable. The tiles that shouldn't be walkable go 2 tiles back here so you can be entirely hidden or do a good Han Solo impression.
  12. Report the Little Bugs Now for fixing in 1.9.5

    You are in Thelinor [191,193] and You are in Thelinor [191,194] shouldn't be walkable (you can do a good han solo impression here, though)
  13. Expiringbots, November 2015

    Receipt No: 0138-6714-9330-9432 BLISS and NeverMind
  14. Global Quest FAQ

    I am trying to make a special potion. I need 10000 Gypsum of which I have 475, 1200 Amber and I have 269, 50 Refined Vegetal Mixture of which I already have 6, and finally, 50 Black Dragon Scale of which I already have 36.
  15. Quote of the week submissions

    If this thread is going to be woken from the dead, it might as well be on Halloween. [Kirito @ 6]: haha nobody wastes perfectly good drugs on kids