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The Sad State Of The El Economy

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How about making it so that YOU can only harvest 20 or so things from that bush in 5 minutes? That way there would be a limited amount and there would be no need for conflict.



IDEA CREDIT: A tale in the desert 2

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I don't care what you all say. Your all just a bunch of stuck up assholes! I for one like the origional idea that started the topic. Do you people know how to do anything but flame!?!?

Edited by PsychoticKiller

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That don't make no sense.

The only one who was flaming here was you...

please keep all flames in the flame topics..


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I don't think that limiting the resources is a good idea.


1. I remember when I first started, I don't think that I would have been able to complete "Tutorial's" flower quest on a Saturday if they had been limited.


2. It would require even more processing on the server to keep track of the growth rate of that 3rd Red Snappdragon bush on IP.


3. If resouces were limited enough to make a difference it would cause serious problems between players. A guild could surround all the sulpher deposits and mine it as it 'spawns', and they would be the only PC source.


4. Can you imagine what it could do to the price of Fire Essences alone, currently I can sell them at 4-5gc each, that's 1-2 more gc each than I would get paid from the NPC, but if I remember correctly 10 less than the NPC charges. takes 1 RedSnap, 1 RedRose, 1 sulfer... It could take me an hour to make just one if the resources got really tight one Saturday afternoon.


5. It would slow progression in the game, I'm sure that I wouldn't be above level 10 if resources were not freely available.



Slowing my rate of gathering would be better, but I wouldn't like that either.

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