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Has my character been deleted?

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hey everyone.


I used to play this game sometime early 2004 (from late 2003) and I wanna start playing again!


But when I log in with my char it says that my char has been deleted!


So either my username (magpielee or magpie_lee) has lost its password and I've forgotten about it.


Or can my character be restored? I got to a pretty decent all-round low-mid level and took me ages to get to.


Please help me get my char back!

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There was a server crash, we all had to recreate our characters and start over :P

Welcome back tho :blink:



Aahh shat! When did this happen? I had a decent mid lvl character who could tackle the baby gargoyles.


I recreated and started again and there were SOO many things that were changed. The interface was shocking and there were soo many new features I got too dizzy.

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I recreated and started again and there were SOO many things that were changed. The interface was shocking and there were soo many new features I got too dizzy.


You must be that very rare bred of Oldnewbie!


Or is it Newoldbie? ;)

Edited by MarantZ

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