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Everything posted by Marr

  1. EL hardware recommendations

    Notebook: 1. MSI Megabook M670 512 MB Ram AMD Sempron 3500+ NVidia Geforce Go 6100 2. around 400 € 3. about 20, with all eye candy's enabled disabling shadows, reflections etc. gives solid 30 fps 4. running 32Bit x86 Linux & CVS Client Desktop: 1. Mainboard: Foxconn 945PL7AE-Ks2H ATX CPU: Intel Pentium-D 805 RAM: 2 GB, DDR2 667 GPU: Geforce 7600GS @ 256MB 2. around 500 € 3. 50 fps with all the shiny things enabled, during massive Invasions or such it goes down to 20 and alone in small inside maps up to 350fps. 4. Running 32Bit x86 Linux & CVS Client
  2. awesome Germans !

    Hallo ;p endlich mal ne neue stimme hier
  3. Bots on PK server

    well, i think bots would be a bad idea, specially of the kind we have them all over the main server. there is a big advantage to the person who own the bot, and this would lead to everyone want one and the server will have soon more bots online than players why not extend the features of eternalbroker and have a community bot that does following: (this is a little against the existing bot rules, i know - just a idea) every player can trade 1 item/ use one slot and set one price. so everyone is able to use one slot (if any is free of course). to avoid that the bot got flooded with stuff that nobody wants, every slot "expires" after maybe 1 week. if the owner of the item does not remove it before it expires, the bot will drop it ( and walk a step away, to feed the ants ) the owner can make a trade "private" and set the name of the person who should be able to buy it to avoid abuse where could be a voting system: if someone blocks slots with useless stuff and got like ~20 votes against him, he can't trade something new, for like ~2 weeks ...
  4. phantom warriors

    pw's are ebul --> click
  5. Eternal Lands Chat

    what wouldnt help much because you have to tell the password everyone who wants to join in, public password == no security at all ;p and about the costs, as it would be a community bot, it could be free but you need to talk to teh god first
  6. Eternal Lands Chat

    not that hard but this would open a big spam hole, because every idiot could join the channel and spam/harass ppl in el.
  7. Eternal Lands Chat

    why not making a channel in a more common used network like IrcNet or something?
  8. when the servers.lst already exists the script don't change it, assuming its ok. the el.ini files in the server profiles will be created if they don't exist (the directory's, too). #data_dir is updated always either using a el.ini copy from install dir, or if it already exits the one in the server profile.
  9. since i can't sleep tonight , i decided to hijack this thread i also read Meltol's thread here and since almost every new user steps in the same traps i decided to make another script which has some improved features: [x] installs into ~/ (no sudo needed) [x] downloads files from different mirrors [x] uses wget, too (incl. continuing off aborted download) [x] checks md5 hashes of downloaded files [x] is able to extract downlaod urls from html pages (like the softpedia one) [x] updates #data_dir in the .elc/<servers>/el.ini May 16 2008, update/added features [x] ask user to keep damaged/incomplete files for later resuming [x] its possible to retry after download from all mirrors failed [x] extended setup / low graphics mode (#poor_man = 1; #video_mode= 2; #full_screen= 0; ) [x] extended setup / change web browser [fix]no longer using placid's as first mirror Jul 14 2008 dunno if someone uses this script but i add the md5sum of the 1.70 release package: so here it is: #! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $dir = $ENV{HOME}."/Eternal-Lands_1.60/"; # directory to download the el files to my $idir = $dir."el_install/"; # the directory there the extracted files are my $tmpfile = 'el_linux_170_install.zip'; # name of the zipfile we're downloading my $hash = 'd3d32e1920efb172e7de58efe0db9788'; # md5 hash of the file # history : # 7ecce3b1523ea3993ba86918eeb0e622 v1.60 # d3d32e1920efb172e7de58efe0db9788 v1.70 chomp(my $wget = `which wget`); chomp(my $unzip = `which unzip`); chomp(my $md5sum = `which md5sum`); my $m = `uname -m`; my $stat = undef; mkdir($dir)unless(-e $dir); my %conflist = ( # to enable another server profile simply add it here install => $idir, test => $ENV{HOME}."/.elc/test/", main => $ENV{HOME}."/.elc/main/", pk => $ENV{HOME}."/.elc/pk/" ); my %mirrors = ( # add other mirrors here, both direct links and links to html pages containing # direct links are supported (no javascript generated links/pages of course) # softpedia link was not available yet #mirror_0_softpedia => "http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Eternal-Lands-Download-611.html", mirror_1_placid => "http://el.beplacid.net/downloads/el_linux_170_install.zip", mirror_2_eternallands => 'http://www.eternal-lands.com/el_linux_170_install.zip' ); *slurp = sub{ local $/ = undef; my $file = shift; open(F,"<$file")or die "\n\n$! ($file)\n\n"; my $data = <F>; close F; return $data; }; *blurb = sub{ my $file = shift; my $data = shift; open(F,">$file")or die "\n\n$! ($file)\n\n"; print F $data; close F; }; *mpush = sub{ my $cnt = $_[0]; print "\n\nFound download link in file! ($_[1])\n\n"; $$cnt++; $mirrors{'generic_link_'.$$cnt} = $_[1]; }; sub download{ my $next = shift; my $tfile = $tmpfile; foreach(sort keys(%mirrors)){ my $mirror = $mirrors{$_}; next if($mirror eq ''); $_ = "generic extracted url" if(defined($next)); print "\nDownloading from $_, this may take some time...\n\n"; if(-e $wget){ if(defined($next)){ $mirror = $next; } if($mirror =~ m/([\w\d.-]+)$/){ $tfile = $1; } system("wget -c -P ".$dir." ".$mirror); } else{ die "\n\nwe need wget to download the files needed :|\n"; } unless(-e $md5sum){ die "\n\nmd5sum not found, can't verify downloaded data! aborted!\n\n";; } my $tmphash = `md5sum $dir$tfile`; $tmphash =~ s;^([\w\d]+).*$;$1;gis; unless($hash eq $tmphash){ warn "\n\nFile dosen't look like the data we expected... looking into it...\n\n"; my $unkowndata = slurp($dir.$tfile); my $cnt = 0; if($unkowndata =~ m;(http://[\d\w/.-]+$tmpfile){ my $url = $1; $unkowndata =~ s;(http://[\d\w/.-]+$tmpfile);mpush(\$cnt,$1);gise; unless(defined($next)){ unlink($dir.$tfile); download($url,1); next; } else{ warn "\n\n...but we got this link, from a file which wasn't the file we wanted reffered by the mirroer we selected before... guess what: i'll give up following this one\n\n"; } } else{ print "\n\nOk, this file is pure garbage...\n\n"; } warn "\n\ndownloaded file seems to be damaged, retrying another mirror...\n\n"; print "keep the file? when it's only not complete, we can try to continue later.\nkeep file? [yes/no] :"; chomp(my $keep = <>); if($keep =~ m;no;i){ print "\nremoving $dir$tfile...\n"; unlink($dir.$tfile); } else{ print "\ntrying to complete file from another mirror...\n"; } } else{ print "\n\ndownload successful!\n\n"; $stat = 1; last; } last if(defined($next)); } } { &download; unless(defined($stat)){ warn "\n\nfor some reason the download of the game files failed, installation aborted...\n"; print "retry? [yes/no] :"; chomp(my $retry = <>); redo if($retry =~ m;yes;i); print "\n\nOk! bye!\n"; exit; } else{ if(-e $unzip){ system("unzip $dir$tmpfile -d $dir"); print "\n\nUpdating configuration files...\n\n"; mkdir($ENV{HOME}."/.elc") unless(-e $ENV{HOME}."/.elc"); foreach(keys(%conflist)){ my $value = $conflist{$_}; print "\nUpdating $_ in $value...\n"; mkdir($value) unless(-e $value); my $newconf; if(-e $value."el.ini"){ $newconf = slurp($value."el.ini"); } else{ $newconf = slurp($idir."el.ini"); } $newconf =~ s/#data_dir.*?".*?"/#data_dir = "$idir"/gis; blurb($value."el.ini",$newconf); } unless(-e $ENV{HOME}."/.elc/servers.lst"){ print "\n\ncopying servers.lst to config directory...\n\n"; blurb($ENV{HOME}."/.elc/servers.lst", slurp($idir."servers.lst")); } if(-e $ENV{HOME}."/Desktop"){ print "\ncreating symlink on Desktop...\n"; my $desktoplink = $ENV{HOME}."/Desktop/Eternal-Lands"; if(-l $desktoplink){ unlink($desktoplink); } unless($m =~ m/64/){ symlink($idir."el.x86.linux.bin",$desktoplink); } else{ symlink($idir."el.x86-64.linux.bin",$desktoplink); } chmod(0755,$desktoplink); } print "\n\n\nBasic installation done! \n". "run extended setup? [yes/no] :"; chomp(my $exsetup = <>); if($exsetup =~ m;yes;i){ print "\nset low grafic mode?[yes/no] :"; chomp(my $gfx = <>); if($gfx =~ m;yes;i){ foreach(keys(%conflist)){ my $conf = $conflist{$_}."el.ini"; my $data = slurp($conf); $data =~ s;#full_screen.*?=.*?[\d]+;#full_screen= 0;gis; $data =~ s;#video_mode.*?=.*?[\d]+;#video_mode= 2;gis; $data =~ s;#poor_man.*?=.*?[\d]+;#poor_man= 1;gis; blurb($conf,$data); } print "\n...done!\n"; } else{ print "\n...skipped\n"; } print "\nwhich webbrowser you use? :"; chomp(my $browser = <>); if($browser =~ m;(\w+);i){ $browser = $1; foreach(keys(%conflist)){ my $conf = $conflist{$_}."el.ini"; my $data = slurp($conf); $data =~ s;#browser.*?=.*?".*?";#browser= "$browser";gis; blurb($conf,$data); } print "\n...done!\n"; } else{ print "\n...skipped\n"; } print "\nOk, Setup done! \n"; } else{ print "\n...skipped\n"; } } else{ die "\n\nunzip not found, installation aborted...\n\n"; } } }
  10. Attacking PK'ers/PvP/FFers - Outlawry?

    if you cry about pkers are outlaws because they killed you, you should better run next time the whole outlaw forum is only good for one thing: to have a good laugh, i mean its kinda entertaining to watch all this ppl complaining about ebul things others did to them. btw: i think, I never asked some1 before i pked him I'd say, lets burn teh ANTIS! http://thenoobcomic.com/index.php?pos=60
  11. Unofficial EL Forums

    it's quite easy for a malicious person to get the ip of anyone who uses a recent browser on a forum like this. disabling loading of images and not click on any links may raise your privacy dramatically. but if you take care about your systems security there shouldn't be any problem.
  12. Best PK music?

    George Thorogood - Bad to the Bone
  13. SNES top 20!

    the best game is definitely Zelda a lot of others not in list: Mortal Kombat Flashback Shadowrun Utopia
  14. if you really want to enhance the storage accessibility, put a small icon or something near the clock into the hud that opens the storage on click (this wont be to hard to implement). next step (that may need some server/protocol changes as well) would be to highlight this icon if you're in range of a storage.
  15. New Break Rate

    where is always a way, and a picture says more than thousands of words... http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p110/id...elscreen292.jpg
  16. New Break Rate

    I agree, in the times before col &stuff it was possible to train ,too. So calm down people.
  17. The Greatest EL Player

    There is even a statue of him ingame btw (also statues of a few others)
  18. awesome Germans !

    was, wie wo wer?
  19. Server Side Counter

    maybe a daily backup of your data would be far cheaper if you have no clue how, put your money better in some computer course.
  20. The Greatest EL Player

    100% agreed , he's also pro forum spammer, with good sense of humor
  21. Unsolvable Problem...

    or install a real operating system instead
  22. Big Bang and Black Holes

    i would never even try to claim having knowledge of anything :>
  23. Big Bang and Black Holes

    the only thing i believe in is the general stupidity of the mankind. :>
  24. Unsolvable Problem...

    I can understand that you are angry about this, but why do you blame the game and its creators? fact is that you are running a operating system that needs itself a lot of system resources (i would guess that your system not even match the minimum requirements to run Vista) [1]. Additionally your graphics card is very old, you may have noticed that you can't play a lot of other actual games as well. Your hardware manufacturer had announced the end of support for your graphic card almost 3 years ago btw. [2] and there is no information that this graphic card is proper working under vista at all. So you should be happy that your system is actually operating at all. To make this clear: you trying to run a game that needs actual graphic cards with fresh drivers, and you are upset that is doesn't work with your old hardware? [1] http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/...quirements.mspx [2] http://support.intel.com/support/graphics/...b/CS-021350.htm