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Nardo Lala

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They read it over and over again... nothing happened.


"Could the time gate be closed?" Geelef said, his voice quickening in the intense wonder of what might happen. Laena fainted with a sigh, falling into Geelef's arms.


"We'd better set her over near our camp..." Thalos said, seeing her unconcious body.


It was only a few minutes before she awoke, her mind fuzzy and groggy.


"Wha.. what... WAIT!" she shouted, the ground shaking slightly. "We've got to go through the gate. If we don't.." Her voice trailed off as Geelef kissed her forehead.


"It's okay, Lae. We'll get through... Shhh... It's okay."


His wooing worked for only a few minutes as she jumped up and ran to the stone, kicking and screaming at it. The ground shook, and a few nearby redwood trees fell to the ground. It was shock-and-terror that kept the others sitting there as the massive tree trunk broke land, shaking the ground with its own force.


Laena's kicking and screaming did not stop, and a crack snaked it's way along the ground getting wider, and wider... and wider. The sky darkened, and Geelef sprang up after her. Laena only swung around, her feet not touching ground, and thrusted her arms out toward him. Geelef rose to their air, and fell into Nardo.


With a grunt, Nardo set him down safely, and rushed towards Laena. He embraced her with a bearhug, keeping her arms down, but not her legs. Her mouth kept screeching in horrifying rage, and her arms madly kicking out. Lighting rang and sprang through the dark, cloudy sky. Thunder sounded it's call.


Laena's anger slowly decreased, and the natural forces and magic soon dissapeared.


Laena fell to the ground as Nardo let his hug go. She burst into sudden tears of rage and sorrow. Would she ever get her brother back?

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(I see the story has moved on a lot... I'm sorry for being lost for a few days but now I'm back, happy to enrich the story with my fantasy :):):) )


'We'll settle down for now' Nardo says, thinking rest is best now. 'We'll start the search for Aira with the first sunray in the morning.' They all lay down and try to sleep...


Geleef keeps Laena in his warm, comforting arms, a smile breaking her moody face. Tumaros has already prepared for sleep. Meanwhile Nardo reaches in his belt-pouch to get some silverdust. He sprinkles it carefully in the shape of a circle, while chanting a few mystical words. 'This will protect us while we are asleep.' voice sturdy. Now they all lay down, none of them truely calm as they all worry for Aira. 'Where could he be?' a silent whisper travelling through the dark in this moonlit night.


Aira now wanders off the burning settlement, his figure dark, getting light only from red hot flames that burn with anger behind him. His arms full with a young graceful being, he keeps walking away, Knowing not where he is. Knowing not "when" he is nor where he's going.


In front of him lays a path. A well travelled one as it seems. He goes on and on not caring for the strange sounds that disturb the silence and surround them... The little girl almost asleep now breathes calmly on Aira's muscular arms, warming them in the night chill. Aira keeps following the path until...


'Hey, what's that light over there?' Aira murmurs almost talking to himself. As he approaches the light, he sees a small hut right next to the track. He comes right outside the door. It's a nice little wooden one. The light is coming out from two small windows on the right side of the door, which is decorated by a nice, large hawk-shaped knob. It appears to be made of silver adorned with emeralds. 'Strange...' Aira thinks, hesitating to knock the willow made door. He tries to reach the knob, but he can't make it easily with the girl in his arms. While he tries the door spreads open with a little squeak. Warm air and a delicious smell welcomes them...


'Come in wanderer! Make yourself at home.' says a soft female voice coming from inside. Hesitating Aira takes the first step and enters. Just to find himself in a nice cozy place bigger than he thought.


A beatiful, pale, slender woman welcomes him. 'I see you need a place for the night.' she tells him and he doesn't fail to notice her pointy ears. 'Come tel'quess(=elf in elven :D ), leave her over here. I 'll take care of her. You are welcome to spend the night here. Are you hungry?'


'I'm Aira, who are you?'

'My name is Sylvanna. I'm the mistress of the forest.' she says warmly as she brings a bowl full of vegetables and two crystal glasses full of red wine. 'Come, join me. I 'll see to your friend after she relaxes a bit.' In the company of an elf Aira starts to feel a bit better, more welcome to this world,plane or... time.

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*Eehhh, did I miss something or did Tumaros and Nardo kinda go through time like Aira? :s Ah heck.. I don't care :)


Nice going Sylvanna, great intro to yourself :D*



The next morning Aira woke up in a comfortable bed, not knowing how he got there. Where am I? he thought. Soon he remembered how he carried that girl to this house, and how they had met Sylvanna. After they'd brought the girl to bed, the two of them talked, about how the stone worked. Aira didn't remember the end of the converstion though, nor how he got up this room. He didn't care much. He wanted to know more about this place.

After he got dressed, he went downstairs, finding Sylvanna having breakfast on a small table, with comfortable chairs.





Nardo, Laena and Geelef where planning on how, and when to go through time. Since Geelef knew about the stone, he proposed to go together, ensuring they went back to the same time.

'That stone is kinda weird. For half an hour it'll send you to a certain time. Half an hour later you could be sent back 1000 years earlier. Or later. But when you're then (Man, weird sentance O.0), there's no way back to now. At least not that I know of.'

Laena and Nardo nodded. 'I can see the part of us going through time together.' Laena said. 'But what if we go back to when Aira isn't? Then we are in even more trouble.' 'I've got the solution to this one,' Nardo replied. 'Back home I've got a nifty little potion, it'll help us see to when we are going. I'll be right back.'

With a soft woosh of air Nardo disappeared into nothing. Seconds later he returned, with another woosh.


'Just teleported. Here, look at this.' Nardo threw the vial, filled with a greenish substance, at the stone. The moment the vial bursted, an old elven date appeared above the stone, written in the sky, with beautiful golden smoke. Nardo snapped his fingers. Beneath the date appeared another date, written in a red smoke. 'The red is when Aira is sent to. The golden is where we are going to, if we read the stone.' Suddenly Geelef pulled out his sword, pointing it at a dark spot in the forest. A crack of a dried leaf breaking came from that dark spot. 'Who's there?' Geelef asked, while the others readied their weapons. 'Wow man, it's just us. We caught a few rabbits for dinner.' Thalos' voice came from the point Geelef was aiming at. Geelef put back his sword. 'Man, couldn't you have said a bit earlier?' Soon the rest of the group joined the three, looking at the dates above the stone. 'What's that?' Tumaros asked.


'That are dates. The upper one is the date we will be sent to if we read the runes. The lower date is where Aira has gone to.' Laena explained. While she spoke the upper date changed, the golden runes took another form, shifting and reshaping. 'Ok, that's good. Only one day after Aira. Let's go.' Geelef said, while he read the new date.

'And what about our rabbits?' Tumaros said, with a little grunt. 'Just leave 'm,' Nardo smiled.

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“Is everyone ready?†Geelef quickly looked around him for an answer. Sweat dripping from his forehead. “Make a chain, the runes could change any minute now to the right date…it’s now or never…†He held his hand out to Laena “Hold each others hands tight while we go through†He glanced again at the glowing runes. “Now! Now, now, it’s time said.â€


Geelef took one more glance at the small group behind him, feeling the warm glow from Laena´s hand. He looked then at Nardo, only to see him very pale and with averting eyes. Both of his hands where still around his long walking stick. When his eyes met he heard Nardo speak in his mind. “I can’t go, Geelef, my dear friends…as much as want to, I can’t…I, I will explain later…†Nardo closed his eyes and turned his back. “Now†shouted Laena. Geelef shot back to his senses and quickly touched the glowing runes. A strange feeling evolved from his fingertips and flashed through his body. When Nardo looked again he was alone.


“Someone is stopping Zabar and for that reason also I from leaving this cursed forest. I must deal with that first. Go now! Go! I will catch up with you, you have my solemn promise. Find Aira! †Nardo truly hoped that Geelef would have caught those last thoughts.

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To the others, it seemed as though Nardo had only disapeared as the changes swept over them. The trunks of the trees got wider, and the great lake was even wider than it was in their own time.


"Are... are we through?" Laena said, a fallen leaf from a tall oak landed in her glistening red hair. They could smell smoke, and the faint oders of some sort of perfume.

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Nardo picked up the dead rabbits from the ground and glanced at the evening sky.

He then took his frog out his pouch and gently sat him on the ground. “Hmmm still a few hours left till midnight, it’s time to prepare…†Nardo noticed there was a small lake behind the rocks as well. From his bag he took his grinder and some wild berries, bark, mushrooms and powders. He sat down and slid the throat of one the rabbits and caught the blood in a bowl. Zabar sat down beside him, closely watching every move. With a steady pace, while both of them were murmuring secret chants, Nardo mixed the ingredients until both of them were completely satisfied with the result.


Zabar then looked around him and hopped over to the rock where the runes once where to give it a closer look. He also noticed some buzzerflies hanging about. Nardo meanwhile loosened and removed his cape and sat down to take off his boots and all other clothing. Completely naked he carefully placed his clothes on the rocks, twitched over to the waters edge and wiggled his toe in the water. Shivering for a second before he dived in with a splash.


For a few minutes the water of the lake became completely calm again until with a loud burst for air he shot out upwards, his feet almost leaving the waters surface. He hung in the air for a bit, rotated a few times with his arms widely spread and then gently glided back in the water again until only the top of his head was barely above it. Nardo did not move or breathe for almost half an hour after that, letting his mind and body completely rest while preparing for things ahead.


Shivering from the cold water he sat down on the rocks and let the wind dry his hair and body. Zabar hopped close to him and started a strange incantation, which coming from a frog sounded like a didgeridoo on heat. The melody quickly caught Nardo´s mind though and in trance he took the bowl and dipped a small twig in the liquid.


With firm strokes and producing the same sounds as Zabar he wrote spells and ancient runes on his chest, arms and legs. This went on for quite a while until his whole body was covered, the only part not done was his face from his neck upwards and a small part on his back, the skin was there too mutilated from the tortures he received while he was kept captive.


Nardo looked at the frog closely. “We shall meet him again, my dear Zabar, soon I expect….†Zabar knew very well whom Nardo was speaking about. He had remembered that peculiar laughter that only a prince of darkness could produce. They had briefly met not so long ago on a dark and stormy night. Although it seemed already ages, the visions of that event were still clear on the frogs mind, because that night Nardo was severely wounded and upon departure the prince wasn’t in a very happy mood either. The prince alone though could lift this spell of transformation on him and turn him back to his original self. In his other shape he would have his full powers again…an idea that was so tempting because for all the wrong doings that was done to him, he had swore revenge until his last breath was made, but he would also be more easily tempted to the lurking of the dark powers, and live in total solitude, except for maybe Nardo, for his appearance would be so horrible to anyone’s eye, no mortal would choose to look at him.


Nardo got up and picked up his clothes. With the remaining liquid he drew with the same twig similar runes on every hem of his purple shirt and cloak. He wondered what was going on now in the frogs mind. Upon their flight many moons ago they had sworn to each other that they would protect each other for the rest of their lives and fight together the dark forces wherever possible. “Ribbit… you know my, ribbit, point in this†he heard Zabar suddenly say. “Get ribbit readyâ€


Quickly he got dressed, slid his boots back on, closed the clasp of his purple cloak, slung his bag over his shoulder and picked up the old wooden staff. He turned around and then looked at the frog with questioning eyes. Zabar jumped in his open hand and Nardo placed him with a silent smile on his shoulder. He then firmly closed his eyes and clasped both hands around his staff it until one point of it started to glow.


“Let’s do it…†With the tip barely above the ground he drew a large complete circle around him. The thin line was glowing dim in the darkness but was also clearly visible. Another circle was made just a bit smaller then the former one and more runes and symbols were drawn within that space. All this time Nardo had his eyes closed and none of them spoke, both not knowing what to expect but feeling that the time was nigh. When ready he opened his eyes again and let out a small sigh. There was ample room but still he was careful not to touch any lines while he sat down in his favourite lotus position. He felt the frog stir on his shoulder. He let the stick rest in his lap and draped the cloak around him.


Nardo looked up at the sky and noticed among the many stars that the three moons were almost at their highest position. The black one seemed almost full. It was quiet, almost too quiet. There was no wind and the forest around him was completely silent. It seemed that all nightlife was hiding. Then he suddenly heard it. Very soft it seemed as still far away, but definitely there…he could clearly hear the demonic laughter suddenly entering in his mind…

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as nardo heard the laughter louder and louder he stood up stook his sword in hand and braced himself

all of a sudden the dark figure a rose from the ground nardo charge but the dark one held one finger up and nardo stopped

"who are you?" demanded nardo "wat do you want?"

"im not hear to harm you" the dark figure spoke quitely "but i want sumthing of you"

"i wont do any thing for you" narda snarled

"then you will die you pathetic elf" "if not for me then do it for a reward of my master" think about it ill return to you at dawn

The dark figure disapered and nardo could move

" wat was that?.......

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Aira ambled on, it seemed, hope straying from his cloudy mind. Would he ever get back to his friends? It seemed that it wasn't going to happen, at least not any time soon.


The tiny girl, huddled close to Aira, gave him a tug on his royal robes.


"Yes, what is it?" he said, his voice flat with exhaustion.


"I'm.. loosing energy.." she said, her voice cracking in the heated air. It seemed as though they were walking into an inferno. The ground was bare, with hardly any vegetation around. Heat waves distorted their path as they walked on, flat footed and dying of thirst.


"I can't wait till we brake this heat!" Aira coughed. The girl fell down, scraping her knees.


"Get up.. don't let the heat take you!" Aira shouted, not for the little girl, but for himself - gathering all the courage and strength he could muster up to keep going. It was no use though, the girl did not get back up, only laying there moaning.


Aira, wary of the sheer pain the heat was giving off, lingering in their throats. He picked her up and laid her piggy back style on his back. He would have to carry her if they were to get through this. But would they?




Laena gave a startled cry as they reached the burning field full of flaming tents. She looked to Nardo, who had the same startled, yet curious look on his face. He looked back to her.


Laena's face was ashen, her voice shaken. "I ... I hope Aira wasn't involved with this.."


Geelef pressed closer to her. "There's a path leading towards that mountain range... let's go. There may be a chance that Aira went that way."


They walked on the leaf-covered trail, heat falling about them.


'I think the heat's getting stronger.." Laena said. The air was scorching now, and they had reached an area with sparse vegetation and only rock mountain walls for a view.




Nardo just sat there for a few minutes, his mind recollecting what had happened.


"I knew he'd be back.. and he wants something.." he said thoughtfully.


Zabar gave a ribbit of recognition, and jumped onto Nardo's shoulder.


"So, I think we'd ought to prepare for his next visit... I don't plan to give him anything. Or his master, either."


He got up, Zabar still attached to his shoulder, and started to fiddle with his potions..

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I 'd like to continue the story but unfortunately my previous reply now seems a bit invalid :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( thnx to Aira :?


<<He read it over and over again, outloud and to himself. No use. He was still in the young forest, which smelled of apple and cedar. There was nothing to do but explore and find out as much as he could about wherever he was, and how to get back to the place where he was before.>>


This is where he was before my post. Now, how could he be in a burning dry desolate wasteland :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:


PLZ try to read all the replies and keep consistency in the story, PLZ :!:

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Don't you even blame this on me, bitch! Maybe you don't understand "----" when you see it?




Maybe YOU should read all the posts over again. NARDO IS NOT IN THE FREAKING WASTELAND! PAY THE HELL ATENTION!!!!

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I was talking about u. U r in a nice little forest and then in nice little house... Not in a fucking desert. BTW thnx, nice behaviour. I'm in debt to u now. I dont know how could I best repay u for ur kind words :(:( And what I said before goes to all ok?

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I'm not IN a fucking desert, Syl... if you'd let me post again, maybe I'd fucking SHOW YOU WHAT THE FUCK I'M GOING TO DO WITH MY CHARACTER!!!!!!


By the way, we're in a god damn mountain range, if you had read it properly.

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Sorry we shouldnt have posted these :( sorryz... We'll solve this in private. Its best this way...




(basically we could solve if we could pm to each other, my pms stay in the outbox, isn't this when u send something but the otherone doesnt get it?)

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Well maybe you should know when to hold your tongue, Syl.

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Yeap ok whatever u say man! WHATEVER! I think u called me a bitch and then started *fucking* all around... and fuck and fuck and fuck and fucking fuck and nothing else but fuck

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Lol, from what you make me sound like I should marry the word!



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You'd make a good bestman, Syl.





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Meanwhile back at the ranch…



“Yuck…did I really made this.†with a foul grinning face Nardo swallowed the last drop of a greyish looking potion he had just emptied in his mouth. Happy that he brought it though he dropped the empty vial back in his bag. “That thing wont paralyze me again this time…†Nardo tried to remember what that minion exactly looked like, but no matter how hard he tried the picture remained blurry, unable to visualise. One thing was for sure, that was not the prince of darkness himself, or was he…?†A small frown appeared on his forehead.


“He’ll be back at dawn…hmmm. that potion should last long enough…†Nardo took another look at his fellow friend on his shoulder. “We were not ready for that one, ha weren’t we…â€? The frog just grinned back at him. Both were in quite a good mood for at dawn the powers of the dark one would be lesser. Nardo sat down again and hugged his cloak close around his body. The rings and runes of the big circle around them where still glowing faintly. Just to keep him awake Nardo wondered, “Now what would that thing wants, not that I ever would give it to him,†He said with a smiling face, “I have given enough of myself already and look where it got me†He held the frog up close to its eyes. “But still dear friend…I wonder…what it would be…your charm and wits? My musical skills? My liver? Your legs… fried in garlic butter? Being president of some untitled states? Cupboardy as an official scrabble word? Ride a wild dragon? Be the inventor of the kompjuuter? The recipe for love-potion 69? A stainless steel pearl sceptre with a flashing knob?â€


Suddenly their train of jokes stopped abruptly when Nardo heard a loud growl coming from behind him. Quickly he turned his head and looked in the direction where the sound came from. A few metres away from him stood an arcanian tigerwolf. The horned head fiercely upwards with deep blue piercing eyes. The imposing animal gave another long growl, showing his large fangs, its electric blue fur glowing faintly in the moonlight. It seemed hurt though…and hungry. He felt Zabar climbing closer to his neck. Slowly Nardo got up and took his staff in a firmer grip, never loosing eye contact with the beast. Both stared at each other, until suddenly Nardo noticed the long leash that was hanging from the animal. On the other end on the ground was a large piece of octopus tentacle entangled with the leather. “By the house of Lala…is it true? Tartarus!†By those words the animal’s eyes flashed and it tilted his head. “Tartarus…my, my…Laena would be so pleased to have you back.†He then realised the magic circle around him. “Stay! Tartarus! Stay!â€


It was too late though, because as soon as it heard its name it curved its back and jumped up straight into Nardo direction. A bright yellow flash appeared the moment the tigerwolf entered the circle. “Oh my…!†Nardo yelled. When his vision returned he looked down and saw that the tigerwolf had shrunk to the size of a small common housecat. “At least the trap works…†Nardo thought. He picked up the animal and sat himself down again. “Poor you…†With the tigerwolf on his lap he started to inspect the animal. Its ribs were bruised, there were several slashes with dried clots of blood clinging in his fur and one of his legs needed spalking. “My my†Nardo stroke the animal until it started to purr before he opened his bag for food and medication. “Might as well call myself Dr. Doolittle for now…†Laughing to himself he noticed the leather collar lying on the floor. It was studded with two emeralds and a large round cloudy white stone.


Nardo picked it up and held it closer. “Stroke the stone, ribbit, stroke it.†Nardo complied and he noticed an image appearing in the stone. It was Laena! His heart jumped for joy for he noticed that the image was moving and also Geelef, Thalos and Tumaros came into view walking close by. “Hmm they still haven not found Aira…but at least they are safe…†He looked some longer in the image and then strapped the collar back on the animal.


When he was finished with attending the tigerwolf Nardo noticed time had moved on quickly and some stars where already disappearing from the sky. “Well looks like dawn is nigh…better get ready myself nowâ€

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*Thanks Nardo, Sorry guys about the quality of writing in this post, i'll probably come back and edit later.*


Thalos decided to use his new found pwoers to his advantage and decided to take a more, Arial approach to finding the lost travellers. He broke into a run and before his companions very eyes, slowly transfigured into the white dove.


The wind rustled against his feathers and brushed against his face as he soared ever higher in the air. He gazed down trying with all his might to spot his lost companions.... It was then that it dawned on him, maybe something had happened, something far worse than his imagination could concoct.


He continued his search....

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As Aira, still very much ahead on the path, trudged on with the little girl at his heels he felt all energy being drained from him. If he felt this way, what could the girl be experiencing?


"So, little girl..." he said, a grin on his face. "You've still not told me your name."


"Oh! My name's Eh-win.. and yours?" she said, taking her time with her words. She seemed as though she had spoken a different language before learning the present. Humans seemed very slow with languages..


"My name's Aira. It's nice to be with someone when you're traveling on like this.." he said with a charming smile.


"Eye-ruh..." she said very carefully. She had great difficulty with the name, it seemed.


"So, what's the language of your people, Eh-win?" Aira asked.


"Never heard of it... what is the date?"



Why didn't he think of it! Some words were never created in the past.. he should have known better.


"What do you call your time?" he asked again.


"The Age of the Moon. Two-hundred-and-three years ago was the Age of the Sun."


This made absolutely no sense what-so-ever to Aira, and he was trying to be very openminded at this point. After all, what can an elf do when he's in a different time period, except learn?




"Gee.. do you ever think we'll find him?" Laena asked, looking over to her mate. Her eyes were watery, full of despair for her lost brother. They were relying on pure faith that he was on this trail.


Geelef gave no reply back, his averting Laena's.

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Geelef gave one more glance at the remains of what once was the encampment. The soil was completely blackened in a large circle around it as if hit by a meteor. Nothing as far as he could see could have been alive. Only charcoaled poles sticking in the ground what once were houses of some kind, the rest of the grounds covered with skeletons, all blackened. “Is it the afterglow…or is it normally very hot here? mumbled Tumaros while he walked over to the broken down ceremonial altar.

Geelef did not reply, still wondering if Aira could have been involved in this and if he would be alright.


Then there was this shriek from the sky and a white shadow circled above. It was Thalos. He was flying fast and irregular, making evasive movements in the sky as if he was in pursuit by something. Laena gave a small shriek. Tumaros looked up by the sounds and saw it also. Almost above the dove flew a large dark eagle-like-bird ready to strike Thalos. Its wingspan was almost three metres standing out clearly against the sunlit sky. Without a seconds thought, Tumaros drew his bow and readied an arrow. He cocked his eye and with masterful precision shoots the arrow in the air towards the bird. Faster than then the speed of light it shot upwards striking its target dead centre. It pierced the bird’s carcass and with a loud death cry it came tumbling down. The dove swirled a bit more as if still in shock and then started to descend. Upon landing Thalos flattered his wings once more and transformed back into his usual self, although a little paler. “Wowsers…that was close, I owe you another one…†He smiled to Tumaros and shook his hand. Tumaros just chuckled and walked over to the large dead bird. “It will make some nice lunch!â€


“I don’t know if it is any help…†Thalos spoke again, still catching his breath backâ€â€¦but I spotted some smoke coming out of a small house further down that rocky road. It seemed undamaged for the smoke came out the chimney, maybe there is someone alive there that could tell us something…†Laena grasped and pulled Geelefs arm as if wanting to go as soon as she heard those words. “Hold on, maybe the inhabitants are not so friendly…so be careful, but yeah lets check it outâ€.


It was only a short walk and when they reached the house that Thalos had described they noticed that something magical was protecting the building for around the premises the soil was green and luscious with flowers and apple trees galore. There indeed was smoke coming from the chimney and the air was full of a pleasant and sweet perfume. “Hmmm…it has the signs of an elf living here,†Geelef pondered, â€â€¦could it be?†With an unsteady hand he gave a soft knock on the carved willow door…

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[OOC]We're err... kinda past the village. You guys are walking in a mountain range with a really high temperature there. Perhaps, you posted a little late or something. I don't know.




Could you read the last posts and edit your latest post please? It doesn't make sense now.



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