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Everything posted by cycrosism

  1. rofl. found ANOTHER stone

    what ever its your captdeadhead for 6.5k. PM ME ingame when ur online
  2. Scammer?

    if he tried to sell you one he obviously had one and then he tried to take yours to have a screenshot. why didn't he just wear his?
  3. rofl. found ANOTHER stone

    oh, once again my name ingame is cycrosism
  4. Stone

    greetings i am selling a reasoning removal stone and any good offers i will sell to. Bids are starting now (post your offer or beat the highest one) and my name ingame is cycrosism
  5. Stone

    sold for 12k to awevo ill sell to you when we are both online
  6. What is it about alch....

    alchemy is great EXP and good for those overalls
  7. The Cotton Thread

    erm.. its 20 cotton for each feast, so 40k cotton for 2k feasts, or 20k cotton for 1k feasts done. when were next online ill trade them for the 1k feas pots
  8. Buying All Low lvl Furs!

    50 deer furs 78 beaver furs 427 brown rabbit furs 208 rait tails 231 wolf furs added them all up and cost a total of 3444. my names cycrosism ingame
  9. Stone

    so far so good. anyone offers 13k and its yours
  10. Silver Medallions

    i could make 100-200 silver bars (ill try because ive got a lot of other things to do first)
  11. The Cotton Thread

    50k cotton = 30kgc, OR, 50k cotton = 18kgc + 1k feasts if you do 100k cotton, you will get 0.7gc for the ones i pay gc for, even if you use some of those cotton to buy items from me ok ill do 20k cotton for 2k feasts
  12. The Cotton Thread

    ok so how much could i get if i harvest 50k cotton? and ill also do 20k cotton for 1k feasting pots
  13. Stone

    oh yeah and bids close in a week or when i feel i am getting a good price for it Minimum increasement of 1k please
  14. I am locked for something i didn't do

    ok fair enough
  15. I am locked for something i didn't do

    any reply?
  16. I am locked for something i didn't do

    on my new account i havent broken any rules and i want to keep it that way. i will resepect this game and i have read through the rules and i have asked my brother to aswell. i have read all the rules you mentioned before about me breaking on qwerty90. the only thing im asking for is a second chance for me and my brother where i can play by the rules for now on and so will my brother. (i am the older one incase you want to know) and if i have broken any rules on my account cycrosism, please post them here or let me know so i can read through those rules again. from now on, i will play by the rules and if you unlock our accounts that would be very great to give us a scond chance.
  17. I am locked for something i didn't do

    qwerty90, mister_ed, qwerty91, cycrosism, switchy, lekky, hotdogs01 and quad_core qwerty90 - i made which is locked misted_ed - maybe me when i was a noob qwerty91 - was me but this account is deleted. cycrosism - is the account i use now switchy - never heard of it. lekky - my brothers which is also locked hotdogs01 - my brothers he uses now quad_core i made yesterday which i dont need.
  18. I am locked for something i didn't do

    ok i read through these all again, but i dont remember breaking rule 26. i can remember breaking rule 1 once, i do remember the bag spamming thing but they wernt anything major + i only remember using the #abuse command twice. none were fake reports. the first i remember i did #abuse because someone was breaking rule 1. and after that, i did #abuse again because of my brother reporting him about what he did on my account.
  19. I am locked for something i didn't do

    what rule number did i break? can you tell me so i can go online and click F5 and read it over?
  20. I am locked for something i didn't do

    This all started at around 6:30 at night today when i went downstairs a snack/watch TV. i came back upstairs to find my eternal lands pming my brother swear words. (i could have sworn it was my brother because his the only one who plays EL in the family other than me) i was sitting in the study room, AFK. i came back upstairs to find that i had pm'd lekky swear words . (lekky is my brother) about to report my brother i get booted of the server by soldus . I asked my brother what happend and he admitted to doing it. now my account Qwerty90 got banned for this and so did my brother. truly, i think my brother should get banned and not me. for confirmatin, you can ask Lekky himself. so if anything, i am asking for you to unban me. if you do not belive any of this, i am sure lekky will confirm this.