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Everything posted by Burn

  1. Buy items from the shop, sell them in the game for gc. <- Pretty common, supports the game, and there's your gc.
  2. Should attributes cap increase?

    No. Personally love my emu, and would take it up to 52/52 if it were changed solely for that reason. However, my emu at (eventual) 48/48 would be just fine. And as someone already mentioned, more emu is what mules are for, and that's why I leveled my mule and use it semi-regularly. All other reasons are fighter-related... As a trainer, I agree it would just mean more emu to sit on spawns longer and well, that's not gonna help any spawn problems. As for the PK-related stuff, I have no first-hand experience, but asgnny's post here as well as additional comments by others make sense. It would appear the problems this is attempting to solve wouldn't actually be solved, that other changes would make more sense. And finally, I'll add that this in the end would only be of benefit to those who are buying nexuses, and would likely result in yet higher nexus stone costs (as if they haven't skyrocketed enough already), and with that possibly even more gc-$ buying that doesn't involve the EL shop. Basically, while I'd enjoy the emu, there's too many overall negatives to this than positives. 48 may have been an arbitrary number, but it seems to work fine.
  3. There's been no talk of adding them. But reading up on people's uses of gods got me wondering about these three. Specifically, if they were in-game, would you use them (at some point)? This is mostly for curiosity, wondering if there's any interest in them. Personally, I'd definitely get Tailoring/Ranging at some point in the future if they were in the game. How soon and how much I'd use them would be the same as other gods, which I switch around semi-regularly to be the best all-rounder I can be, hehe. Harvesting I'm unsure about. The ability to level in this skill is severely limited due to the 120-per-hour. Since harving is such a regular thing though, and my only goal is to hit harv 100 to better get my own dung (at 95 now), I can't see a reason to get it just for bonus experience. It would have been interesting at lower harv levels, but not now.
  4. Heh, I guess Ranging being a big choice isn't a surprise. Thought more would be interested in tailoring due to the difficulty in leveling it, but then I guess that reflects how few are actually working on that skill. Harvesting... I get the feeling a lot of those votes are for harving alts. Not all obviously, but a lot. I was thinking it would end up less considering how little it would do overall due to the 120-hour limitation.
  5. Bah, just bad wording. Assuming the quest requirements are such that they're not a determining factor in your decision is what was meant. That's what I get for tossing a vote up so quick without thinking it out, hehe. I've edited it to reflect that, hopefully it didn't cause people to give the wrong response.
  6. I tossed it on as an option. Really more interested in how many WOULD use them (and if so, which) but if it's felt necessary, may as well add it.
  7. Which gods?

    *chimes in on a dated thread with a few tips* For your overall: You need OAs for those pickpoints to get the absolutely necessary emu needed to be a good all-rounder... without having to delve into evil perks. - a/d train whenever possible. Even if you're not big on fighting, this is the ultimate way to get your OA up. - Take the alch goddess, hang on to her for as long as possible. Besides constant a/d training, this is the second best for OA-leveling. - While you have the alch goddess, have the defense god for a/d training (since attack is an enemy god). You can also take a choice of manu, magic, potion or engineering god as your third during this time, whichever you want to work most on. Attack/Defense - I recommend always having one of these, and regularly a/d training for your OAs. Defense when you have the alch goddess, attack when possible. (If you want more specific tips on use of these two gods, check combat forum threads. I'm not big on fighting, so this is just how I've been doing it. You'll have to weigh fighter tips on these gods with your own all-rounder need for the alch goddess or other gods.) Alchemy Expensive, plan to keep a long time to make it worthwhile. - Take it, keep it for as long as possible as this is good for your OA. No real need to take it for alch leveling as you'll end up alching a lot anyway working on other skills. The exception being if you need to get to a certain level to make something. Potion Expensive, plan to keep a long time to make it worthwhile. - Take it once you're able to decently make SRs/BRs. Keep it, and plan to do motherloads of those pots while you have it. Potioning can be very easily leveled this way, profitably, just time-consuming. And by it being profitable then, it can help pay for your unprofitable skills as well, for added bonus. The above 4 are beauties for your overall level. The rest, mix and match as you are able to based on enemy gods and such. Work primarily on the skills you have Gods for, not forgetting to spend at least occasional time on others (ignoring skills is the sign of a bad all-rounder, hehe). Use El-Cel's God Compatibility Chart to help you in your planning! Switch gods when possible if a skill with a god is getting too far behind your others. Plan your gods well in advance as much as possible, for how long you intend to keep them. (Base on skill level not real-life time.) And of course, make sure you get your gc's worth off of them. While some like summoning have relatively cheap quests, alch/pot/engineering are quite expensive. Plan ahead for them, make sure you're ready to hold on to them for a VERY long period, and get as much extra experience off them as possible. --------------------------- And of course, don't forget your 3 godless skills: harvest, ranging, tailoring. Harving of course is a constant. Unless you want to try the almost-futile attempt to be the #1 harvester (hehe), just stick to harving items you NEED, aiming for the highest-point one when possible for the harv hour points. (That's me for the last 30 or so levels with exceptions only for the 3x harv special day.) A really good all-rounder isn't going to have time to "hit the dung every single hour" as you need that time to mix and get other skills up. Tailoring and Ranging will require you make the time to work on these. Both being expensive to level, you can easily as an All-Rounder make up for that loss with alchemy (and potion once you're easily making BRs/SRs).
  8. freeing slots :P

    PC for everything in the Flowers list, plus the feran horns? Edit: Taking all flowers and feran horns
  9. Burn's Big (Hyper)Bags!

    Celebrating 110 Levels of Alchemy! CONTEST OVER ALL PRIZES HAVE BEEN WON! Winners and bag locations are in post #9 below! Prizes: 5 bags FOUND! Bag 1 - Traveler's Delight: 500 Portal Room Visits (2.5k EnEs, 500 MatEs, 500 SEs, and 500 SRs) FOUND! Bag 2 - Fighter's Delight: 4k HEs + 1k SRs FOUND! Bag 3 - Mage's Delight: 4k AEs FOUND! Bag 4 - Summoner's Delight: 5k LEs + 1k SRs FOUND! Bag 5 - Manuer's Delight: 1k Steel Bars Contest Rules and Information: 1- One winner per bag. There will be 5 winners here! 2- 5 hyperspace bags will be placed in various locations "somewhere on Draia". This means they could be on a main map or insides. Exceptions: The bags are NOT placed in pk areas, nor anywhere that you would have to cross a pk area to access. They are also NOT located anywhere a creature that ignores MM perk would be able to attack you (excluding Leonard). So with the (possible) exception of Leonard, the bags are in a location you'd be guaranteed to be safe in with MM perk/cloak. 3- The clue to the location of the bag will come in the form of a (very) close-up screenshot of where the bag was placed. Those who actually take the time to look at things and explore will likely have a better chance of finding them. The image will give just enough detail that if you see it, you'll recognize it, and know exactly where the bag is. The clue will not be attached to a specific bag. That is, if you look at one of the locations given, you won't know which of the 5 bags is there. If any bags should happen to not be found within 24 hours, more clues will be given. 4- THE PRIZE IS NOT IN THE BAG! Because there's so many items and it (may be) a good distance from a storage, prizes will be traded to you at storage for convenience. What will be in the bag: a single item of each thing you've won. (i.e. Bag 1 would have 1 EnE, 1 MatE, 1 SE, and 1 SR) As well, to ensure the award is given to the person who actually found the location/bag first, a random item will be in the bag completely irrelevant to the prize. You will have to tell me what that random item is in order to receive your award, so don't forget it, and don't tell anyone what it was! BONUS: The random item in each bag is mostly something cheap like a flower or such. However, 1 of the random items will be a nice mini-prize of its own! 5- What to do when you find a bag: PM Me (Burn) in-game, stating the location, coordinates (click the compass), and the name of the random item that was in the bag. If I'm not online, leave a gossip message, or send me a PM here on the official forums if you have an account. Prizes should be awarded within 24 hours of finding the bag. Immediately if I'm online (and able to move). Clues and prizes will be removed from the list as they are found. Here's the Clues! The hyperbag is located exactly where you see the bag in the image. The "N" is (a little) extra help by showing the camera angle, hehe. Bag "A" Has been found. Bag "B" Has been found. Bag "C" Has been found. Bag "D" Has been found. Bag "E" Has Been Found.
  10. Burn's Big (Hyper)Bags!

    Congrats to: Miikz - Traveler's bag (which included the "bonus" item of a binding stone) XenaMT - Fighter's bag Felessan - Mage's bag Hormania - Summoner's bag Bugabear - Manuer's bag Wondering where they were? Well... Bag A - Portland, inside the Mayor's house Bag B - Outside of the fence that surrounds the summon arena in Whitestone Bag C - "Vanyel's cabin" very north of Palon Vertas, just west of the Bethel exit Bag D - Northwest Idaloran, near a small hut (319, 515) Bag E - A small cave in southeast Irinveron
  11. Burn's Big (Hyper)Bags!

    Contest over, all 5 bags found!
  12. Burn's Big (Hyper)Bags!

    4th bag found! first post updated, only 1 left!
  13. Burn's Big (Hyper)Bags!

    3rd bag found, first post updated!
  14. Burn's Big (Hyper)Bags!

    Two bags found, noted which ones above and the images for those have been removed.
  15. Burn's Big (Hyper)Bags!

    Clue images have been added above, have fun
  16. Potion of Speed Hax

    Let me explain to you what you just wrote: If it does come back, make it harder to get Lenny furs, increasing the price of the speed hax even more when people were refusing to buy them at the old cost. The only reason there's currently a lot of Lenny furs in game is because they're useless. That won't last long if they get a use again. You're not helping there. Haven't voted, but honestly it'll take a helluva lot of support for me to even consider ever making these again. Speaking as one of the few makers of them. Most of the other potters who could make these were just as frustrated with them before, doubt that's changed since they've been gone.
  17. New and updated trade bot list

    My new bot: IWannaRock Morcraven Marsh - 206, 13 Owner: Burn
  18. As I'm obviously not the only person who has tired of the nonsense that has flooded channel 6 since pkcentral invaded it, and not even the person who started the thread because of it, that's hardly a viable solution for every person who actually used to use channel 6 for its intended purpose.
  19. We had that once. I think it was... channel 6 or something. As for the comments on the stupidity: that all the stupidity going on in channel 6 these days comes solely from pkers is why it's attributed to pkers. I have several pkers I PM with on a semi-regular basis, I do not believe "every pker is an idiot". But 100% of the current stupidity in channel 6 now is a direct result of pk. It's not chat, it's mindnumbing. And unfortunately, "mindnumbing stupidity" isn't included in the rules for mods to be able to moderate. Yes we can #ignore pkcentral, but pkcentral by itself is hardly the problem. But of course, if you're part of it, you can't possibly see that channel 6 used to actually be tolerable. And useful. Now it's just a cesspool of crap, and those of us who used to find it useful for its original purpose want it back.
  20. The amount of, well, downright stupidity in the channel increased ten-fold with the pkers overrunning it. Before, it had its occasional bouts that made anyone with sense leave the channel a while, but not often. Now it's just completely intolerable. The channel was, with only occasional exceptions, a decent place for (its purpose) keeping up with any Lenny info and finding out a little advance notice if an invasion is being planned and such. Mixed with some general chatter outside of that which didn't consist almost entirely of spam "LOL"s and other IQ-reducing crap like Xena mentions above that is just unbearably stupid. Those who are actually there for Lenny tracking, invasions as relevant, and some general idle chatter have pretty much been run off by what is now essentially the "incredibly stupid nonsense" channel. I still don't think channel 4 for the pk announcements is a bad idea. It goes right along with guild ads and such, and that's where the pkers used to hang out before channel 6 got destroyed (as I recall stopping visiting channel 4 for that very reason).
  21. Ditto, channel 4 for pk announcements please.
  22. Making EL better

    I wouldn't normally care what a person's skill levels are when just reading opinions here, but this one having repeated screams for a character wipe 3-4 times now made me start thinking they had nothing to lose so it was easy for them to call for such things. And... The only person screaming for character wipes is one whose highest non-harvest skill is 33. Their total current skill levels could easily be gotten in a single week. Of course they don't mind a wipe, they've got nothing invested in the game and thus nothing to lose. As opposed to those of us who actually have spent the time to develop our characters. What's it matter to him that I spent the last year getting 4 100+ skills and the others worked up pretty well too? He loses nothing so it doesn't matter. And that's just me, a little-over-a-year player. What about those who have spent 4+ years developing their character? 4+ years completely deleted just because someone with newbie-level skills wants a full char wipe. That ain't gonna happen. Fastest possible way to kill the game completely, delete the years of dedication of almost every player left on the whim of someone who hasn't played enough to grasp what that means. As has been said by several people before, if there's a big problem of people giving up because they can't "compete" with long-term players, then lower-level players are just in need of more things that will keep them "competing" against each other instead. I put "compete" in quotes because, though I find it fun to see my name show up in the top 50 lists for skills and such, the only person I compete with or challenge is myself. That's been said before too, set your own goals, not try and outdo everyone else.
  23. Making EL better

    ^ Pretty much full agreement. I see people having higher levels than me as a challenge. If I want to "compete" with them I have to earn my way up to their level, and that earning levels in itself is a part of the fun for me. If I were to easily be on level with people around longer, I'd have left long ago out of boredom. Instead, just over a year later, I got only 11 people to "compete" with in Potion, and a lot more in other skills. Trying to work them all. I think the fun will run out if I ever become a top player in every skill (not likely to happen, hehe). As long as there's even 1 person with a higher level than me in a skill, that skill remains a challenge and keeps the fun going for it. Even fighter-wise (which is where all the char buying is), I've passed 100+ for att and def in just a little over a year of playing, and that's with spending *much* more time on mixing skills and only spending a few hours a week average fighting. If I'd spent all my time working up att and def that I'd spent on alch 108 and pot 100 (and all the harving involved for those) and working all my other skills, I can only imagine how far I'd be a/d-wise by now. And I really don't get char buyers at all for this reason. If I can get 100+ a/d as a primary mixer in a year, how far would a pure fighter get in the same time?

    Never mind. No more participation in auctions where the starting bid won't be accepted. State the actual minimum bid and cut the crap. If you don't like your own damn starting price then put up a damn starting price you'll accept. This is just plain stupidity, cut it out, get real. Underbidding on other people's auctions, posting minimum bids you won't actually accept.... all trade with you is over. Zero tolerance for this kind of nonsense. FTR, 60k is what's being expected. Start your bids there so you don't get the "I'm not going to sell to you at that price" message as well. If you won't accept a price, don't put it up. That's just plain stupid.
  25. Shocker is a spawn serper

    Shocker had his own spawn beforehand. And when he went on his serping spree he killed every spawn in sight, including the 1 I was on a couple times, disrupting everyone's training. Hardly someone worth defending.