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The conspirisy theary of 9-11

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I just wanted to know what you all think about this conspiricy theary, a freind of mine is in the process of writting a novel about it.


Ok here it is, the two towers consited of the two main towers and alot of small buildings around it, on a website somewhere there is a video clip of the desaster where the plane goe's intot he two towers and they fall down and then for no reason what so ever, tower 9 collapses (its a smaller tower) this clip then shows a video of a controlled explosion to bring a building down, and the building comes down in exactly the same way as tower 9 did, tower 9 is a reasorce center for the FBI and the CIA and that day (9-11) the staff of tower 9 were given the day off, the theary is that the american goverment planned the 9-11 attacks on perpose to take away there human rights, security has been highly rased around america now and people have basicly lost there human rights, so thats the theary, i dunno if it's true or not, whats you oppinion? Oh and il try and find the site with the video clips on.

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i think u got half of ir right ad far as im concerned it happend so we could go to war witch isent that what bush senior wanted to do? and also were guna get oil from over there


[edit] can u tell us the web site?or did the fbi shut it down?

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Since 2001 I've read many articles about a conspiracy theory. I believe that some of them are true, at least partially.


The first thought I had on 09-11-2001 when I heard about it, was 'Hey Bush you asshole why do you do this'. And I believe in it until today, that the us government was at least involved in the disaster. It was a kind of feeling which I have rather seldom, and anytime it occured it turned to be true. So actually I'm absolutely sure, that Bush and/or other ppl of the us government initiated that desaster.



I will tell a story about those feelings. In 1984 or 85, I was in last year of middle school, i.e. about 17 years old, we discussed in school about the reunion of germany. I was the only one in my class who voted the reunion will be done before 1990 because I had a feeling about this is to be true. The mood in this time was nothing against a reunion. Nobody would have even thought about the possibilty of a reunion. It seems not be possible within the next 50 years. Well 5 years later germany was reunited. The feeling I had at WTC desaster was of the same kind of feeling as the feeling I described here, that's why I'm sure Bush did it.



For any1 who understand german, there was a rather good article series on Telepolis magazine for the last two years. It started at 09-11, or 09-12 and continued for about 1 years every 2 or 3 days. The newest article is about the hearing of condoleeza rice some days ago. Look at http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/special/wtc...tc/default.html to read the whole story. Sorry for any english speaking people, but they have only part of their site in english, and it seems this series is only available in german.

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I also believe that the Shrub and/or his people were behind it all, so they can have a reason to invade sovereing countries and to pass the USA PATRIOT and it's sequel, transforming USA from a relatively free state into a semi dictature.

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Woot. Well said ent. Shrub could well be the next hitler.

It has already happened time and time again in history. The biggest most powerful country in the world wants to conquer and control its enemies

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I agree with all of this as well, though I think outside terrorists were also involved. Even if this isn't true, I still think the government knew what was going to happen. Why was Bush in Florida at the time, reading to a bunch of schoolchildren, instead of in Washington? I think the answer is pretty obvious.

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