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green_man's RP intro and event

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green_man had a RP intro and event in the nordcarn tavern earlier. chatlog below

I've removed anything off-topic or not relevant. as well as anything not from the session, such as buddy notices. all that was removed from when the event started were a few grue notices, it's all there otherwise

please ignore the timestamps. it'd be a hassle to go through and remove them all


a few things not addressed in the introduction, or that I want to expand upon:

  • acronyms & abbreviations (to those people who used them during the event, please don't take offence. I'm just putting more info up now as it comes to me):
    don't use them in RP, unless people during that time would have. same goes for slang. don't say something like "chimmie" unless your character is talking in a slang way, and it would thus be appropriate. most of the time, they would be called chimeran wolves, often with the type included (ie 'chimeran mountain wolf' is the kind most people know)
    things like 'ebul' are out of character as well
  • contractions (no, not related to childbirth): contractions are where two words are put together and some eltters replaced with an apostrophe. "you're" is a contraction of "you are". this wasn't common back in the middle ages (in fact, I don't think it was used at all until relatively recently). expanding "they're coming" into "they are coming" is an easy way to make it sound more RP
  • belevability: please don't say something like "oh, yeah, I just got back from killing dragons"... we're just citizens of Draia. some are in the militia or military, yes, but all they're likely to kill are some goblins or pirates from time to time. make it beleivable, including your background
  • accents: it can add a lot to RP, but be careful with putting on an accent. some people may not understand you (especially those players form whom english is not their first language). I'm not saying not to use it, because it can work great. just a thought to consider
  • names: some people's character names are already appropriate for RP. mine is, because I started my character with roleplay in mind. if yours isn't, you're welcome to make up another one for RP. use it often, so that other people can notice it

Note: in case it's of interest, my RP name is t'lan. picking a name similar to my login may seem lazy, but it's also easy to remember, and people are likely to connect it to me
[03:55:24] green_man: I'll post these notes to the forums afterwards, in case you miss anything or want to show others. so, first up... welcome!

[03:55:43] green_man: there's one key to remember for good RPing: stay in character. first step in that is to define your character. You already have a race, but you can make up a

[03:55:51] green_man: background. it has to fit with the EL storyline, but that still leaves a wide variety.

[03:56:12] green_man: Try to add some interesting traits to your background, as well. For example: Blacksmith of a small town that was overrun by orcs and destroyed years ago. takes

[03:56:21] green_man: any chance to get back at orcs and attacks people who serve the evil gods selain and mortos. has always used leather while working as a blacksmith, so won't use

[03:56:33] green_man: metal armour (but will use swords)

[03:56:44] green_man: your character will grow as you play, not just in levels, but also in experiences as a character. you might get killed by a fluffy when looking for joker, and

[03:56:48] green_man: from then on kill any rabbit you see. that sort of thing

[03:56:57] green_man: myself, as an example: some of you may know of the legends in some cultures of the 'green man', basically a man of nature. somewhere between a hermit and mother

[03:57:03] green_man: nature. no real powers, but a freind of the forests and animals. a minor force of good.

[03:57:31] green_man: that's the character I play when roleplaying, and that determines which skills I have. no combat, summoning, manu, or craft

[03:57:39] green_man: then you need to stay in character. to do this, think about how your character would act and react in the situation, and do that. especially in your choice of

[03:57:53] green_man: language. you don't have to say 'hail, traveler', but you won't say "like, sup dude?" either. If you're no good at 'ye olde english', just use plain english,

[03:58:01] green_man: without any slang or jargon. remember, you're in a world of swords and magic, so you have no idea what a 'computer' is either

[03:58:09] green_man: at time, you'll need to speak as yourself, the player, instead of your character. during RP events, you can do this by putting double parenthesis around it. for

[03:58:16] green_man: example: ((yeah, but you might need to upgrade your computers' drivers))

[03:58:24] green_man: in many cases a channel will also be announced. in most cases, you're automatically in character in local, and OOC (out of character) on the channel. this also

[03:58:35] green_man: keeps it a bit clearer for people who want 'pure' roleplay, as they don't have to be on the channel

[03:58:47] green_man: there will be more roleplay events coming in the future, at the start of each one you should be told if there will be any fighting. if not, then it'll be pretty

[03:58:54] green_man: much free form to define the story as you go along.

[03:59:07] green_man: any sensible questions?

[03:59:31] BlueDragonGirl: what if your unsure of how your char is supposed to act?

[03:59:46] the_nackster: I also have one, Are we allowed to control other peoples actions?

[03:59:47] green_man: make it up as you go along, try to remember how you acted then so it's consistent later

[04:00:00] mastern: why not have some bad guys in this game

[04:00:00] Killer620: i got a question as well...

[04:00:07] green_man: no, try not to control other people. you can't say you killed someone without permission from them

[04:00:19] Killer620: what if all your skills are around the same lvl and there's no god that you serve

[04:00:21] green_man: some people will RP evil people. that's fine

[04:00:22] mastern: why not have bad guys in this game, to many rules

[04:00:38] green_man: your character isn't defined just by levels and gods

[04:01:00] green_man: just questions/issues about roleplay please. that's all I can change at the moment

[04:01:01] Dark_Nightmare: Mostly gods though...

[04:01:12] green_man: ask away

[04:01:29] Dark_Nightmare: ((Read "Dandy Manifest" on forums!))

[04:01:30] green_man: it was just a breif intro

[04:01:46] green_man: there's more resources on the forums that go into more depth as well

[04:01:51] the_nackster: Then i have another question, what happens if a major person in the story just leaves or finds themselves unable to finish? Do we go on without them or wait?

[04:02:01] Moebird: so then, RPing is a fantasy within a fantasy

[04:02:10] VampireVorador: what if i want to role play a monster? (vampire0 what should i do?

[04:02:22] green_man: the people involved int he RP event make up the story as they go along. if someone gets eaten by the grue, that's what happened in the story. you then have to

[04:02:27] VampiresWill: g osuck peoples blood

[04:02:35] green_man: carry on as if the player was summoned away by an evil monster or whatever

[04:02:59] E_net4: Can we compliment monsters in RP?

[04:03:09] green_man: no reason you can't RP a vampire, just set up an appropriate background. you also need to have permission before you can go infecting others though

[04:03:31] Dark_Nightmare: What if you serve Unolas, Mortos, and Selain and unleash a uber-powerful fluffy on a un-expecting tavern?

[04:03:36] green_man: RP is very much the players defining the story as you go. if you want to talk to monsters, go ahead!

[04:04:03] green_man: all normal game rules apply during RP, including summoning high level critters in newb places, and near storages and such

[04:04:45] Nyxl: ((And what about people already RP'ing as they play ?))

[04:04:52] green_man: any more questions, or ones I missed?

[04:05:07] green_man: ((then they'll find RP events easy, nyxl 8^))

[04:05:08] the_nackster: Another Question: What time zone will these take place in?

[04:05:34] green_man: they'll happen whenever they start. there'll be a bunch of people who organise them, but no reason players can't do it themselves either

[04:05:50] green_man: hopefully we'll have a spread of timezones

[04:05:54] Dark_Nightmare: What about "If your the last surviving Black Draegoni and you were morphed by draegopni magic for protection and don't know youre real name?"

[04:06:26] green_man: that can work, nightmare, though you will probably also need a story why that happened, whether your character learns that or not

[04:06:36] E_net4: huhmmm... How is it possible to express my feelings when RPing?

[04:06:47] green_man: you can use : at the start of line for an action

[04:06:48] Nyxl hides a smile behind a hand, as if yawning...

[04:06:56] the_nackster: Speak of yourself in the third person/

[04:07:06] green_man: if I missed a question, ask again

[04:07:15] Dark_Nightmare: I was abandoned at the caves of Bethel and raised by hermits who were eatin by desert chimmies and then started life on IP

[04:07:49] grymauch: what's happening here at all?

[04:08:02] green_man: any more questions before we start the event?

[04:08:08] the_nackster: Green I got one more: Are there goping to be official groups for this or is it happening randomly?

[04:08:17] Dark_Nightmare: No, I wanna tell my tale!

[04:08:39] green_man: there is a small group who will organise events regularly, and you can create RP groupds/guilds on you own if you like

[04:08:52] Nyxl pokes DN : "Show respect !"

[04:09:04] the_nackster: How does one join this "small group"?

[04:09:15] E_net4: my first expidition was good.. except to the part of the cyclop

[04:09:30] grymauch: sit down vamp, ;)

[04:09:50] green_man: the organisers, so far, are just a couple of devs who have knowledge of RP. as we see people who are good at RP and are trustable, they can be added to the

[04:09:51] green_man: team

[04:10:08] the_nackster: Ok ty, that is all my questions :).

[04:10:23] green_man: any one else?

[04:10:38] grymauch: who's in charge here and when the thing starts?

[04:10:57] vanyel: green_man is in charge

[04:11:07] green_man: depends by what you mean by 'in charge'. I'm making the backstory, and there's mods in case you get out of hand, but the players run it

[04:11:32] grymauch: let's get started than green man, ;)

[04:11:33] You successfully created 1 Health Essence

[04:11:46] green_man: okay then. we'll start the event

[04:11:52] grymauch: :)

[04:12:14] green_man: chatter can be on channel 50, you won't need to (()) there, because that's already out of character. anything in local is to be in character or in (())

[04:12:32] green_man: if you misbehave, break game rules, or keep going offtopic, mods can teleport you away


this is where the event itself started


[04:13:11] green_man sighs* a king has sent me to seek new animals to add to his menagerie, but I am unable to find any he has not seen

[04:13:33] Dark_Nightmare: Oh! I have one Sir!

[04:13:44] green_man: yes? have you seen a rare animal?

[04:13:56] silver_knight: fluffy

[04:13:57] Dark_Nightmare: Three, actually!

[04:13:57] Killer620: yes

[04:14:06] green_man: I fear he may do damage to my precious forests if I do not find him something new

[04:14:12] VampiresWill raises his hand"i am one"

[04:14:14] Killer620: a desert chimmie, normal chimmie, fluffy

[04:14:14] the_nackster  prances in with a chimerian skin draped over head

[04:14:16] Dark_Nightmare: Well...

[04:14:18] green_man: what, pray tell, have you seen? and where may I find one?

[04:14:24] Moebird: i've seen desert chimeran wolves

[04:14:32] green_man: oh. *sighs* I am afraid he already has several of each

[04:14:33] Nyxl shakes his head : "I consider every Lady as a rare and precious thing, but I doubt it would match your criteria..." :]

[04:14:39] Phenic: 'earken though, 'ow rare of a beastie must it be to be counted as a rare?

[04:14:40] VampiresWill: lol

[04:14:41] pennylane1: i have seen a unicorn

[04:14:46] Dark_Nightmare: A Unicorn, found in the temple of Aluwen!

[04:14:50] VampireVorador: maybe the king didnt saw a polar bear yet?

[04:14:56] Killer620: desert chimmies can be found in bethel

[04:15:10] green_man: ahh, the unicorn. that is one animal he does not have. yet, it will not satisfy him, he knows of it and wishes it to remain free

[04:15:12] pennylane1: unicorn in wsc

[04:15:15] BlueDragonGirl: have ye seen the skunks and racoons of the new land sir?

[04:15:20] green_man: nay, he has many bears

[04:15:27] green_man: yes, I have traveled far and wide

[04:15:42] torc: What about white rabbits, has he any?

[04:15:45] Killer620: did he ever see the desert chimmie sir ???

[04:15:49] E_net4: in WS

[04:15:51] VampireVorador: i have heard some stories about new continent, maybe we should look there?

[04:15:54] Dark_Nightmare: The rare black-fluffy rabbit, but there only be one, and he is the son of Fluffor, the first fluffy rabit!

[04:16:04] [Dunian @ 50]: ((Anybody mind giving me the abridged version of the intro?))

[04:16:10] BlueDragonGirl: I am afraid I havent travelled as much as you sir

[04:16:12] green_man: aye, he has a quarter score varieties of chimeran wolf

[04:16:13] [Nyxl @ 50]: I'll comply

[04:16:21] the_nackster: Sir! What of the dragon? Long extinct but it's bones remain buried across the land! Perhaps I could construct a model?

[04:16:24] [Killer620 @ 50]: ((bla bla bla RP, bla bla bla, RP, event :P))

[04:16:26] [Nyxl @ 50]: King looking for rare animals, in short.

[04:16:27] green_man: black fluffy rabbit? where did ye see this?

[04:16:30] [VampiresWill @ 50]: where the heck did dark se that i wonder :P

[04:16:32] [Dunian @ 50]: Thanks

[04:16:33] Moebird: what about a dragon?  has he seen them?

[04:16:50] Dark_Nightmare: Aye, but tis be my pet, Mr. Ebul the fluffy!

[04:16:56] green_man: dragons are an intelligent species. he cannot cage one who thinks and talks

[04:17:11] the_nackster: I see, this is most unfortunate.

[04:17:11] green_man: where, pray tell, may I see him?

[04:17:11] VampiresWill: what about vampires?

[04:17:18] Killer620: Did he ever see the rare green rabbit

[04:17:19] E_net4: what about killing a dragon and summoning it?

[04:17:21] Nyxl: "Ah, neither can you do that with Ladies, for sure..." O:]

[04:17:22] Dark_Nightmare: Well...

[04:17:22] green_man: are not vampires also intelligent?

[04:17:28] VampiresWill: no

[04:17:34] VampireVorador: no caging vampires! they think and talk

[04:17:39] green_man: a... green rabbit? are you certain it was not merely under a cabbage leaf?

[04:17:47] pennylane1: and drink blood

[04:17:49] Killer620: no, it was a green rabbit

[04:18:03] green_man: most interesting. where did you spy this odd creature?

[04:18:07] the_nackster: What if I told you that now deep within the sewers of the magic school, a creature is feasting on the bones of students, an archaic animal like no other.

[04:18:20] VampiresWill: a red rat?

[04:18:20] Killer620: he lives on the most southern island of the new continent

[04:18:24] green_man: does anyone know more of this creature in the school?

[04:18:34] pennylane1: seen a red rabbit

[04:18:35] VampireVorador: i see some traveler same to tavern, why dont you sit at my table Enius?

[04:18:35] JaneMuffin has logged off

[04:18:36] Killer620: it's a small island that isn't on the map

[04:18:44] Moebird: what about creating a brand-new animal?  maybe an advanced summoner could do that?

[04:18:51] green_man: a rabbit in the draegoni homelands? how would such a creature survive the cold?

[04:18:57] E_net4: pennylane1 i think u saw a bloody rabbit

[04:18:59] Phenic: I c'nae offer much proof solid, but there's a terrible beastie wot did chase me away from his treasure a fortnight back, he's a might larger than a rabbit

[04:19:07] pennylane1: oh yes sry

[04:19:15] VampiresWill: its unaffected by the weather of ice

[04:19:16] Killer620: as I said, it's a rare rabbit

[04:19:22] Phenic: 'e does speak but he's no manner o civilized

[04:19:25] green_man: summoners? perhaps... perhaps... I have heard tell of a jackalope, yet never seen one... perhaps someone could find me one?

[04:19:48] VampiresWill rips the horns off a deeer and sticks them on a bunny

[04:19:50] VampiresWill: there

[04:19:53] VampiresWill: deer*

[04:19:57] E_net4: the power of all those beasts could kill me

[04:20:00] Dark_Nightmare: Tis Mr. Ebul, my black fluffy, lives deep, deep, deep in the heart of Iscalrith, where the very foudations of magic were created, at the first place made from t

[04:20:07] the_nackster: It is said he was borne of the flame of his master expiriments, if only I had not lost that map of the school, i might be able to lead you to him.

[04:20:14] Moebird: mayber a rabbit/raccoon?

[04:20:14] Killer620: the green rabbit is far family of the normal brown rabbit and the fluffy rabbit, it's very strong but is not aggressive

[04:20:19] green_man: I declare! that is where the legend of a jackalope came from? most interesting!

[04:20:20] Kylara doesn't think she can be of help and leaves

[04:20:23] grymauch: i've seen a dinasour when coming to new continen..perhaps we could ressurect it if we bring enough le's and raw meat, ;)

[04:20:24] Dark_Nightmare: he timbers of under-the-#gazebo!

[04:20:27] Rekald: :P

[04:20:35] torc: Maybe you could make a jackalope and convince the king it is one

[04:21:03] VampireVorador: i like vampires will idea, with the deer horns

[04:21:06] Nyxl: "Mind you, it's not a good idea to try and abuse a King's credulity..."

[04:21:08] green_man: mayhaps I could... even if he recognises that it is merely a rabbit, the fact that it is what was called a jackalope could be enough to satiate him

[04:21:08] VampiresWill: lol

[04:21:11] Rekald: Oo

[04:21:18] pennylane1: ripes the horns oof a deer and sticks them on vampires head there

[04:21:24] the_nackster: Sir Green! Perhaps we could persuade a student of the magical school to lead us to the sewers?

[04:21:30] green_man: most true, freind nyxl, but he does enjoy a good joke

[04:21:31] Killer620: the green rabbit is told to be one of the rarest and strongest animals ever existed

[04:21:39] VampiresWill: welll now im a horned vampire's will

[04:21:45] Dunian looks about, shakes his head, and leaves.

[04:21:45] green_man: the sewers? I have heard there are goblins there!

[04:21:46] Killer620: many draegoni's have died upon his claws

[04:21:54] E_net4: maybe the green rabbit IS a fluffy!

[04:21:59] Nyxl bows slightly : "humour is a rare quality among kings..."

[04:22:06] Dark_Nightmare: Why! I have a freind who is a student of the Magic School1

[04:22:10] [grymauch @ 50]: what's the point in the discussion in the tavern?

[04:22:14] the_nackster: Yes, and the fungus that grows on the walls is said to make even the most sensible men go crazy and attack each other.

[04:22:15] VampiresWill: definitely not me

[04:22:21] VampiresWill: i hate schools of all sorts

[04:22:22] [Dunian @ 50]: Green rabbits?

[04:22:31] green_man: oh, I should not think so. not when the humour is at anothers' expence, such as laughing at all who beleive in the jackalope

[04:22:36] [Kylara @ 50]: abit boring isn't it?

[04:22:39] Moebird: no, jackalopes

[04:22:49] [Dunian @ 50]: Abit silly

[04:22:50] Killer620: draegoni's say the green rabbit was created while trying to make a cross between a desert chimmie, brown rabbit and fluffy rabbit

[04:22:50] E_net4: i don't fear monsters, i have MM

[04:22:57] [grymauch @ 50]: very lame and boring...

[04:22:58] [Kylara @ 50]: that too

[04:23:04] [Nyxl @ 50]: It's still funny to read some people trying to attract attention :]

[04:23:06] pennylane1: vampire the horns have fell off

[04:23:10] [green_man @ 50]: indeed it is

[04:23:10] Killer620: the experiment went wrong and an very ebul animal rose upon it

[04:23:12] VampiresWill: i do not fear that which i see,i fear that which i dont see

[04:23:14] [Nyxl @ 50]: But I'm a bit cynical...

[04:23:16] [grymauch @ 50]: lol, true, ;)

[04:23:24] E_net4: the air?

[04:23:37] the_nackster scractches scalp with a nervous manner: sir how much longer are we going to waste on indecision? We should chase one of these creatures soon!

[04:23:49] [Dunian @ 50]: *leaves the channel*

[04:23:50] green_man: I beleive I shall find a rabbit who I may disguise as a jackalope. my thanks to you all, and I hope the king is well pleased!

[04:23:51] [Kylara @ 50]: and Nyxl you're rp char is exactly my type ;)

[04:24:09] the_nackster: ((that was kind of fun))

[04:24:17] VampireVorador: what is this a king that enjoyes caged animals? i say kill him!

[04:24:19] [Kylara @ 50]: i just passed the unicorn

[04:24:27] Ashleroth: So who has found A ''Green rabbit''?!

[04:24:27] [Nyxl @ 50]: Mmh... Kylara, you just broke my next RP retort x)

[04:24:30] green_man: ((if you're playing EL to gain levels, you won't like the plain RP... it's just story telling))

[04:24:31] VampireVorador: lets raise a revolution

[04:24:47] [Kylara @ 50]: oh, i'm sorry :/

[04:24:48] [Killer620 @ 50]:  *leaves the tavern*

[04:24:49] green_man: nay, his menagerie is well designed, the animals are well treated

[04:24:50] pennylane1: power to the people

[04:24:56] BlueDragonGirl: good luck to you sir in your quest for the jackalope

[04:25:01] green_man: my thanks to you!

[04:25:01] VampireVorador: together we will be able to kill the king, and set up some one better on his throne!

[04:25:02] Nyxl: "Okay, that gives us three options, right ?

[04:25:03] the_nackster: A traitor to the king! We ought to string him up to the castle walls and let the vultures eat out his liver!

[04:25:07] [Kylara @ 50]: can't do much good tonight

[04:25:25] Nyxl: "First, the jackalope; second, the green rabbit; third, the monster in the sewers..."

[04:25:37] E_net4: what's the fourth?

[04:25:38] [Kylara @ 50]: leaves channel and  goes on with her He's

[04:25:45] VampireVorador: lets put the king in a cage, let him feel like his animals feel!!

[04:25:45] torc: the jackalope seems easiest and less dangerous

[04:25:47] [PM from Phenic: there's too much chatter and about 5 different storlines at once *sighs*]

[04:25:49] The_Piper: the rabbit with the horn.

[04:25:50] green_man: I suspect the monster of the sewers to be a goblin

[04:25:58] [PM to Phenic: yes, most RP events are smaller than this]

[04:26:05] Moebird: how can we make one?

[04:26:08] Nyxl: "I'd be more inclined to go see if that monster exists... Though I'm not keen on catching the stench of the sewers on my clothes..."

[04:26:14] Ashleroth: Well Im going to sleep, cause there's 21:55 in finland...Byebye

[04:26:21] grymauch: this is lame i'm leaving..

[04:26:23] green_man: I shall capture a rabbit and purchase some antlers to attack to it

[04:26:23] the_nackster: Your wisdom is far mor astute than mine, I trust your judgement.

[04:26:25] pennylane1: bye

[04:26:28] The_Piper: bye

[04:26:31] BlueDragonGirl: ((what if your not a fighter?))

[04:26:32] silver_knight: i say feed the king to the ogers

[04:26:40] torc: yeah that's a good idea

[04:26:44] E_net4: i say let the king live

[04:26:46] green_man: ((most RP events will be just story telling, no fighting))

[04:26:56] Nyxl looks up at the sky, grinning...

[04:26:57] BlueDragonGirl: ((ok thanks))

[04:27:09] Painfu gets up from his chair, bows slightly to all, and departs

[04:27:19] torc: Don't forget to tell us how it goes over with the King

[04:27:28] green_man: I shall embark on this quest now. fare thee well, and my thans to all who helped

[04:27:28] silver_knight: no let the king live and remove him form the throne then put him in a jar

[04:27:37] VampireVorador: yeah!

[04:27:39] BlueDragonGirl: farewell sir

[04:27:47] pennylane1: bye sir

[04:27:51] torc: Good luck!

[04:27:53] the_nackster: The daylight is approaching, out we move to capture the "jackalope" now?

[04:27:55] Moebird: i'd like to see the finished product

[04:27:56] E_net4: go in peace

[04:27:59] the_nackster: ought*

[04:28:05] green_man departs

[04:28:21] [green_man @ 50]: it's all finished folks 8^)


I'd like to reiterate one point green_man made. RP events will mostly be just sitting around telling a story. well, in many cases you will move around, from map to map, but it's all about having an interactive story telling session. if you're more interested in making XP/levels or money, you will probably think RP is a waste of time. that's fine, different people have different interests. I just ask you don't interfere with those who are looking for a good story

there will sometimes be RP events where you must ``rescue the person from the monster'' sorta thing, but you should be told (you will, unless the organiser forgets) beforehand that there will be fighting involved.

don't count on the fighting part being in the #Message, though, it probably won't be announced until the event starts. why? so that we don't get powerlevelers showing up hoping there's an invasion included in the event

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Excellent Excellent! As ttlanhil has said above We will tell you in the begining of the RP if we will be fighting with our RP or just playing out a story. I once started an RP event without telling people there would be fighting involved and it did not go quite as planned. The fighting ones "Hack and Slash" are actually quite fun because the invasions can more easily be balanced and you can work together to fight enemies for a goal. RP will become more common in EL, I hope you all continue to learn! (I am learning a lot :hug:)


ttlanhil, Were you green_man? I have not created my Roleplay character yet for the RP guild :P

Edited by Brom

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I do think Green Man and T'lan are both distinct people ! :confused:


Anyway, I found that a worthy try from Green Man, and enjoyed the genuine inn ambiance.


But I'm a little embarrassed at finding myself quoted in this report, and... taken in a picture ! Oh dear. Nonetheless, I'm Nyxl and Nyxl means me, so I'm not going to take another name, since I'm about okay about RP since the beginning. Some of you might remember Niklosyan (search this section of the boards)...


Okay, when's next ?

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Okay, when's next ?


things will be happening more often, I asked green_man to run that one and gave him some of my notes, seemed to work all right. having different people give different viewpoints can help sometimes, otherwise I'd just say for people to read Guide to Roleplaying and then jump in to the action (however, for those who do want to do more than just intro to roleplay, reading that guide and others like it is pretty much required)

if things go to plan, you should see RP events happening every few days to at least once a week.

some will be introductory sessions, with an intro to roleplay followed by a simple session(which are open to anyone who hasn't deliberately tried to cause problems), others will be a bit more advanced, for people who have some RP practice already(where we will be more strict about you staying in character)

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had another one today, the event laster longer... in fact, it's still going, hours later ^_^

that's too long to put here, so just the into notes (similar to above, but a few things added)


I'll post these notes to the forums afterwards, in case you miss anything or want to show others. so, first up... welcome!

there's one key to remember for good RPing: stay in character. first step in that is to define your character. You already have a race, but you can make up a

background. it has to fit with the EL storyline, but that still leaves a wide variety.

Try to add some interesting traits to your background, as well. For example: Blacksmith of a small town that was overrun by orcs and destroyed years ago. takes

any chance to get back at orcs and attacks people who serve the evil gods selain and mortos. has always used leather while working as a blacksmith, so won't use

metal armour (but will use swords)

your character will grow as you play, not just in levels, but also in experiences as a character. you might get killed by a fluffy when looking for joker, and

from then on kill any rabbit you see. that sort of thing.

myself, as an example: some of you may know of the legends in some cultures of the 'green man', basically a man of nature. somewhere between a hermit and mother

nature. no real powers, but a freind of the forests and animals. a minor force of good. one point; some people's character names aren't appropriate for RP. mine

is, because I started my character with roleplay in mind. if yours isn't, you're welcome to make up another one for RP. use it often, so that other people can

notice it and use it

that's the character I play when roleplaying, and that determines which skills I have. no combat, summoning, manu, or craft then you need to stay in character.

to do this, think about how your character would act and react in the situation, and do that.

especially in your choice of language. you don't have to say 'hail, traveler', but you won't say "like, sup dude?" either. If you're no good at 'ye olde english',

just use plain english, without any slang or jargon. remember, you're in a world of swords and magic, so you have no idea what a 'computer' is either

accents can add a lot to RP, but be careful with putting on an accent. some people may not understand you (especially those players form whom english is not

their first language). I'm not saying not to use it, because it can work great. just a thought to consider

contractions weren't used back in the middle ages. expanding "they're coming" into "they are coming" is an easy way to make it sound more RP

keep it beleivable as well. please don't say something like "oh, yeah, I just got back from killing dragons"... we're just citizens of Draia. some are in the

militia or military, yes, but all they're likely to kill are some goblins or pirates from time to time. Also, don't control other people(like saying `soandso

does X', or `:kills soandso' (especially bad)). If you want to influence what they do, ask permission first (ie via PM)

at time, you'll need to speak as yourself, the player, instead of your character. during RP events, you can do this by putting double parenthesis around it.

for example: ((yeah, but you might need to upgrade your computers' drivers))

in many cases a channel will also be announced. in most cases, you're automatically in character in local, and OOC (out of character) on the channel. this also

keeps it a bit clearer for people who want 'pure' roleplay, as they don't have to be on the channel

there will be more roleplay events coming in the future, at the start of each one you should be told if there will be any fighting. if not, then it'll be pretty

much free form to define the story as you go along. If you want a more in-depth guide to roleplaying, check out

http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17252 in the RP section of the forums

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unlike previous sessions, there was a bit of RP before it started. so I've left that in. anything not in english has been stripped, as well as stuff not relevant to RP. I've also removed anything that could give too much info about secrets from the log


#Message from Soldus: Intro to Roleplaying, followed by an introductory roleplaying session in Lakeside Tavern at 0:45 gametime, everybody invited!

Martyna_PL: Hiya all.

Quinticus: hi guys

Martyna_PL: Hiya Quinticus xD

Martyna_PL: Hiya Diana xP

Quinticus: Diana and I were just having a conversation about Andry, the blacksmith's daughter

ttlanhil orders a meal and starts eating ((afk, will be back in a min or so))

Quinticus: Diana tells me that Andry left last week to go to her "aunts" for a little while

Quinticus: Poor Andry, nearing her 22nd year and Llamdin still won't marry her.

Quinticus: Well I just don't understand it, Diana.

Quinticus: It's Llamdin's duty now to marry Andry, with her being pregnant and all.

Quinticus: And Andry's my cousin's daughter, do you think i should have a "talk" with Llamdin?

Quinticus  orders a glass of wine

Quinticus shakes his head

Quinticus: I simply don't understand it, Diana.

Quinticus: You're absolutely right! I think he needs and attitude adjustment as well.

ttlanhil chuckles

Quinticus: Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?

legolasisdaman: wwhy are there so many people here?

ttlanhil: we will be having an introduction to roleplaying in 6 minutes

legolasisdaman: oh

Quinticus: Well it's been mostly boys on his side for three generations.

legolasisdaman: here?

nike34: when is it gonna start

Quinticus: that's what i'm dtold anyway

ttlanhil: 0:45

Quinticus: Wew, Diana, this wine's strong.  I'm already slurring.

ttlanhil: perhaps you should have had something to eat before drinking

drizzty46: wel lets wait and find out

Quinticus: Do you think i could have another? And be a sweety and fetch me some stew?

Sirlee: waiter, get us some wine

Quinticus: That's what i'm thinking Ttlanhil old buddy

Quinticus: Diana makes a mean stew

Martyna_PL: Serve that?

Quinticus: And by mean i mean not so nice to the digestive tract.

legolasisdaman: i pay someone5gp for some ale

nike34: im gonna eat me something

Quinticus: But it tastes soooooo wonderful.

vikingman: Hi every body

Sirlee: hi viking

Quinticus: So, how's your husband, Diana?

Martyna_PL: Beer for you,nike  xD

Sirlee: get me a drink plz

ttlanhil: aye... tis disappointing that good taste is something that can indicate the food is bad for ye

ilyk: hey vike

Quinticus: Is he getting over that sickness well enough?

Quinticus: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better soon.

Sirlee: im meditatng

legolasisdaman: selling ale

Sirlee: ohhh

Quinticus: What is with Old man Marty?!? Diana, i told you not to let him drink the lager anymore.

Quinticus: I caught him running naked around the docks this morning before sun up

ttlanhil: what a disturbing image!

ttlanhil: I'll give the slackers another minute to show up

Quinticus: Well, i understand he's having a hard time with his crops.  But thats no reason to give the sailors a hard time with thier vision

Quinticus: Please, Diana, I'm begging you...don't let Marty drink the lager anymore

Quinticus: Next time i'm going to have the count throw him in the lock  up for a week

drizzty46: i got on the table once

ttlanhil: okay, time to get started!

ttlanhil: a bit of quiet please 8^)

ttlanhil: These notes are on the forum, in case you miss anything or want to show others. so, first up... welcome! channel 50 is the roleplay info channel, so you can

ttlanhil: chat there if you like. I've got a short speil to go through, then I'll try to answer your questions

ttlanhil: there's one key to remember for good RPing: stay in character. first step in that is to define your character. You already have a race, but you can make up a

ttlanhil: background. it has to fit with the EL storyline, but that still leaves a wide variety.

ttlanhil: Try to add some interesting traits to your background, as well. For example: Blacksmith of a small town that was overrun by orcs and destroyed years ago. takes

ttlanhil: any chance to get back at orcs and attacks people who serve the evil gods selain and mortos. has always used leather while working as a blacksmith, so won't use

ttlanhil: metal armour (but will use swords)

ttlanhil: your character will grow as you play, not just in levels, but also in experiences as a character. you might get killed by a fluffy when looking for joker, and

ttlanhil: from then on kill any rabbit you see. that sort of thing.

ttlanhil: to do this, think about how your character would act and react in the situation, and do that.

ttlanhil: especially in your choice of language. you don't have to say 'hail, traveler', but you won't say "like, sup dude?" either. If you're no good at 'ye olde english

ttlanhil: just use plain english, without any slang or jargon. remember, you're in a world of swords and magic, so you have no idea what a 'computer' is either

ttlanhil: accents can add a lot to RP, but be careful with putting on an accent. some people may not understand you (especially those players form whom english is not

ttlanhil: their first language). I'm not saying not to use it, because it can work great. just a thought to consider

ttlanhil: contractions weren't used back in the middle ages. expanding "they're coming" into "they are coming" is an easy way to make it sound more RP

ttlanhil: keep it beleivable as well. please don't say something like "oh, yeah, I just got back from killing dragons"... we're just citizens of Draia. some are in the

ttlanhil: militia or military, yes, but all they're likely to kill are some goblins or pirates from time to time. Also, don't control other people(like saying `soandso

ttlanhil: does X', or `:kills soandso' (especially bad)). If you want to influence what they do, ask permission first (ie via PM)

ttlanhil: at time, you'll need to speak as yourself, the player, instead of your character. during RP events, you can do this by putting double parenthesis around it.

ttlanhil: for example: ((yeah, but you might need to upgrade your computers' drivers))

ttlanhil: in many cases a channel will also be announced. in most cases, you're automatically in character in local, and OOC (out of character) on the channel. this also

ttlanhil: keeps it a bit clearer for people who want 'pure' roleplay, as they don't have to be on the channel

ttlanhil: there will be more roleplay events coming in the future, at the start of each one you should be told if there will be any fighting. if not, then it'll be pretty

ttlanhil: much free form to define the story as you go along. If you want a more in-depth guide to roleplaying, check out

ttlanhil: http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17252 in the RP section of the forums

ttlanhil: okay, now I'll give you time to read all that, and try to answer your RP-related questions

ilyk: i AM english, does that help?

Martyna_PL: I am Polish...

ttlanhil: might help a bit, ilyk, but probably not a lot unless you use older english a lot

ilyk: do you have to be a good fighter to roleplay? nor do they let people just hang back and watch?

vikingman: I am swedish do not understad what I sjhall do

ttlanhil: no, most of the RP we do won't involve fighting, just people making up a story as we go along

ttlanhil: hmm... perhaps if you can find someone who can translate things for you?

ttlanhil: any other roleplay-related questions?

Moebird: if you make up one story and change your mind about it, can you change it?

ilyk: can rp leaders create extra monsters in the rp?

ttlanhil: as it's happening? you mostly make it up as you go along, so that won't be a problem if the other people go along with it

ttlanhil: only admin can cause invasions. in some situations, roleplay leaders may arrange with admin for an invasion for the RP session

ilyk: cool!

Enghae: How do you change your name in the rp? Everybody is going to see you with the nick you have

Quinticus: You don't change your name, Per Se.

ttlanhil: just be sure to use it often, or PM it to other people when they show up. people will start using it to refer to you, then others can pick up on it easier

#GM from Atahn: prithee, good sir, might I inquire what manner of rubbish thou art spewing? :hiya:

Enghae: oh. allright

Quinticus: You'll just have to let people know it's changed, they should remember if you use it often enough

#GM from ttlanhil: grr. ahem. and such

ttlanhil: those who RP regulrly will get to know each others RP names soon enough anyway

ttlanhil: any other questions come to mind?

#GM from Atahn: chortleth.

vikingman: Bye bye

ttlanhil: okay, we'll move on to the RP event then. from now on, you should be in character, or use (()) or OOC: or on channel for out of character talk

ttlanhil: Hail travelers! I have a problem, I must find an elf who owes me a debt. His name is Entran. Have any here heard of him?

Atahn: nay, good sir, I can not say I have.

[Moebird @ 50]: not met anyone ny that name

ttlanhil looks around the room

[pennylane1 @ 50]: i have not heard of him sir

Enghae: He is not known to me, kind sir.

ilyk: neither I good sir, but i wish you luck in finding him

Enghae: Where have you last seen this man?

Quinticus: Hail, good friend.  I have not, sorry

ttlanhil: I have not seen him for many a year... Do any among you know where an elf may live nearby?

Atahn: have you looked among the trees?

[ttlanhil @ 50]: the channel is mostly for chatting, the RPing is done in local

Martyna_PL: i know!Elf house!

[Moebird @ 50]: Tirnwood is known to have elves in residence

Enghae: perhaps you shall find hin in the woods

ttlanhil: Aye, elves enjoy the forests, where near might they live?

Quinticus: Aye there is Tirnwood Vale to the north and the ancient Tirnym to the south, Ttlanhil.

ilyk: I believe there is a small town of elves not too far from this good tavern

Martyna_PL: In small town of elves,in small elf house...

ttlanhil: I have heard many bad tales from tirnym... this tirnwood vale, however, sounds a good place to search. Do any care to travel with me?

Atahn: I shall, good sir.

[pennylane1 @ 50]: me sir

Martyna_PL: I too!

ilyk: I believe I have nothing better to do on this fine day

Enghae: II will join you. Im on my way to the city of men that lays north from here

[Moebird @ 50]: i will help

[ttlanhil @ 50]: grr @ grue

<we've now moved from lakeside tavern to the outskirts of tirnwood>

ttlanhil: I declare... that is a LARGE tree!

[ttlanhil @ 50]: ((at 392,315 for any who lost me))

ttlanhil gazes up into the trees

[Enghae @ 50]: perhaps the fur seller knows of this man you seek

Quinticus: i believe we have more followers on the way

ttlanhil: a fur trader?

ilyk: indeed we may

Enghae: he lives in this vale

Quinticus: perhaps not, sorry firends

ttlanhil: and the elves allow a trader of furs in their forest?

Quinticus: I believe i saw him north east, but i do not know if he has moved

Enghae: he promised to live peacefully, and he was given acomodations as hold as he held true to his words

Quinticus: Hail Martyna, I feared that you were lost

ttlanhil: well, we shall visit this fur trader then

Martyna_PL: Of course

Quinticus: Hello Henrik.

ttlanhil: Hail! are you the fur trader of these parts?

Quinticus: How are you this day?

Martyna_PL: Oh,my old Friend Henrik!...

Quinticus: see how peaceful he is with the animals, that bear did not even attack!

Quinticus: You must be the fur trader!

ttlanhil: Aye, a good soul. Henrik, pray tell, have you heard of an elf by the name of Entran?

Enghae: He does not speak. One wonders why...

Quinticus: Entran, Please think it over before you give your answers

ttlanhil: I see... do you know who may have heard of him?

ttlanhil: Henrik, you speak most softly!

ttlanhil: Well, we shall have to search through the houses herein then

ttlanhil looks around

Martyna_PL: Of course!

[Enghae @ 50]: is this man you seek a follower of Selain?

[ttlanhil @ 50]: I do not beleive he to be

[ttlanhil @ 50]: is there a temple to selain in these parts?

[Enghae @ 50]: yes. <removed>

[ttlanhil @ 50]: that bears investigation. <removed>

[Enghae @ 50]: Have you found the entrance? i am inside

[Enghae @ 50]: Ill wait down the stairs

[Martyna_PL @ 50]:  Where are you :P ?

[ttlanhil @ 50]: aye. I needed another breath of air after the stench of the temple

Martyna_PL: Entran,where are you?

[Enghae @ 50]: the priest might know about him

ttlanhil: greetings, follower of Selain. have you heard of an elf called Entran?

ttlanhil: I meant no disrespect! please do not be angry! <removed>

<and into a secret area...>

Martyna_PL: I dont know!

ttlanhil climbs back up

Losgan: are you alright sir?

Martyna_PL: ttlanhil...are you okay?

ttlanhil: well... I beleive I found what remains of Entran... I suspect this is why the priest did not wish to speak of him...

Enghae: what happened?

Martyna_PL: Ahhh,ahhh....

Losgan: Sylpho! i am disgusted!

ttlanhil: I tripped <removed>

Martyna_PL: Oh,Sir ttlanhil!

Enghae: oh, no! How are you going to be paid, then?

ttlanhil: under the fires

ttlanhil: I expect I shall not be paid

Martyna_PL: Losgan!Moe!

ttlanhil: the priests' study

ttlanhil: and a most foul place it is

Martyna_PL: Eeeek

Enghae: look, kind sir

Martyna_PL: terrible place,right ttlanhil?

ttlanhil: aye, that it is

Enghae: in the desk thee might be some papers

Enghae: regarding this mans fate

ttlanhil rummages through the papers

Enghae: but I do not understand the language

Moebird: i can't read these

ttlanhil: myself neither

Enghae: we must find someone to translate these

ttlanhil sighs* I suspect I shall find no more about Entran

ttlanhil: it is entirely possible tht only priests of selain know this language... and they shall not share their knowlege with us

Martyna_PL: Antique old Elf language......

Moebird: it looks like Entran is part of something's entrails by now

Martyna_PL: Sir Losgan,do you know this language?

ttlanhil: I shall spend some time inspecting the books and papers here, but I cannot ask of you to help me more, I give my thanks for all you have done

Moebird: do any modern elves have knowlegde of this old language

Martyna_PL: Hmmm,look on it purple book...strange...

Moebird: coffins!  hmmmmmm.......

Atahn: aye, the books all strewn about.  even if one were to read them, it would take much time to make any sense of it.

Martyna_PL: All right Atahn...

ttlanhil: aye, I suspect I shall spend many an hour here studying

Losgan: this is not a fur rug?!

Losgan: or tall grass?

Losgan: how strange

Atahn: be it not fur, methinks I'd rather not know what it is...

ttlanhil: aye, aye

Martyna_PL: ((We make that?Where is Entran?))

ttlanhil: ((entran probably died in this temple, at the hand of sylpho))

Losgan: there is a fish here

Moebird: that would explain the coffins

[pennylane1 @ 50]: ((poor him))

Edited by ttlanhil

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another session today, yay! this one was a bit different, as you will see ^_^


Tiger27: wat si a roleplzy?

Tiger27: play?

whitefool: not really

ttlanhil: it's where you act as your character, rather than a player

Tiger27: i am a dwarf short a stout

whitefool: are we goin to narilk/

whitefool: or not

Tiger27: ..after this

ttlanhil: naralik? probably not

Tiger27: no just me and white fool

whitefool: lol srry

ttlanhil: can't be sure though 8^)

ttlanhil: I suspect I did not give enough notice... shall have to wait a couple minutes longer

Tiger27: here guys drinks on mr

ParadoX: hi all

clephptahre: uh yes, hi all

ttlanhil: hail, traveler!

whitefool: im here to watch so

Tiger27: i am giving free wine as a beer

whitefool: lol wine does noting

Kytrnal: I have no idea what I

Dunian: Thanks

Kytrnal: am doing here..

whitefool: harvest time

Kytrnal: Will observe and see if anything is interesting

Kytrnal: Hello other Draecori.

whitefool: dunian ur pole is stabbing me

whitefool: lol

ttlanhil: greetings, travelers

Jormane: greeting :)

whitefool: bye

Kytrnal: ttlanhil is the first other Draecori I've seen :)

Marina: Hello strangers!

Marina bows

ParadoX: good day marina

Marina: Sire could I take a seat at your table?

ParadoX: of course

Jormane: well i guess i am gonna go...

ParadoX: oh rats, i didn't bring any money

ttlanhil: we'll start at 0:05

Kytrnal: I brought lots of money.

ParadoX: does anyone have any meat for me? I am feeling a bit hungry.

clephptahre: nope, but i have fruit i'm willing to share

ParadoX: oh please

ParadoX: thanks a lot good man

clephptahre: woman thank you ;)

ParadoX: oh i am sorry

ParadoX: please forgive me :)

ttlanhil: okay, we'll get started

clephptahre: hehe that's okay

ttlanhil: I'll give a far shorter speil this time 8^)

ttlanhil: RP is about defining your character, and acting&talking like they would, rather than you, the player.

ttlanhil: when RPing, you may not decide what nother person does, without their permission (especially bad is saying you kill someone)

ttlanhil: keep it beleivable (no, you can't slay dragons), and talk like your char (no talk of computers and such)

ttlanhil: the roleplay channel has been changed from 50 to 5, so you can talk to other RPers there

ttlanhil: for more info, check out the guides in the RP section of EL forums, like green_mans' session, and the pinned guide

ttlanhil: green_mans' session is here: http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18675

Marina: (ooc conversation goes in braces?)

ttlanhil: I'll give you a moment to read, and try to answer your questions

ttlanhil: yes, ((this is out of character)) or ooc: this is out of character

Marina: (k)

ttlanhil: the channel is usually also OOC, while local is in-character

ttlanhil: it can be tricky getting used to RP, since you will, as a group, make up the entire story as you go along... but it can be a lot of fun!

ttlanhil: does anyone have other questions?

Marina: (Will it be dangerous? My char is kinda weak!)

ParadoX: (what is it we are supposed to do)

ttlanhil: some roleplay events will have combat in them. if they're based around that, you will be told when it starts

Marina: (k, think dying is good rp too)

ttlanhil: otherwise, no (unless you walk through WS at night and meet the garg, but it won't be much)

ttlanhil: with roleplaying, you describe what you're doing, move around, chat, make up a storyline as you go along

Kytrnal: (wish this were close-up 3d first person so I could RP much better :))

ttlanhil: in RP fights, you don't have to go to underworld to die 8^)

ParadoX: ill see how you guys do it and then ill play if i feel like it

Marina: My fellows Iam feeling thirsty. Can I bring you something to drink from the bar?

ttlanhil: any other questions? 8^)

Marina: (Thanks for the answers so far)

ParadoX: I would like a glass of beer, please

Kytrnal: (how many other times have there been two draecori participating at once?)

Marina: Sure

ParadoX: if it is not too much of a trouble

Marina: barmaid two dwarfen ale please!

ttlanhil: uhm... having two draegoni in the same place isn't that uncommon

Marina takes the ale

ttlanhil: any more questions, or should we start?

Marina: Here you go my friend your beer!

ParadoX: why thank you

Marina: cheers

Marina takes a big gulp

ParadoX burp

ParadoX: excuse me

ttlanhil: okay, we'll get started then 8^) for today's session, I don't have much of a story... I'd like to see how it goes with a setting (the bar, early morning) and no story set

ttlanhil: so, from now on, we'll be in character

Marina: k

ttlanhil: ((we're probably all suffering from a long night of drinking 8^))

Marina: Its early in the morning my friend ParadoX its ok if your manners leave you!

ParadoX: thank you

ttlanhil taps tankard on the table* it's empty again! these cups are too small!

Marina: Achilleis wont you join us on our table, youre looking alone sitting there

ParadoX: it is very quiet in here.... too quiet almost

ttlanhil: Oana, pass me another ale

Marina: Here you go, can i bring you one ale?

ttlanhil: hey, do any of you have a good tale?

ttlanhil: I enjoy a good story

ParadoX: i am sorry, i do not have any tales to tell you.

Marina looks on the floor

ttlanhil looks around

Kytrnal: Today, I evicted 60 sinful rabbits of their fur coats.

Achilleis: sorry friend died such his db

ttlanhil: 60 rabbits! good show

ParadoX: how are rabbits sinful, kytrnal?

Kytrnal: They reproduce too much.

ttlanhil chuckles

ParadoX: it is only their nature, though

Dunian: They also bug the farmers

Marina: Have you ever encountered the legendary fluffy rabbit? It will hurt you if hears that you killed 60 of his own kind!

Kytrnal: Then it is my nature to kill them.

ttlanhil: aye, good and evil is something only the 'intelligent' races can be

ParadoX: i have a magical cloak that will protect me from fluffy the rabbit.

ParadoX: when i have it on, it will not be able to attack me, ever

ttlanhil: I have heard tell of a chimeran wolf far away that can pass the protection of such a cape!

Dunian: So where does that leave gnomes, t'lan?

Marina: Oh so you already seen it? It must look horrible!

ttlanhil: nay, gnomes are intelligent enough

Kytrnal: The fluffy rabbit wouldn't attack me while I wear rabbit fur, or it would be defacing it's own kind.

Marina: ttlan must be very drunken considering trolls as intelligent!

ParadoX: yes, the arctic chimeran wolf is so powerful that it will be able to attack you even though you wear such a cloak.

ttlanhil: no, I have not seen it, but I have heard tell...

clephptahre: i think he was talking about gnomes, not trolls

Marina: Iam sorry, i was drinking alot of ale that night!

ttlanhil: it sounds as if it would make a good pet, were it smaller and placid... long shaggy hair is good for hugging

ParadoX looks around

ttlanhil laughs* it would have some trouble in the warmer regions however!

Marina lits the fire!

ParadoX: if you will excuse me, i am a bit cold so i will go and sit next to the fire to warm myself up a bit

ttlanhil: so, friends, what else has occupied your day?

Marina shutters "Ive caught the cold too, hopefully it won't be that disease all people talk about"!

ParadoX: i have been out hunting wolves and boars for their skin all day

Kytrnal: Grinding the bones of the rabbits...

ttlanhil: the skin of the boar?

ParadoX: what desease do you mean marina

ParadoX: yes

ParadoX: you can make a bag out of it, very suitable for holding water

Marina: You havent heard the rumors about "the disease"?

ParadoX: no, i have not

Dunian: Nay, tell us

Marina leans over

clephptahre: you have my full attention

ttlanhil turns around and looks at marina

Marina: Well I heard my friends that there is a horrible disease going around in our cities, people catch the cold first but then...

ParadoX shivers

Marina: ...they disappear in the middle of the night, you only can hear the wolves scream outside when one leaves!

ParadoX: oh my!

ttlanhil blinks and shudders

ParadoX: what could that mean

Marina: I really don't know, maybe its just a rumor!

ttlanhil: I hope that is the case

ParadoX: i sure hope so.

Marina shakes her head in disbeliev

Marina: Nobody heard that rumor? Thats very strange, all people are talking about!

ttlanhil: hail, traveler

Atahn: greetings.

ParadoX: i have not been around many people lately.

ttlanhil: nay, it is the first I heard such for many a day

clephptahre: good day

clephptahre: i have not heard about it either

Atahn: what might this "rumor" be?

Marina: If somebody is interested we could pay Oana a great tip, she knows everything about it iam quite sure!

clephptahre: but then i' ve been seeing more goblins and skeletons then i have people of late

ttlanhil: a sickness that spirits people away in the middle of the night... all heard is a wolfs cry

ttlanhil: skeletons? *gasps*

Marina gives Oana a tip and listenes carefully

ParadoX: maybe it is ghosts!

clephptahre: yes, a cave filled with walking skeletons, not a pretty sight

Atahn: aye.

ParadoX: i have been there once.

Marina: hm, ah

ParadoX: i am glad i brought my magic cloak that day, or i would not have survived.

ParadoX: marina, please tell us what oana knows

Marina: Well my friends Oana says that her daughter even disappeared a few days ago!

Marina: She had the cold too and disappeared the next night!

ParadoX: where does she live?

Marina shouts "Oana" where you live?

ttlanhil: and where do... or did the others live?

Marina: (Iam stuck now, some sugestions?)

ParadoX: maybe we should go there and investigate this matter!

Atahn: I would presume Oana lives nearby - she is the barmaid here.

ParadoX: to their houses i mean

ttlanhil: we would need to know the residences of those who dissapeared

ParadoX: does anyone know who might know where those people have lived?

Atahn: Perhaps we should check the south of the city

ttlanhil: hail, travveler

Dunian: I have seen few from Tarsengaard lately, I wonder why...

ParadoX: good day, derin

Derin: greetings fellow citizens

Marina: Well Iam not quite sure to say, but I think ParadoX you know a little more about OOana than everybody else!

ParadoX: i know only what you have told me

Marina: Shes a woman, youre a man! And shes glancing at you all the time! How should i interpret that?

Derin: I'm sorry, but I must bid you farewell for a brief moment. I have a pressing engagement back at the Monastery of Bane

ttlanhil covers a chuckle

Marina: Hail

ParadoX: well she must think i look nice..

ParadoX: i am, however, already taken.

Marina: That has nothing to say these days!

ttlanhil: or perhaps she suspects you will take the cutlery *cracks up laughing*

clephptahre grins

Marina: I would suggest that too!

Atahn: you know, thieving the cutlery is NOT that much a laughing matter.

ParadoX looks a little angry

Marina: Athan feels sober?

Atahn steals the cutlery.

ttlanhil: my apologies

ttlanhil: I saw that! put them back

ParadoX: somebody get him!

Atahn: saw what?

ParadoX: you stole the cutlery

ParadoX: i saw it too

Marina: Youre a bad man, the daughter of the barmaid disappeared and you steal?

Atahn puts back cutlery.

ParadoX: very well.

Atahn: I did nothing of the sort!

Marina: I saw it!

ParadoX: we all saw it!

clephptahre: clear as day

Marina: Well I even can see the dirt on the door, so i still can see very good!

ttlanhil: aye... put the cutlery back

Atahn: Not like I wanted the cutlery that much - it hasn't been clean in ages! Her daughter probably ran off from embarassment!

Marina: ParadoX mind a little dance or would your wive be bad with me?

ParadoX: i am not married

Marina looks drunken

ParadoX: i do have a lady friend, though

ParadoX: a little dance would not mind, i suppose

ttlanhil: do tell!

Marina: Youre a good dancer

ParadoX: thank you

Marina: No wonder Oana likes you that much!

ParadoX: you are quite good yourself!

ttlanhil smirks and has another drink

Marina: Alot warmer tough!

ParadoX: i would like another ale

Marina: Well enough dancing, anyone wants another ale?

Marina: *gigle*

Atahn looks questioningly at his tankard of ale.

clephptahre: yes please

ttlanhil: mine is still half full, so I will wait a while

Atahn: I don't think there is supposed to be things floating in it...

Marina: Another three ales!

ttlanhil: those are bubbles

Marina takes the Ales and brings everybody his.... beer!

Atahn: "those" are looking at me!

clephptahre: though i'm still wondering where the food i ordered comes from

ParadoX: atahn is too drunk to see the difference between dirt and bubbles!

ParadoX laughs

clephptahre: thank you marina

clephptahre: cheers

Dunian: Thats it, too much ale, I missed the chair.

Marina: you are welcome! Cheers!

ParadoX: cheers m'lady

Marina: Dunian youre a magican?

Marina drinks too much ale at once!

Dunian: I have no formal training, but I know a few tricks

ParadoX: i know of some magic tricks, too

ttlanhil: ahh, magic can be a source of much mirth

ParadoX: i would show you some but i am afraid i did not bring my essences.

ParadoX: would you like for me to go and get them?

ttlanhil: ye must be careful with the invisibility, however... I have been caught out with that spell before

Dunian: You know it too?

ParadoX: yes

ParadoX: i knew an old magician that told me the secrets of magic

Atahn: indeed - the females get rather preturbed when your invisibility spell wears off in there presence.

Marina: Iam sure Oana knows some stories about it *giggle*

ParadoX: i will go to my house to grab my essences, so i can show you a little magic trick

Marina: Clephptahre you got something to eat?

ttlanhil: females? *gasps*

clephptahre: oana just now brought me my plate

clephptahre: finally

Marina: Well Id like to taste something

clephptahre: sure go ahead

ttlanhil: you don't use the magic to... err... see them in a state of undress, do you?

Marina: hmm, tasty thank you!

Dunian: No

clephptahre: it is good indeed

clephptahre: just what i needed

Dunian: In the wild tis often better to be unseen.

Atahn: well, it just so happened I was being chased by a Mountain Chimeran Wolf, and ran into some in such state - it was an honest mistake...

Marina: You men do spy behind naked woman?

ttlanhil considers* hmm...

Marina: Athan when did you encounter that wolf?

Marina: Was it three weeks ago?

Atahn: some time back, I'd rather not remember - however, since then Lord Luxin has asked me never to enter Whitestone City after dark.

Marina: It was in Whitestone City?

ttlanhil laughs

Marina: Where do you live Oana?

Dunian odd, Luxin said the same to me

Marina: Whos Luxin, never heard of him!

ttlanhil: Lord Luxin, ruler of White Stone

Dunian: Except he didn't want me there in the day either

Atahn: maybe he just has something against weary travelers?

Marina: Well Iam not a magic for no reason, i couldnt even remember the easiest dates about the history of Whitestone City in school

ParadoX: hello my friends

ParadoX: i am back

ttlanhil: welcome back

Dunian: Welcome back

clephptahre: welcome back paradox

ParadoX: shall i show you one of my magic tricks now?

Marina: Hello, show us something!

clephptahre: of course

ParadoX: pay attention now, here we go!

ParadoX mumbles a spell

<<note: there was a teleport to range here>>

clephptahre: aahhhh

ttlanhil blinks

Atahn: Ah, my "public duty" in the mines of Whitestone shift is come, I just report.

clephptahre applauds

Marina: Wow, I wish i could do that with my dirt at home!

Dunian claps

ParadoX: thank you

ParadoX: thank you very much

Dunian: I'm afraid I must leave as well.

ParadoX: i know other spells but i did not have enough essences for those at home

ttlanhil: fare well

clephptahre: goodbye

Marina: goodbye

ParadoX: i will go to the shop of magic soon to get more essences

ttlanhil: the dawn is getting late... I suspect I should return home soon...

clephptahre: tis true, i must leave soon aswell

ParadoX: yes i will return to killing wolves soon as well

Marina: fare well my friends, nice to drink with you!

ParadoX: i need a lot of furs to sell

clephptahre: at least i got my food before i had to leave

ParadoX: farewell marina

Marina: That was good, I would call the ale that!

clephptahre: good bye, stay safe

ParadoX: it was nice dancing with you

Marina: It was indeed!

Marina bows

ttlanhil finishes drink* I shall depart. I think you for your company

ParadoX: fare well my friend

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Why do i always miss these rp events? Its as if you guys do them when im not online :lol: . Well i must keep better watch and play more(man i already play a lot).

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Why do i always miss these rp events? Its as if you guys do them when im not online :lol: . Well i must keep better watch and play more(man i already play a lot).

heh, I do them when I'm online, and plan to be for a while yet... it only finished about 5-10min before I posted though, and lasted like 50min... so you coulda got online and joined half way through (and one of the people did show up half way through)


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Why do i always miss these rp events? Its as if you guys do them when im not online :lol: . Well i must keep better watch and play more(man i already play a lot).

heh, I do them when I'm online, and plan to be for a while yet... it only finished about 5-10min before I posted though, and lasted like 50min... so you coulda got online and joined half way through (and one of the people did show up half way through)



MEEp my ebul brother dukekasper!he was playing and did not tell me about it ;)

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Why do i always miss these rp events? Its as if you guys do them when im not online :lol: . Well i must keep better watch and play more(man i already play a lot).

heh, I do them when I'm online, and plan to be for a while yet... it only finished about 5-10min before I posted though, and lasted like 50min... so you coulda got online and joined half way through (and one of the people did show up half way through)



MEEp my ebul brother dukekasper!he was playing and did not tell me about it :(


How many brothers do you have? Sir_Launcelot dukekasper. :)

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Why do i always miss these rp events? Its as if you guys do them when im not online :lol: . Well i must keep better watch and play more(man i already play a lot).

heh, I do them when I'm online, and plan to be for a while yet... it only finished about 5-10min before I posted though, and lasted like 50min... so you coulda got online and joined half way through (and one of the people did show up half way through)



MEEp my ebul brother dukekasper!he was playing and did not tell me about it ;)


How many brothers do you have? Sir_Launcelot dukekasper. :ph34r:


They are the same brother.

His chars are dukekasper, sir_launcelot and masterkavar

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had another RP session today, the initial turnout was good, but it seems most people were there only to find out what roleplaying is and weren't impressed. c'est la vie.


ttlanhil: okay, we may as well get started. thanks for coming 8^)

ttlanhil: I'll give a short speil, answer questions, then we'll start

ttlanhil: RP is about defining your character, and acting&talking like they would, rather than you, the player.

ttlanhil: when RPing, you may not decide what nother person does, without their permission (especially bad is saying you kill someone)

ttlanhil: keep it beleivable (no, you can't slay dragons), and talk like your char (no talk of computers and such)

ttlanhil: the roleplay channel has been changed from 50 to 5, so you can talk to other RPers there

ttlanhil: for more info, check out the guides in the RP section of EL forums, like green_mans' session, and the pinned guide

ttlanhil: RP forums are here: http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showforum=9 (Press F2 to go)

ttlanhil: I'll give you a moment to read, and try to answer your questions

moneyman: what do u do to roleplay

ttlanhil: you talk like your chartacter would, dress like that etc

Mag1C sits on his chair

Mag1C: Like that?

ttlanhil: you describe what you're doing as you walk around

ttlanhil: yeah, though for sitting down you can usually just alt+s. descriptions are more helpful for stuff like :reaches under the table for something

Your material points are already at their max. But you did lose the reagents and ethereal points for this spell :D

Your material points are already at their max. But you did lose the reagents and ethereal points for this spell :D

moneyman: i dont like that that that much

dEnHaM: And the sooner you stop saying 'lol' the better

romeo: whats this all about?

ttlanhil: roleplaying is something that some people will enjoy a lot, and other won't like at all

moneyman: like *sits and watchs tv* like that

ScaryMary thinks about this roleplay thing, while re-wrapping the leather grips on her quartersatff

ttlanhil: yeah, though there's no TV here 8^)

moneyman: oh

moneyman: ok heres one

ttlanhil: look like mary's been RPing before 8^)

ScaryMary smiles knowingly at ttlanhill

moneyman: *sits and twidles my tumbs*

ttlanhil: if any of you have questions about RPing, ask away

tiptop25: I don't get it

up_chuk: ok how do i make a roleplaying character

dEnHaM: You start roleplaying and that's it

ScaryMary: you just decide who you want to be, like invent yourself

ttlanhil: okay, with normal EL, the focus is about leveling and such. with roleplaying, you're in EL, but you're making up a story with other people as you go along

up_chuk: how do i start roleplaying

Istiach: *bowed before leaving*

up_chuk: how do i start roleplaying

ttlanhil: talk and act like the persona you make for your character. you might want to be a grumpy old blacksmith, or a young militia recruit or whatever

ScaryMary: like me, I have decided that I am a quietly confident woman, living in a mans world

up_chuk: ok thx

ScaryMary: I know how to look after myself, hence the quartersatff

moneyman: cya everyone

tiptop25: Like This: Aye lade. For a scottish guy

dEnHaM: Think about it as a movie and you're the actor

ScaryMary: I indulge in all kinds of skills, to make a rounded character

ttlanhil: yup. because we have people who don't speak english as their first language, going overboard with accents can be bad, but it's a fun way to add atmosphere

ttlanhil: yeah, you're in a movie or play or hatever, being the character

The_Piper: right. the opposite of RPing is shouting N000B!!1111 every 5 seconds. for example.

ttlanhil chuckles

dEnHaM: True, true

Dr_Black_Dragon: who wants to buy wine 1 gc a piece?

Dr_Black_Dragon: got 7

Dr_Black_Dragon: :P

ttlanhil: any other questions?

The_Piper: he must RPing a wine trader right now :)

dEnHaM: Smiley faces might not be considered roleplaying either

Sweettea: hmm

Dr_Black_Dragon: lol

ttlanhil: no, when RPing it's usually *smiles* or *smirks* or *frowns*

Dark_Avenger: Ops, where is the toilet...

Dr_Black_Dragon: nice here :P

ttlanhil: Okay, we'll get started then. from now on, be in-character (apart from channel, ooc:, etc)

dEnHaM: So you know... When you get bored of killing stuff, sit in a taefrn and spin a tale about your conquests

ttlanhil: aye, spending an evening swapping tales by the fireplace is a good end to the day

ttlanhil: Hello everyone; I need your help. I need to come up with a number of books, but I'm having trouble writing any. There's no real limit on what sort of book,

ttlanhil: it can be a recipie, story, a book on science, legends, even a tourism magazine. Just short stuff is fine. Who has something I could publish?

dEnHaM: Swinging fists all day numbs my senses a lil. Books aren't my stong point

ttlanhil: anyone have facourite recipies? old yarns they heard?

ttlanhil: nobody has any stories to share?

ScaryMary: i have a recipe, for a potion to make you clever

ttlanhil: aye?

ScaryMary: you first need to hunt 9 healthy rabbits

ScaryMary: carefully skin them to extract the bones

ttlanhil shudders

ScaryMary: then grind the bones with a pestle & mortar

ScaryMary: till you get a fine flour powder

dEnHaM: How about the meat? It's the best part! Can't let it go to waste!

ScaryMary: ahh save the meat for another day

The_Piper: oooh, that brings the wine seller back into business!

ScaryMary: and the fur

ScaryMary: anyway, the man across the way sells really good pestle & mortar if u need one

ttlanhil: I'm writing down the recipe mary has for now, but if you have a recipe for the meat, I'll get that next

The_Piper: get some veggies, preferrred are carrots, get a pot, add meat, carrots and wine and simmer for 45 minutes :)

ScaryMary: hmm no that sounds like stew

dEnHaM: 'Man can't live by potions alone

The_Piper: yeah, a nice one. old elven recipe:)

ScaryMary: then you need a nice plump pumpkin

ttlanhil: but you were saying, bones to a fine powder... and then?

ScaryMary: and a glass potion vial to put it in

ScaryMary: then comes to good part....

ttlanhil: yes?

ScaryMary: carefully mash the pumpkin til its a fine paste

ScaryMary: add the bones powder a bit at a time

ScaryMary: stirring stirring

Sweettea: craniuk

Sweettea: oops

ScaryMary: then gently pour it into the vial

ScaryMary: cork the top, and hey presto, a reasoning potion

ttlanhil: hmm... you don't have to heat it?

ScaryMary: no, its a cold mix

The_Piper: interesting...

ScaryMary: if you heat it it curdles like sour milk

ttlanhil: ahh, that makes it easier, thanks

ttlanhil: was there a recipe for the meat? a baste or marinade before you barbeque, perhaps?

ScaryMary: it tastes quite bad when you drink it

ScaryMary: but I find a glass of wine helps wash it down

ScaryMary: the most amazing thing is that you can read at amazing speed for a few minutes!

ttlanhil: wine usually does *smirks*

ScaryMary thinks for a meaty recipe

dEnHaM: To be honest... I'm no cook, I put it over the fire, add some salt... It's edible but not for the royalty

The_Piper: i still prefer the stew :-)

The_Piper: the wine, must be a strong one, makes the meat tender and soft :)

ScaryMary: I'm not much of a cook either, rabbit steaks on an open fire is hard to beat

ttlanhil: how much wine do you use?

The_Piper: just one bottle for 2-3 rabbits should be fine. its a stew, not a soup.

ttlanhil: ahh, okay

dEnHaM: And I thought he'd say "The more the merrier"

The_Piper: lol

ttlanhil chuckles

ScaryMary smiles, then orders another glass from Valeria

The_Piper: good idea!

ttlanhil: does anyone have another recipe I could use?

dEnHaM: How about "The Red Deer". it invoves a strong arm, a sword and a deer... Quite messy

ScaryMary: well, if you mix wine and sunflowers in equal amounts, it makes a tonic to cure almost any ill

ttlanhil: red deer? sounds interesting

ttlanhil: wine with sunflowers? how odd...

dEnHaM: 'Wine by itself cures anything. The sunflowers would just spoil it

ScaryMary laughs

ScaryMary: wine doesnt cure, it just stops you noticing the pain

ttlanhil: too much wine, I find, can be its on problem

The_Piper: well, i can share a stupid elven ones. get fruits, dry them in the sun, press them in a box until they are sized like a bar, and, voila, lembas :)

ttlanhil: lembas? hmm... lembas...

ScaryMary: whats a lembas?

dEnHaM: Dry fruit it seems

The_Piper: a very powerful elven food. one lembas should be enough to feed you for 1-2 days.

ttlanhil: only dried fruit?

The_Piper: yes. pure fruit power

dEnHaM: No meat... Darn shame

ScaryMary thinks denham should vary his hiet a little more

The_Piper: well, lembas is for times when you dont have the time to cook..

dEnHaM: Oh I add a carrot here and there

veiks101: hye p00nies

ttlanhil: food for when you have to move?

matheus: man this tavern is full today

The_Piper: hey veiks

veiks101: :)

bigbot7: is there a contest?

bigbot7: piper?

ttlanhil: nay, I am collecting stories, recipies, and anything else that may fill a book

veiks101: ty:)

ScaryMary: i heard a story about a librarian

The_Piper: so, bigbot, do you have a story to share?

bigbot7: no...

ttlanhil: librarian?

ScaryMary: a man called Dan, he used to work in white stone city library

ttlanhil: Dan... I think I have heard of him

ScaryMary: he was very popular, many people used to go see him for books

The_Piper: yes, until they fired him, coz he was always drunk and rude to the customers :P

bigbot7: lol

dEnHaM: Sounds like a nice guy

ttlanhil: drunk and rude? not when I visited

ScaryMary: he was very knowledgeable and could recommend all kinds

The_Piper: he was, believe me. or think about how golric was behaving..

ScaryMary: but he was fired from his job because he sold all the books

ttlanhil: golric? who is golric?

The_Piper: that too

ttlanhil: he _sold_ the libraries' books?

ScaryMary: yes shocking isnt it

The_Piper: who WAS golric. a guy who knows a lot about gems and crystals.

ttlanhil laughs

ScaryMary: it cost thw white stone council a small fortune to replace them

dEnHaM: They should have told him to buy them back

ttlanhil: did he not give them the money from the books he sold?

ScaryMary: no, he bought himself shiny armour and a wiggly sword

The_Piper: no. and at least he was not allowed to sell them

ttlanhil: I see... where is he now?

ScaryMary: he sells black market books from a seedy stall in the square

The_Piper: at the WSC market place. it seems, he still has some books hidden somewhere he is selling now.

dEnHaM: Unfortunately, they have no pictures

ttlanhil: the council accepts that?

The_Piper: more or less. he is on probation, thats what i heard

ScaryMary: he has watchers - he runs off when the authorities come

The_Piper: oh, they spy on him now? nice :)

ttlanhil: interesting... *jots down more notes*

ScaryMary: well, i hope your book takes shape soon, but I have to go

ttlanhil: thank you for your help!

ScaryMary: you're welcome

ScaryMary nods to all as she leaves

The_Piper: cya :)

ttlanhil: goodbye

ScaryMary: bye

dEnHaM: And really. Sunflower and wine? Doesn't make sense

ttlanhil: yes, I wonder if that works. and how

The_Piper: yeah.. not an elven recipe.. be careful if you give it a try!

dEnHaM: Bah, just cause it's not elven doesn't mean it's bad

Sweettea: It works, just not very strong

ttlanhil: sunflower seeds are good eating, but the whole flower...

The_Piper: not bad.. but sounds strange to me.

The_Piper: exactly

The_Piper: and since i grew up in a flower shop i know for sure: flowers are no food! :P

dEnHaM: It's the wine that does the healing i tell ya

ttlanhil: I have drunk many a bottle of wine, it gives me courage, but not health

The_Piper: right, pour wine helps a lot! drop the sunflowers imho.

The_Piper: then you havent drank the right brand, ttlan :)

ttlanhil: that is quite possible

The_Piper: not that cheap imported one, dilluted with water and preserved with terpentine, which is sold somehwere..

dEnHaM: Well it's time for me to go. Damsels waiting to be saved and all that...

ttlanhil: fare thee well!

dEnHaM: Ah, my legs were getting stiff

ttlanhil: how odd... at this time of the evening, I should expect many more people to visit the taverns

The_Piper: and so im off too. the titanium mine needs my mighty pickaxe again. cya :)

ttlanhil: goodbye

ttlanhil mutters* sunflowers... I must go check

ttlanhil: goodbye all! *waves*


look to see the recipies appearing in books near you soon!

Edited by ttlanhil

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