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Everything posted by CharlotteS

  1. Netherlands / Holland

    Amsterdam - crazy city
  2. awesome Germans !

  3. A co takhle česky a slovensky, he?

    Fakt jo?
  4. Polska - Poland

    brein, który to Ty?:>
  5. Some pics of "cute Knut"

    Sure its nice to read good news.. but not every day the same one ^^ So don't read too much, play for example EL
  6. Some pics of "cute Knut"

    I have heard about Knut on the radio but havent seen Photos til now, really adorable. Scorpius: Jealous? I think sometimes it's better to read some nice news, topics like this one than for example all the time about some murders, bombs etc., 10 times a day.
  7. Polska - Poland

    Ach nie wspominaj o pierogach, "chodza" za mna juz od tygodnia albo i dluzej;/
  8. awesome Germans !

    ein shönes Lied?
  9. Polska - Poland

    Czy to co masz w avatarze to nalesnik?
  10. IF i could

  11. Polska - Poland

    Tia... a Pearl Jam w czerwcu i znowu mnie nie bedzie
  12. IF i could

    First thoughts: Jim Morrison, Johnny Depp...
  13. Polska - Poland

    Brawa za najlepsza zmiane tematu na świecie \o/ Nie rozumiem? To przecież jeden z wiodących wątków.
  14. Polska - Poland

    No no, nie wiedziałam, że taki potencjał wokalny drzemie w czarodziejce z ksiezyca.
  15. Why dont people PK anymore?

    You know, there is always diss and tele trick and what is more there are invi pots or harvesters can just ask some friends/guildies with more a/d to be their bodyguard while going through dangerous places so as you can see there are many possibilities. Btw pk maps must always include some risk and what so valuable harvesters carry that is more expensive than rosto?
  16. Why dont people PK anymore?

    And then you woke up?:> --- I was also thinking about changing properties of rosto (that was also suggested in Suggestions some time ago by someone), I mean rosto would only protect items you have equipped and in case of your death you drop 50% items you have in your bag as usually without the stone so a winner have at least some nice extra mana pots, rings, esses etc and there is also a chance to get something more expensive when your enemy risks and puts some other weapons, armor in the bag. There would be an important reason to pk and maybe more people would go hunting. Of course I might be wrong, I am not a sociologist but I see the main difference between pking now and in the past is that in the past pking was also a way to make money and get items and armor when you got drops (now you must be very lucky to get something), so folks rather prefer to stay training on monsters because it has more advantages (gc, drops and exp). Pk contests are great but generally not for all people, rather there are for high level players, others have no chance and we can easily predict the winners before the contest so I would suggest some events for all players in different combat lvl classes or something like that.
  17. Why dont people PK anymore?

    The only person so far who is whining and complaining in this topic is you. And yes, we need such a topic. I was also thinking about starting the same discussion on forum, without bitching when all people would really think why we stopped/we dont go to pk maps so often as before and how to change it. If you don't care about it, you don't have to read it but plx let others talk about that matter, kk? And like I said, my MAIN reason which discourages me the most is emptiness in pk maps and then goes other aspects. If a problem with lack of drops/profits and brods was my biggest reason I woudn't even spend so many hours on no drop day losing many esses, pots and rings just for fun.
  18. Why dont people PK anymore?

    First of all, I don't play almost at all lately, mostly because I'm too busy and don't have too much free time but as soon as I finish all stuff connected with my uni I hope I will come back to EL. But generally when I play, I don't go PK so much as before mostly because of reasons given by people above. Imo it's now a waste of time for me: It takes me some time to equip everything, I need so many capes, potions, esses, weapons etc and when I'm ready and sure that I have all I need, rosto etc, I visit pk maps where I see nobody... I remember there were times when I was walking with Dushan through ALL c1 and c2 pk maps and we couldn't fine anybody (sic!), even kf and dp arena were also *so crowded*. So after a pk round like that I'm usually frustrated and think that there is no sense in wasting my time when it's hard to find someone and when sometimes I am lucky I have 1-2 quick fights and that's all (which are not worth siting and waiting). I rather prefer to do something else like training. Another reason: except fun and satisfaction I don't have any profits, I only lose my esses and can lose my stuff when some maniac with brod jumps in. But I even wouldnt care with that matter if there were more/some people to pk. We all know, now many cool fights are only on no drop.
  19. Polska - Poland

    Piccolo? :>
  20. Polska - Poland

    kómplom?:> kumplom przepraszam, niechcacy ;/ np I pk
  21. Polska - Poland

    kómplom?:> kumplom
  22. Polska - Poland

    Dzięki Najwazniejsze, ze najgorszy egz w tej sesji mam juz z glowy tak wczesnie sese
  23. Polska - Poland

    Zabrzmialo niezwykle zachecajaco, az mam ochote tez tam wstąpic;*).
  24. Polska - Poland

    Teraz jak bedziesz chcial, bedziesz mial zarciki na gm *GF*, nie cieszysz się ?
  25. Polska - Poland

    W sumie zgodze sie ze swoimi przedmówcami. Tez lubiłam sobie czasem pograc rano i w nocy, głownie ze wzgledu na spokój + w koncu spawny puste, ale z drugiej strony tak jakos czasem nudnawo, samotnie i mało ludzi do rozmowy (no chyba, ze o 2/3 w nocy siedzi ze mna jeszcze kilku takich nocnych maniaków), zresztą teraz juz w ogole nie mam czasu w nocy na gre, bo albo robie projekty, albo korzystam z mozliwosci wyspania sie i po prostu nyny. A najlepsze rozmowy i zarciki na gm są przewaznie wieczorami (ci, ktorzy sa w PL to wiedza, o czym mowie ), jest wesoło i przez to własnie lubie logowac sie wtedy. Ech, budyn, dawno nie jadłam. Pamietam, ze ostatnim razem, jak robiłam, to mi nie wyszedł, bo sie mleko zwazylo czy cos;*(.