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Everything posted by CharlotteS

  1. Whats your Favourite song at the Moment?

    Ever watched video spot for "From the cradle to enslave - Cradle of Filth"? If you didn't you should lol.... Hehe methinks this video is more funny than terrible and it shouldn't be rather:>. I have also seen a behind the scene film showing how they were making that video. Btw anybody have seen teh film "Cradle of Fear"?
  2. "Day of oldschool PK"

    And don't forget about a grizzly spawn near it, in order to click accidently on the bear instead of flowers muahaha.
  3. FreeZone and DeMoNoP

    Yeah, he has been kicked from few guilds so far. It says everything.
  4. Whats your Favourite song at the Moment?

    I like these songs also --- and I would add another song from Lacrimosa - Seele in Not :>
  5. Fav. Bands

    But generally it's true, don't deny
  6. Polska - Poland

    No idea :/
  7. Musicians?

    When I was a young girl (hehe) I played on the piano but dropped it after few years.
  8. Fav. Bands

    Btw atm on my personal playlist rules Lacrimosa <3 German gothic is groovy.
  9. changes in =hc=

    To be a PKer or to be a diplomat - that is the question! Anyway Gz :>
  10. -EF- is back!

    Omg cool, it's really good to see you back the legend of EL <3 and all the best in re-building and making the guild at least a bit great as it used to be Rotfl, indeed.
  11. Polska - Poland

    cze bl fan Ano, widzialam ten zwiastun jakis czas temu. W sumie jest obiecujacy, podoba mi sie muzyka i ma fajny klimat z tego chociazby wzgledu, ze produkcja rosyjska (zawsze to troche egzotyki, kiedy oglada sie rosyjskich aktorow, sa dialogi rosyjskie itp;), co wplywa na wiekszy autentyzm). Jednak czytalam gdzies wypowiedz kogos, kto juz ogladal to, ze niestety reklama jest o wiele lepsza, robi wieksze wrazenie niz sam film... No nic, trzeba bedzie wlasne zdanie sobie wyrobic, jesli tylko bede miala mozliwosc obejrzenia. Mnie ciekawi, jak wyglada moj ulubiony kot Behemot <3. Btw w LO ogladalismy "Mistrza..." na kasecie, chyba realizacja Teatru Telewizji, co bylo okropienstwem calkowitym.
  12. "Day of oldschool PK"

    I suppose the dev team can be dissapointed or even angry when there are voices in our community like "make old school pk day", "make no rostos day", "what about Retro Day - no cooldown then" (according to shallara's interesting post in the link put by Aislinn) when ppl want a piece of old EL without new things implemented some time ago. I think we are a bit nostalgic.
  13. "Day of oldschool PK"

    I like the idea very much and if it could be possible it would be great... Just simply taking a sword, armor, some essences, rings, srs, having fun. It's often frustraiting when I spend few mins at storage to put some armor on, col, take few different cloaks, few types of pots, few types of essences, rings, swords, pay attention to not forget about something like rosto especially, so many things to equip, take and sometimes I wonder for what so much preparation if it's really hard to find somebody to pk. And I'm sure on this day it would be a lot more ppl pking, like on no drop. Simple equipment doesnt mean no fun as we could see in the past. Btw if it was too hard to implement (when u can't equip col/tit armor/use mana burn rings but only old plain stuff) I think "Day of oldschool PK - the day when rostos don't work" maybe would work and solve this cause ppl would be too afraid to put more expensive armor on so hopefully use cheap one.
  14. sartan is a bagjumper

    Heh I see this guy has become famous in this section lately
  15. Polska - Poland

    Masz na mysli ten film skladajacy sie z kilku odcinkow produkcji rosyjskiej?
  16. NMT game

    And when you are saying about rostos I got one, 2-3 weeks ago, while I have been training on fluffs from April and have killed around hmm maybe 13k of them (not sure, lost counters on 3 comps heh).
  17. Polska - Poland

    A myślałam, ze encyklopedia EL - - - Gil, jak będe miała czas (tylko ciekawe kiedy:/) to sobie może jakas z tych ksiazek poszukam:). PS. - "Mistrz i Małgorzata" M. Bułhakow - "Rok 1984" G.Orwell - opowiadania Hłasko - z fantastyki trylogia "Lyonesse" Jacka Vance'a - Tolkiena lubie tez;) - i seria o Muminkach:)
  18. Fav. Bands

    Cradle of Filth is pure Evil
  19. Polska - Poland

    o czym? Liczę na Waszą pomysłowosc
  20. Whats your Favourite song at the Moment?

    Atm Lacrimosa - Alles Luge
  21. Fav. Bands

    + me many other especially rock/metal bands, so many to count...
  22. Polska - Poland

    Czesc Tygrysie! +1 --- Może porozmawiamy o czymś konkretnym?
  23. Polska - Poland

    Pozdrav Dusi
  24. funny pics

  25. Polska - Poland

    Dla niekumatych "co wy wiecie o zabijaniu???" Ja przeczytalam "co wy wiecie o nabieniu???"