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Everything posted by Wytter

  1. Need some feature implemented quick

    Well, if someone creates the optional themeing of the client, that color could of course be changed in the theme configuration files
  2. frame buffer

    Can I have a screenshot? I only have my notebook here, and the graphics is teh sukc!
  3. Cal3D Bugs

    This thread is for bug reports for Cal3D only! In the new character interface, when you try rotating the character (using PgUp/Dn) it is not animated any further than one of it's legs being lifted from the ground. When rotating the character in the normal mode, after pressing PgUp/Dn for a little over a second the character will not move but continue rotating, then start moving and rotating again. Glowing weapons does not glow.
  4. To know or not to know.

    I'll be the elf who doesn't really do anything useful but appear randomly in strange places and say Greetings
  5. Nintendo takeover of EL

    lmao But we are planning duelling for the next update
  6. Linux client hangs when trying to quit

    Perhaps we should make that a dependency instead of the one from 2002 then. Let me know if it works.
  7. Map Editor 2

    Greetings all, I've created a new module on elc called map_editor2. You can get it through: cvs -danonymous@cvs.berlios.de:/cvsroot/elc co map_editor2 It currently only has a Makefile for Linux and BSD but should be made working with Windows ASAP. The current TODO is: Remove obsolete functions Rewrite the text messages - we don't use multiple channels here Add support for adding/removing tiles, 2d objects, 3d objects, particles and lights. Add the particle editor Add the edit window Add support for all the remaining functionality that the current map editor has. Add support for creating .def files Add support for the new map format Add support for terrain Add support for window resizing (as the old map editor was capable of) Add a help window Add a statistics window (number of 3d objects, triangles etc.) Add support for taking a screenshot of the entire map, from above. Use off-screen rendering (GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) I can use all the help I can get on this, so if you have some spare time once in a while, please have a look at the map editor and start going through the different source files removing obsolete functions, and adding some editor functionality If you wish to do one or more of these TODO objects, please state it here
  8. ack, a snowstorm!

    An idea would be to define the areas in the map files, then let the server send a START_CLIMATE instead of START_RAIN etc....
  9. New map editor wishlist

    So you can see something is happening: http://wytter.tfm.ro/elc/mapeditor2.jpg
  10. Infinate Slots in Storage?

    Errr... People used to have 50, then 100, now 200 and they won't get any more. No computer has unlimited capacity, so 200 slots is really the max of what we're willing to give you.
  11. storage trade

    All books are storable.
  12. EL 1.1.0 Linux Client

    echo "games-rpg/eternal-lands ~amd64" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
  13. Modified clients

    Then how the ... would we do stability testing with the client that's going to be in the upcoming update if the users are not allowed to use it? Do we have to handle 100 requests of people who wish to use the CVS? You're not encouraging people to test it at all, and most people would simply not bother asking for permission to use CVS as they fear getting banned from it. It makes absolutely no sense that players have to ask for permission to use an _un-modified_ CVS client. We cannot get debugging information from the release client, as it was not compiled with -ggdb so we will only be able to get duplicate bugs reported and get crashing bugs reported that we can only hope have been fixed in the CVS - we will not know for sure. My point is - The CVS version is a lot more stable, and it is very important that we can get people to test it. Forcing that people only test with an old version with known and fixed buffer overflows makes absolutely no sense. Our goal is that the bugfix release will fix the bugs with crashing - however we can only make sure if we distribute a newer testing client or allow people to use CVS.
  14. Modified clients

    What I think Mihai meant was that modified CVS clients are not allowed on the main server, whereas unmodified clients are fully allowed and we will encourage you to use them, as they are the ones we will use in the next release. By using an unmodified CVS client we will be able to get more usable data in bug reports and hereby making the CVS more stable - This will help us make sure that the same problems will not occur in the upcoming bugfix release. Frankly we can hardly use bug reports from the official client any more due to the amount of bugs and potential bugs that we have fixed. And of course official developers automatically have permission to use modified CVS clients if they are working on improving the client/fixing bugs. /Wytter
  15. EL 1.1.0 Linux Client

  16. OS X Port Questions

    First of all, you will need to figure out how to get the openal libraries - they are needed at runtime, unless you compile with -DNO_MUSIC. On *nix, the cal3d_wrapper.cpp is compiled with a C++ compiler while the rest are compiled with a normal C compiler. In the end the cal3d_wrapper.o is linked together with the others forming a final binary.
  17. Test server bugs

    This is for bug reports on the new testing server (Port 2002). You have to have a new client that is compiled with -DNEW_CLIENT and -DMULTI_CHANNEL to use this server. Any bug reports with an old client will waste our time, hence the release of 1.0.2 can become delayed - so don't use an old client (old meaning from yesterday!). You will not be able to use the client compiled with -DNEW_CLIENT and -DMULTI_CHANNEL on the normal server. Or rather, you will, but it'd have many bugs since a lot of things changed in the client/server communication. http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16345 Happy testing.
  18. EL 1.1.0 Linux Client

    Sorry, will not be able to provide a full 1.1.0 ebuild for the next couple of days as I'll be on an intro-trip with my chem class. If anyone is capable, please continue from this: # Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-rpg/eternal-lands/eternal-lands-1.1.0.ebuild,v 1.2 2005/06/09 01:08:50 mr_bones_ Exp $ inherit games TMP_PV=${PV%_p*} DESCRIPTION="An online MMORPG written in C and SDL" HOMEPAGE="http://www.eternal-lands.com" SRC_URI="http://el.tfm.ro/el_${TMP_PV//.}-t1.zip ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/elc/elc_${TMP_PV//.}.tgz mapeditor? ( ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/elc/mapedit_${TMP_PV//.}.tgz ) !nomusic? ( http://el.tfm.ro/el_music_${TMP_PV//.}.zip )" LICENSE="eternal_lands" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="doc nomusic mapeditor netthread" RDEPEND="virtual/x11 virtual/opengl >=media-libs/libsdl-1.2.5 >=media-libs/sdl-net-1.2.5 >media-libs/openal-20020127 media-libs/libvorbis >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.7 =media-libs/cal3d-0.10.0 mapeditor? (>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.4)" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} app-arch/unzip doc? ( >=app-doc/doxygen-1.3.8 >=media-gfx/graphviz-1.10 )" src_unpack() { OPTIONS="OPTIONS=-DDATA_DIR="\\\\\"${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}/\\\\\"" -DNEW_CLIENT -DMULTI_CHANNEL -DPNG_SCREENSHOT" S_CLIENT="${WORKDIR}/elc" S_MAPEDITOR="${WORKDIR}/map_editor" unpack ${A} use amd64 && OPTIONS="${OPTIONS} -DX86_64" use netthread && OPTIONS="${OPTIONS} -DNETWORK_THREAD" cd "${S_CLIENT}" sed \ -e "s@CFLAGS=\$(PLATFORM) \$(CWARN) -O -ggdb -pipe@CFLAGS=${CFLAGS} @g"\ -e "s@CXXFLAGS=\$(PLATFORM) \$(CXXWARN) -O -ggdb -pipe@CXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS} @g"\ -e "s@OPTIONS=@${OPTIONS} @g" \ Makefile.linux > Makefile \ || die "sed failed" sed \ -e 's/#browser/browser/g' \ -e 's/browser = mozilla/#browser = mozilla/g' \ -e "s@#data_dir = /usr/local/games/el/@#data_dir = ${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}/@g" \ el.ini > ../el.ini \ || die "sed failed" if use mapeditor; then cd ${S_MAPEDITOR} sed \ -e "s@CFLAGS=@CFLAGS=${CFLAGS} @g" \ -e "s@OPTIONS=@${OPTIONS} @g" \ Makefile.linux > Makefile \ || die "sed failed" sed \ -e "s@#data_dir = /usr/local/games/el/@#data_dir = ${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}/@g" \ mapedit.ini > ../mapedit.ini \ || die "sed failed" mv browser.lst ../browser.lst fi cd ${WORKDIR} cp license.txt EULA || die "cp failed" } src_compile() { cd ${S_CLIENT} emake || die "emake failed" cp el.x86.linux.bin ../el.x86.linux.bin || die "cp failed" if use doc; then emake docs || die "Failed to create documentation, try with USE=-docs" mv ./docs/html/ ../client || die "Failed to move documentation directory" fi if use mapeditor; then cd ${S_MAPEDITOR} emake || die "emake failed" cp mapedit.x86.linux.bin ../mapedit.x86.linux.bin || die "cp failed" fi } src_install () { cd "${WORKDIR}" newgamesbin el.x86.linux.bin el || die "newgamesbin failed" if use mapeditor; then newgamesbin mapedit.x86.linux.bin el-mapedit \ || die "newgamesbin failed" fi dodoc ChangeLog EULA insinto "${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}" doins *.ini entrable.lst harvestable.lst el_icon.png icon.bmp \ global_filters.txt local_ignores.txt e3dlist.txt \ || die "doins failed" if use mapeditor; then doins browser.lst || die "doins failed" fi cp -R 2dobjects 3dobjects languages maps particles sound textures tiles\ meshes animations actor_defs books skeletons\ "${D}/${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}" \ || die "copy failed" ln -s meshes Meshes ln -s animations Animations ln -s skeletons Skeletons if ! use nomusic; then cp -R music "${D}/${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}" || die "cp failed" fi if use doc; then dohtml -r "${WORKDIR}/client/"* fi if use mapeditor; then dohtml "${WORKDIR}/mapeditor.html" dohtml -r "${WORKDIR}/mapeditor" fi prepgamesdirs } pkg_postinst() { games_pkg_postinst echo einfo "To run the game: el" echo if use mapeditor; then einfo "To use the map editor: el-mapedit" einfo "Copy ${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}/mapedit.ini to ~/.elc/" einfo "to make per-user changes." echo einfo "To read an introduction to the map editor, read" einfo "/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html/mapeditor.html" echo fi if use doc; then einfo "The documentation for the client source can be found" einfo "in /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html/index.html" echo fi } The elc_110.tgz and mapedit_110.tgz are just a zip of the CVS dirs, which will be uploaded to the berlios ftp.
  19. Coverity analysis of ELC

    Thank you
  20. map bugs in test client

    Bethel : 165, 192 : Clicking on the arch tries to teleport you to somewhere where there's not enough space, hence you are not send to the cave.
  21. Client test3 crashed

    It's considered safe to use vertex arrays. And yes, 2002 is the right place.
  22. Client test3 crashed

    For now try to disable the vertex buffer objects, they are an experimental feature and see if it works then. I have not been able to make the 1.1.0 client crash with it enabled though. Can be problems with your system drivers as well though.
  23. map bugs in test client

    Err... IP is not snowy...
  24. Client test3 crashed

    Please post your el.ini
  25. New trade protocol

    Damn, you're right - it's: str[0]=GET_TRADE_OBJECT; *((Uint16*)(str+1))=10; *((Uint16*)(str+3))=image_id; *((Uint32*)(str+5))=quantity; *((Uint8*)(str+9))=type; *((Uint8*)(str+10))=pos; *((Uint8*)(str+11))=YOUR_TRADE_LIST || OTHERS_TRADE_LIST; Where the type is determining whether it should be in the storage or in the inventory.