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Posts posted by roren

  1. make FE's, or HE's if you can manage to sell 'em. they make fast money, even to the NPCs, and the alch lvls will be useful in the future.


    Plus, the stuff to make them is fairly easy to come by, and also sells fairly well to Harvy (or whatever his name is)

  2. I just downloaded the update onto my computer, and i went exploring for a bit. B ut when i went onto the "observation balcony", inside the magic school, my character turned white. then i tried beaming to see if that would help, and then EVERYTHING was white! no idea what happened.

  3. sure, time travel is possible, we do it all the time, just really slowly :P


    on a serious note, even if it is possible to travel forward and back in time, it probably isnt a good idea unless you only go back in a semi-ghost form, so you dont accidentally chance anything. and forward just be illegal altogether, because if you,learn how stuff happens, then you can change it, or bring back tech that is so far ahead of it's time hat it alters the course of history.

  4. i think i posted something like this a while ago on a different thread, gimme a sec to find it...


    but, otherwise, it's a good idea. except for the pack wolf. wolves are built for speed, and all of their strength is made for quick bites or claws. there is no way that a wolf would be able to carry very much.


    edit: found it, but i cant add it when im editing. (for those who ghave no idea what i just said, below is a quote.)




    what about having something like an animal/ monster/ dragon tamer npc? you could possibly rent out monsters , dragons, or animals for various purposes, and you would pay more for a more powerful monster. pplus, a hefty charge for if you got the rented creature killed (so, if ppl rented them out for battle, they would have to pay more). you could use it for things like transportation, battle support, or a mule for bringing matirials from your position to storage, or just to hold the stuff.the creatures that are rented would also last longer than summoned creatures , but would cost tons of money and have more uses. this could take money out of game because even though the rate of making harvesting/manufacturing/crafting/alchemy is increased, the ppl using them would have to pay money for the creature's services, there fo taking out a large part of the player's profits.


    example1: someone who uses a creature to sell lilacs while he/she keps harvesting, then at the end of the el day, he/she has to pay rent for the creature, and that takes a fairly large amount of his/her profit for that day, and slowes down the amount that person makes.


    example2:someone rents out maybe, a horse for transportaion. the person makes no money from this, but it takes considerably less time to get to the desired destination. plus, if the person rents out a flying creature, he/she has to pay more because it would take even less time to get to the destination.


    example3:large numbers of fairly powerful monsters are rented out for say, a guild war. this in itself is taking out a hefty sum of money from the game. then, most likely many of them will be killed, which takes out an even larger amount of money, whether or not the guild wins.one problem ive noticed with this is that, with so much money leaving the game, prices would dramaticly change with every guild war.



    another idea i had was that if you food level goes as far below zero as possible, the player loses health. this would encourage people to bring food into wherever they get money from. this will limit the amount of matirials that each player can hold at once, therefor slowing down the player's money gain slightly.




    this is all i could think of at the moment. more ideas will be posted as they come.

  5. This is for fun...be honest and read about your friends on EL.


    1.  Do you eat your cheese paper?


    2.  Have you ever listened to Barry Manilow cause you wanted to?

    who is he?

    3.  What do you consider your worse habit?

    i talk to myself, and i talk back! :medieval:

    4.  Chick Flicks...love or hate?


    5.  Napoleon Dynamite...great movie or What the....?

    in this order: funny-eh...-?- wtf?

    6.  China or Japan?

    Japan, gotta go with videogame central  :)

    7.  Donkey Kong or Mario?


    8.  Cats or Dogs?

    cats, even though im allergic

    9.  City Living or In the middle of nowhere living?


    10. Have you ever been called a goober?

    no, at least not to my knowledge  :)


  6. first of all, i think this is supposed to go in miscilanious (i know i misspelled it, but who cares)


    and second of all, it sounds more like they made a mistake over there, like, they gave you the wrong drive. but STILL! dammit, why cant anything ike that ever happen to me? damn lucky *grumbles*

  7. ok, i forgot to metion this in my previous post, but i think having all races able to use race-specific spells kinda defeats the purpose of having a race-specific item. haveing all races able to make the item is OK, but only if only the race it is meant for is able to use it, or at least have it being more efective if that race uses it.

  8. After reading all of the posts by him..i retract my previous statements concerning giving him mercy.  he obviously NEEDS to be taught a serious life changing lesson that will hopefully leave a strong enough impact upon his mind that he NEVER does something so stupid, wrongful, selfish and arrogant and again.  in otherwords, throw the book at him, HARD!!  :)



    hey, if ya run outta books to throw, i have a bunchof books at home that are FRIGGIN' HEAVY at home you can throw :P and a bunch of sharp rocks too, OH, and a i have a huge stick that is leaning on my wall that is never used :):):mace::hehe:


    glad i wasnt hit, but even if i was i probably wouldnt have noticed, since i dont own anything rare, and i rarely have more than 5k. and to all of you who lost stuff to that selfish bastard, i am truly sorry for you, and hope you can track down all the stuff you lost.

  9. what makes a game good or bad, hmmm


    Good: :)

    -lots of ppl to talk to

    -good graphics (helps, but isnt required)

    -lots of stuff to do

    -good minigames

    -mods who take part in the gme that they are supposed to be regulating (same with game creators)

    -lots of character interaction

    -lots of places where you need teamwork

    -rules are not too hard to figure out

    -people playing who have at least a room temp IQ


    Bad: :)

    -idiots, plain and simple

    -rules too hard to learn

    -ppl who cant go a single paragraph's worth of text without swearing or flaming.(you would be srprised how many ppl like this ive met, even in real life!)

    -ppl who never shut up




    -spam, and i dont mean the good kind that comes in a can

    -ppl who cant spell

    -game creators and mods are not involved in the game

    -not many ppl

    -not much stuff to do


    ok, thats what makes a good MMORPG, now, what makes a goog one? :)

  10. ok, my fingers feel better now :) so here are some of my ideas:

    (btw, they are in no partcular order, i just type them as i think of them.



    Each race has a spell(s) corrospoding to their strength and weaknesses.This explained later on.


    Elves: Call of the Wild)calls the nearsest animal to you to act as either a guardian (same as a summoned animal, but it doesnt lose health overtime), or be a pack-mule (amount of extra emu space depending on animal). this would need an extremely high magic/summoning lvl to use lvl to use

    -or- , Gaurdian Trees) if you are near trees, (there are some onscreen) they attack any hostile enemy with a stick if it tries to attack you. does very little damage, but it does occupy the enemy so it cant attack you.


    Humans: "Boost" spells) works like remote heal, but instead of healing, boosts the target with more will, might, coordination, etc. temporarily, of course. work exactly the same way as the potions.


    Dwarves: Cave Supports) temporarily lowers the chance of harmful random events while mining.


    Draegoni: Dragon breath) deals heavy damage to all enemies in combat, and has a small chance to poison the enemy (get it? dragon breath. har-har)


    Orchan: Rage) accuracy goes way down, but attack power greatly increases.


    Gnome: Peace of Mind) basically the same as a dissengagement ring, but the monster completely stops fighting temporarily.




    each race have their own strengths and weaknesses.


    Gnome: a gnome is supposed to be very peaceloving, so they lvl up slower than the other races in a/d, since they refrain from useing them. but, on the other hand, they are extremely good craftsmen and tailors, so they should lvl up faster in crafting, and in manufacturing armor that includes leather. Their race-specific spell works so that they dont need to fight.


    Human: basically, a human is a jack-of-all-trades. they have no real weaknesses, but no race specific strengths either. a human would be good for someone who is just getting used to the game, and want to know which skills to work on. their spell is used to give them a temporary boost in something, so they have strengths, but only temporarily.


    Elf: Elves are supposed to be really in tune with nature, and are good a magic, and anything that has to do with it. in this case, elves shuold lvl up faster in alchemy, magic, summoning, and potions than the other races, but lvl up slower in manufacturing and crafting, since they are not created by nature.their spell is basically asking nature to help them with stuff, like, protecting them, or gathering matirials for magic.


    Draegoni: Draegoni are supposed to be able to live in extremely harsh conditions, so they should be able to lvl up A/D very fast. and, since they are descended from dragons, which have magical properties, they should lvl up in magic quickly as well.their spell is absically something that was leftover from their dragon heritage, as well as something they could use to survive.


    Orchan: Orchans are a very tough creatures. their entire lifestyle revols around fighting most of the time. but, even though they are extremely honerable and trustorthy people, thy are not exactly the est when it comes to complicated lines, drawings, and incantations because of their large, clumsy hands. so that means that they would not be very good at magic, alchemy, or potions. but, they would be extremely good at a/d.it should be fairly obviouse why i thought of Rage as their r.s. spell.


    Dwarves: Dwarves live to make things, and not much else. they are born miners and manufacturers so, obviously, they should get exp bonuses in harvesting ores and minerals, and in manufacturing and crafting. but, the downside to this, is that Mother Nature gets pissed at them alot because they exploit the recouses that she was kind enough to give them for their own personal gain. that means, that they wouldnt be very good at alchemy, potions, summoning, and alchemy. their spell decreases either the amount of damage done, or the number of times a random event that hurts them occurs.




    again, im basing these armor ideas on each races strengths and weaknesses.


    Elf: bark armor) if you didnt already guess, it is armor amde of tree bark. this armor is extremely light, so elves natural speed is not hindered by the armor to much, and, since it is not made of metal, it doesnt dampen magical stuff.


    Human: i really cant think of anything special for humans to use. ill add something later.


    Dwarf: miner armor) basically a hard hat, and some padded armor with iron plates on it. its pretty much made for protecting the wearer from cave in, avalanches, earthqakes, and prety much every other movement of stone.


    Gnome: again, i cant think of anything special for gnomes.


    Orchan: Orchans should have some sort of extremely heavy armor, like, reenforced iron or steel armor. i really dont think i need to explain this one, do i?


    Dreagoni: ah, now this was a fun one to think of :) a dreagoni's case is special. since they come from the mountains, where it is extremely cold, they cant use traditional metals for their armor, for metal gets cold easily, and stays cold for a long time. for them, a special alloy suit of armor is needed, one that does not get cold easily, but is still heavy enough to block attacks. an additional layer of fur would also be a good idea, so it would not only protect the wearer, but keep him/her warm as well.


    ok, this is everything i could think of at the moment. whew, that was lots of typing :)

  11. interesting idea, but seems familiar... can you say RS lover?


    but, seriously, i agree that it really wouldnt be useful here. the only ppl who would use it re newbies who are following a friend to some spot that isnt marked by the map legend (like, caves, seceret spots, etc). the only oter use i could think of is, if you are trying to find som really obscure spot that isnt marked in any way.but even that, at the moment, wouldnt be enough to justify implementing it. the smaller maps just aren't big enough to be of any use.
