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Confused about chat logs

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On the configuration dialog, in the "Server" tab is a spot to set what types of messages go into log files. There's:


Do not log chat - Haven't tested, I assume nothing goes to the log file.

Log chat only - Seems to log only PMs, local chat, and channel chat, but not GMs.

Log server messages - Seems to log everything.

Log server to srv_log.txt - Should put server messages (non-local and non-PM) in a seperate file.


I have noted a few things that don't seem correct.


1. I think #gm's should be logged just like PM, local and channel chat. It's the same "type" of activity.


2. Log to srv_log isn't working correctly. The chat_log file has just the chat, as you would expect. But the srv_log file has the server messages AND the PM/local chat stuff. For some reason it does not have the channel chat. It should only be the server messages, the chat should not be duplicated in both files.


3. The el.ini documents three states for logging chat: 0, 1, and 2. But the dialog gives FOUR options (the four listed above). So something is not in sync.

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3. The el.ini documents three states for logging chat: 0, 1, and 2. But the dialog gives FOUR options (the four listed above). So something is not in sync.

The el.ini in CVS is very much out of date and I have started to work at bringing it up-to-date.


If I get some time to hack some code, I'll look at the logging options because I've thought they were broken for a long time now.

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1. I think #gm's should be logged just like PM, local and channel chat. It's the same "type" of activity.

Yeah, for some reason #GM's and Mod messages were ignored in certain situations. That explains why some people have argued that they haven't had messages from mods because they aren't in the log.


2. Log to srv_log isn't working correctly. The chat_log file has just the chat, as you would expect. But the srv_log file has the server messages AND the PM/local chat stuff. For some reason it does not have the channel chat. It should only be the server messages, the chat should not be duplicated in both files.

Yeah, the filtering of what isn't a server message was based on 3 colours. I'm currently rechecking which colours should be considered and which not. That's not the best way to filter, but is the most straightforward.



/edit: Grum beat me to it. (It helps if you cvs up before starting to fix code, rather than when you are ready to commit!!)

Edited by Torg

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