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Posts posted by bkc56

  1. This is a old and well known (well, by some of us) bug. Every 3-6 months the server will "glitch" and all the critters will get stuck. Players can get stuck too, and you can have trouble harvesting stuff. Sometimes exit/restart will fix your char (you can walk and/or harvest again). The only way to fix all the critters is with a server restart. So at some point someone can PM radu/entropy, tell him "it's happened yet again", and get a server restart.

  2. Lots of items are like that - i.e. Magic Interference in Item List window.

    I'm sorry, but I don't see your point. The item list window was specifically added to make storage access easier. But Entropy required certain characteristics so it wasn't "too easy" (for automation). But even with those, it's a vast improvement.


    As to the magic interface, there are what, four different graphical interfaces to magic, plus a keyboard mapping. The only thing that proves is that one size does not fit all, so people keep adding new ways to access the same functions.


    And the moment the one thing I can think of that was added specifically to make the game harder for a few at the expense of everyone is mini-events in harvesting.



    But we digress into a maze of off-topic thoughts. There's a new bug with path-finding that did not exist before. It's been observed by multiple people. It would be nice to get it fixed.

  3. Would also be nice to display the tab maps, so you can have some sort of idea on where you are.

    Tab maps are pretty large for a "light weight" chat program and imply more graphics support than just text. But if there was a #loc command (like a #date and #time), the equivalent of clicking on the compass, the server would tell you where you are.


    And since bots can report their location, the is already the protocol for requesting the information from the server. Even if the client doesn't support #loc, Elch could.


    And a trade window would be very very pro :)

    The trade window would only be useful if you can click on someone to initiate a trade, which implies either a #trade <person> command of some kind, or a graphical interface (beyond the scope of a chat program). And again, a trade window would imply a level of support well beyond basic text.


    Think of yourself as stuck in the console window. Any text command in the game, or that could be added, would all be usable.


    And while probably not desirable for a variety of other reasons (like automation), the addition of a few additional text commands could make the game playable from a chat-style interface:


    #goto x,y


    #use <inventory index>

    #equip <inventory index>

    #use <map item>

    #harvest <map item>

    #store <inventory index>,<number>

    #get <storage item or index or item name>,<number>


    And the list goes on. Of course even the most basic #goto command has been rejected in the past, so none of this will likely happen. But it could...


    I'll add (in response to additional posts while I was typing) guard and trade bots can do all that sort of stuff (trading, moving about, etc). The server/client protocol is there. All that's required is to put add a text command to Elch to expose them to the user.

  4. Could we add a simple switch (like a command line option) to the next RC to get a wider base of testing? It could be really basic and simply turn off the bar (no updates). The feedback would help decide what to do, and the switch would be removed for the final release.


    Even simpler would be to just disable the progress bar for the next RC and ask for feedback on map load times with RC2 vs RC3. Again, just a short-term test to get a wider base of feedback.


    At least then we'd know if it helps everyone in varying amounts, or if it's only helping certain configurations.

  5. Currently the progress bar is updated every 100 objects.

    I don't know how many total objects we're talking about, but updating the bar 5-10 times total for the map rather than a more continuous smooth bar would still be adequate to give people an idea of how it's going without doing so many individual updates.

  6. I'd settle for a configuration setting now (short-term) with a possible server fix later (where it could send current and max values as it does for other things). The setting could be dropped when the server provides a max value.


    There's a potentially useful side-effect of a config setting in that people who regularly use shrooms to go to 55 could make that the max instead of 45. It may be more logical for them.

  7. Once you get the Big Belly perk (which can never be removed) it would be really helpful if the client could re-size the food bar to max at 100 (rather than 45). It's not really very helpful to have the food bar go from 0-45, and then have no other graphical indicator but orange for 46-100 (yes, the number is there, but that's not a simple visual indicator). All the other bars scale to the current max, could we please have the food bar do it also?

  8. For all those who have been wondering about the project I have been working on for the last month, the time has come to reveal it.


    Grapes now have a use on the PK server.


    Radu/Entropy has graciously agreed to exchange grapes for oranges on the PK server (only). So once you have collected 30 grapes, you can forum PM Entropy and when he has a chance he will log in and trade them for oranges. You can then go visit Logan in Tars and get yourself (and/or your alts) the Big Belly Perk.


    Since we have an infinite supply of grapes, everyone who wants the BBP should be able to get it in time. It just takes a bit of searching/hunting to collect them. It took me over three weeks, but I was starting from a server restart so I started with zero available.


    In the short-term there will be no market for grapes because everyone will be collecting for their own use. In the long-term there will be little market for them because there will be so many available on the server. In the medium-term, well, we'll have to see.


    But market value or not, this is a really fun and somewhat useful use for grapes on the server.


    Thanks for putting up with the secrecy until I got final permission to announce the program to everyone.

  9. We were talking on the PK server about grapes (and what to do with them) and Rogue suggested making wine. Basically two possible ideas:


    1. Trade a grape to Vesine (in MM) and get some large number of wine (100?) back. You have to have completed the wine quest to use this.


    2. Mix your own wine. Say:

    • 1 Grapes
    • 20 vials (close to a bottle), perhaps less to make the cost/value come out right
    • 1 Honeycomb (for fermentation)
    • 1 Tree Mushroom (use fungi since we don't have yeast)

    Requires a Mortor&Pestel and makes 100 wine (has to make more wine than vials because of the cost of each from NPC). Probably needs a new book also (wine making).



    The idea of making wine as come up a couple times in the past, but we never had grapes before.

  10. This would require map changes (but then so would the above ideas), but what about...


    A ladder or cave entrance on the VotD side. It does a map change to KF and puts you on...


    A raised platform against the rock wall that has a high railing (blocks archery), is a no-magic zone (so no spell casting or teleporting) and is non-PK. It of course also has a ladder/cave to go back to VotD.


    The one thing I don't know how to prevent is people doing tele-range from KF to the platform. But I assume the map maker could figure out a block for that too. But perhaps that's OK if it makes sense as another escape route.

  11. I would find it annoying if someone playing a month but paying a bunch of $ could pass me up.

    I think a little perspective would be helpful here. Even if this was implemented, the idea Entropy posted above would at most yield 2x normal experience for an hour or two per day. I don't think anyone is going to make it to the top-20 in a month with that.

  12. Lots of good ideas in this thread. Tossing in a couple more:


    Half-food usage while running, or even no food used. You still need the potion to start, but it would reduce/eliminate the amount of food you need to carry with you.


    Half (or no) food usage while polymorphed. Same idea allowing you to take on the form without the need for lots/any creature food.

  13. So do we have any decision about the availability of binding stones from the shop yet? Or about the price?

    I just connected with Radu on main and informed him of the positive "vote". His response:




    So I believe that's an official acceptance of $5 bindings from the shop. I assume with no limits since that wasn't talked about in this proposal.


    He may post later after he's reviewed the thread.
