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Stupid Quotes

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here are some stupid quotes:



Why are the bones talking to me?[islaprima](2)

Is Denoob permanent? :D?(3)

Yeah, well screw jjk he sucks balls :x .[jjk walks by] :shock:....(4)

Selling platinum coins, 3k each!!!(5)

Ive been making bone powder for hours! why havent i leveled yet?!?(6)

Bears are weak as hell. Watch this!!!![dies](7)

Some day, somehow, i am going to wear the grue's carcass as a cape!!!(8)

Is it legal to buy 348 wine?(9)

Hey, goto killaran and if you right click 2x on the weapons laying there you get them!!!(10)


answers, responses, other facts.

1.Main Entry: en·tro·py

Pronunciation: 'en-tr&-pE

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural -pies

Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary 2en- + Greek tropE change, literally, turn, from trepein to turn

1a : a measure of the unavailable energy in a closed thermodynamic system that is also usually considered to be a measure of the system's disorder and that is a property of the system's state and is related to it in such a manner that a reversible change in heat in the system produces a change in the measure which varies directly with the heat change and inversely with the absolute temperature at which the change takes place; broadly : the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system

2a : the degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity b : a process of degradation or running down or a trend to disorder


- en·tro·pic /en-'trO-pik, -'trä-pik/ adjective

- en·tro·pi·cal·ly /-pi-k(&-)lE/ adverb



2.because youre crazy.

3.N S S!!!

4.this didnt happen i just thought it was funny.

5.Rofl, funniest thing was someone fell for it!!

6.after being told why, he then did#7

7.hmm newbie sandwich.

8.HELL YEAH! lol

9.no its not. Failure to comply with this anti wine law will result in:

A-Eaten by a grue, or B- shot.

10.an actual scam today, worked very well. until i told them that the weapons are the same format as trees.(after i nabbed a few of course :wink: )

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