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Ranging & Minimap window icons

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Hello everyone, I hope this is in the right subforum.
I edited the ranging and minimap window icons that the new client uses. The top row is the set I use, and the bottom set is the official set. These are the third- and second-to-right icons.



If you want the set, you'll need to get the gamebuttons.dds and make a change to main_icon_window.xml. I suggest you make a backup copy of main_icon_window.xml in case something disagrees with your client. If anyone accidentally edits the official xml file in their install directory, I've got the original that came with the Windows client in here.


  1. Create or find this directory: $HOME/.elc/updates/1_9_4/textures/
  2. Download the gamebuttons.dds to that directory.
  3. Make a copy of your main_icon_window.xml file located where EL is installed, and put it in $HOME/.elc/updates/1_9_4/
  4. In your $HOME/.elc/updates/1_9_4/main_icon_window.xml, find these lines:
<icon type="window" image_id="16" alt_image_id="17" help_name="range" param_name="range"/>
<icon type="window" image_id="30" alt_image_id="31" help_name="minimap" param_name="minimap"/>

5. and replace with this:

<icon type="window" image_id="58" alt_image_id="59" help_name="range" param_name="range"/>
<icon type="window" image_id="50" alt_image_id="51" help_name="minimap" param_name="minimap"/>

6. ???

7. profit (or not)


  1. Create or find this folder: C:\Users\<username>\My Documents\Eternal Lands\updates\1_9_4\textures\
  2. Download gamebuttons.dds to that directory.
  3. Make a copy of the file main_icon_window.xml file located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Eternal Lands\
  4. Put the copy in C:\Users\<username>\My Documents\Eternal Lands\updates\1_9_4\ (NOT in textures folder).
  5. Open the xml file you copied into the updates\1_9_4 folder with notepad/notepad++.
  6. Find these lines:
<icon type="window" image_id="16" alt_image_id="17" help_name="range" param_name="range"/>
<icon type="window" image_id="30" alt_image_id="31" help_name="minimap" param_name="minimap"/>

7. Replace only those lines with:

<icon type="window" image_id="58" alt_image_id="59" help_name="range" param_name="range"/>
<icon type="window" image_id="50" alt_image_id="51" help_name="minimap" param_name="minimap"/>

8. Restart EL to see the changes.




  1. Ask someone who knows anything about that OS. (sorry.)


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